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A Familiar Spirit By Kuriakos

2007 Kuriakos All Rights Reserved

This book may not be reproduced in whole or part by electronic or other means without permission.

Printed in the USA ISBN: 978-1-4357-0380-3

Table of Contents

Introduction I. Finding Your Familiar Spirit II. Creating Your Familiar Spirit III. Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit IV. Caring For Your Familiar Spirit V. Summoning Your Familiar Spirit VI. Banishing Your Familiar Spirit VII. Book of Shadows

This text deals with astral and physical forces that can be dangerous if misused or used carelessly. It is important that the reader know his or her own physical, emotional, and psychological limits before undertaking the studies within this book. The exercises herein and techniques discussed are not to be used in lieu of the services of trained and qualified professionals such as physicians or psychologists. The reader is responsible, in every way, for his or her actions involved in using the rituals in this book and the author, publisher and the distributor of this text are not responsible for any undesirable outcomes from the use of this book.

List of Books by the Author

To buy more of the Authors books please go to Kuriakos.biz Available in print and download versions. Magickal Evocation Rituals Luciferian Magick Angel Magick The Necronomicon Ritual Book The Goetia Ritual Book Astrology Magick Numerology Magick Tarot Magick Rune Magick Voodoo Magick Egyptian Magick Greek and Roman Magick Aztec and Mayan Magick Reiki Magick And many more..

This book, A Familiar Spirit, shows you step by step how to quickly and easily find or create a familiar spirit in easy to follow exercises and rituals. For thousands of years people have had familiar spirits to guide them in their life with Magick, love, money, health, psychic abilities, protection and many other things as well. And for thousands of years many books have been written about the subject but have been complicated and difficult to use in materializing a familiar spirit. In simple steps that anyone can follow this book, A Familiar Spirit, will show you how to first find or create a familiar spirit. Then you will anchor your familiar spirit to your favorite object so it has a home. Next you will be shown how to easily care and feed for your familiar spirit. You will then be shown in easy steps how to train your spirit to do tasks for you such as bringing you more money, better health, increased psychic abilities, influencing peoples thoughts to get things you want quicker and many more things! Then you will be shown how to summon your familiar spirit so you can feel your spirits presence in your life as you go about your day. At last there is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results you get from you familiar spirit. After thousands of years and endless searching everything you will want or need on how to have a familiar spirit is here in this book, A Familiar Spirit

I. Finding Your Familiar Spirit

Summary of Finding Your Familiar Spirit 1. Do the meditation to find your familiar spirit 2. Write down the qualities of your familiar spirit 3. Write down the name of your familiar spirit 4. Create the symbol for your familiar spirit

1. Do the meditation to find your familiar spirit This meditation will allow you to find your familiar spirit. Sit down on the floor and take 3 deep breaths and focus on your breathing going in and out. Visualize tree branches extending from your legs deep into the earth. Now visualize purple light coming up through the tree branches all the way through your body and ending at your forehead. Now as you breathe visualize yourself breathing in pure white light and out dark energy which you are getting rid of out of your body. So your body is becoming more filled with the white light and its getting brighter and brighter. Next visualize yourself in this white light talking to a spirit guide and before your done with the conversation ask the spirit what his name is. Sometimes you will get the name right away and other times it will be a day or two. You also may see an animal figure such as an owl, wolf or lion appearing to you. Your familiar spirit is not an animal but instead a spirit with the qualities of that animal. So if you saw a lion then your spirit could have great strength and could be a great protector of who he watches over. Dont force this but instead let the picture and information just come naturally. One way you can tell a spirit is talking to you and not your own thoughts is that the thought will just appear into your head out of nowhere.

2. Write down the qualities of your familiar spirit Now take the animal figure you got or the picture of your familiar spirit and ask yourself what qualities your familiar spirit had. Was your familiar spirit a protector? A leader? A teacher? A spiritual guide? A strong and powerful spirit or more timid? Male or female? Write down all the qualities your familiar spirit had and a description of what he or she looks like.

3. Write down the name of your familiar spirit If you got a name for your familiar spirit then write it down. If not then move forward with the exercises until a name comes to you. It will definitely come to you as you start drawing the shape of your familiar spirit.

4. Create the symbol for your familiar spirit Using the basic shapes of a circle, square, triangle, straight line, and half circles draw the shape of your familiar spirit. For instance, the head could be a circle, the straight line could be the body, the square could be the chest, the half circles could each face outwards as the arms and the triangle could be the feet. Be creative and draw your familiar anyway that you feel drawn to do. As in all Magick, use your intuition to guide you as this will always be the correct answer for you and your life.


II. Creating Your Familiar Spirit

Summary of Creating Your Familiar Spirit 1. Decide on the name of your familiar spirit 2. Decide on the qualities of your familiar spirit 3. Create the symbol for your familiar spirit


1. Decide on the name of your familiar spirit If you are not able to get anything from the meditation then you will have to create your familiar spirit. Think about different names and what they mean to you to describe a person and decide on a name that is best for your familiar spirit.

2. Decide on the qualities of your familiar spirit Now think about all the qualities of your familiar spirit and write down his or her qualities. Does he or she protect you? Teach you spiritual knowledge? Bring you better health? Strength? Beauty? More money?

3. Create the symbol for your familiar spirit Using the basic shapes of a circle, square, triangle, straight line, and half circles draw the shape of your familiar spirit. For instance, the head could be a circle, the straight line could be the body, the square could be the chest, the half circles could each face outwards as the arms and the triangle could be the feet. Be creative and draw your familiar anyway that you feel drawn to do. As in all Magick, use your intuition to guide you as this will always be the correct answer for you and youre familiar.


III. Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit

Summary of Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit 1. Decide on a home for your familiar spirit 2. Decide on a symbol key for your familiar spirit 3. Draw the symbol on the home for your familiar spirit 4. Draw the symbol on the key for your familiar spirit 5. Do the Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit Ritual


1. Decide on a home for your familiar spirit Your familiar spirit will need a place to call home. This can be any object you chose. It can be jewelry of any kind or a statue or a bowl as well. Your familiar spirit will be anchored to the physical world better by this physical object. This will allow your familiar spirit to live in your home so you experience him or her in your daily life. This home should be set up so you can easily see it every day but also some place that will not get moved or touched by others in any way. 2. Decide on a symbol key for your familiar spirit A symbol key is something you can wear so that when you are away from youre your familiars home you will still be able to contact your familiar spirit. I recommend using a dog tag so you can wear it as a necklace wherever you go. 3. Draw the symbol on the home for your familiar spirit Draw your familiar spirits symbol on the home you decided upon. You can use a permanent marker to do this. On the other side of the home write the name of your familiar spirit.


4. Draw the symbol on the key for your familiar spirit You will need to draw or have the symbol of your familiar spirit on the key you decided upon. I recommend using a dog tag and then having the symbol you drew for your familiar spirit put on the dog tag. You can have this professionally done for about $20 by going to the website of www.TheAwristocrat.com and clicking on the dog tag picture and following the directions.

5. Do the Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit Ritual Now you will need to do the Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit Ritual to anchor your familiar spirit to his or her key and home. Write out a few sentences what your familiar will do for you. For example -your familiar spirit will teach you, protect you, bring money to you or sales in your business, give you strength and radiant beauty and help you with magic and end the statement with So mote it be. You also will need a drop of your blood to represent fire, your hair to represent earth, your semen or urine to represent water and your breath to represent air as all of these things will create your familiar spirits bond with you.


Anchoring Your Familiar Spirit Ritual Temple Set Up Light some candles and incense. Put your familiar spirits key and home on the small table where it will reside as his/her altar. Put your drop of blood, your hair, your semen or urine and your breath all inside your familiar spirits home. Opening Ritual 1. Take 3 deep breaths and calm your mind. Spirit Communication 1. Say: Your purpose is for (state all your purposes here) and I will feed you daily by lighting a candle for you. 2. Say: I name you (name) and this will be your name until I dissolve you at such time. 3. Say: (familiars name), I call you down from your astral place to enter into your new home and key on this altar on this physical plane. I also ask that you enter into my household and assist me in my daily life. Please return to this home of yours on this altar at anytime that you are not doing any tasks for me. Also, with this symbol key I will be able to summons you, (name), with ease and speed to wherever I am at any time. So mote it be.


Closing Ritual 1. Say: Thank you (name) and be ready to come again when I call. End.


IV. Caring For Your Familiar Spirit

Summary for Caring For Your Familiar Spirit 1. Do the Daily Blessing Ritual for Your Familiar Spirit 2. Talking to Your Familiar Spirit 3. Inviting Your Familiar to Join You in Daily Activities


1. Do the Daily Blessing Ritual for Your Familiar Spirit In order to build a bond with your familiar spirit you will need to start by offering a daily blessing. You can do this anytime of the day that works best for you but make sure you do this everyday. At the start you will be doing all the communication but soon your familiar spirit will start responding to your daily blessing by communicating words and feelings back to you. At this point you should have a very small table with an altar cloth on it, candle and incense and your familiar spirits shrine or home that you chose on top of the cloth. Light the candle and incense and wear a magical robe if you want and say the following three times: Bless the spirit (name) and keep him/her safe. Shine down thy face upon him/her, and be gracious unto him/her. Lift up thy countenance to him/her, and grant him/her peace. Amen

2. Talking to Your Familiar Spirit Its important that you talk to your familiar spirit daily. The best way to do this is to close your eyes and call upon your familiar spirit to come and be present with you. Share with him/her your thoughts, feelings and goals in life. Talk to him/her as if he/she was your best friend. Then clear your mind and allow for thoughts, emotions and ideas to come to you from your familiar spirit.


3. Inviting Your Familiar to Join You in Daily Activities You familiar spirit will want to do things with you to please you so invite your familiar spirit to join you in your daily activities such as eating, exercising and all the things you like to do in your day.


V. Summoning Your Familiar Spirit

Summary for Summoning Your Familiar Spirit 1. Do the Summoning Your Familiar Spirit Ritual 2. Training Your Familiar Spirit


1. Do the Summoning Your Familiar Spirit Ritual It is very easy to summons your familiar spirit. Simply hold the symbol key and stare at it and say three times: I summons you (name) to come and be present with me and answer my request of (request). And visualize your familiar spirit accomplishing this request for you.

2. Training Your Familiar Spirit Your familiar spirit will need to be trained to mold his/her personality. At the start ask for simple yes and no requests and see how he/she does. Every time your familiar is correct then reward him/her with some attention at the altar as this will affirm this action. Keep asking more and more questions about the next few days into the future as well as what people are feeling and keep affirming the correct answers with your familiar by lighting the candle to him/her at the altar. When your familiar is wrong let him/her know that you are not happy with the results and do not give him/her any time that day at the altar. Do the daily blessing only weekly now and then reward daily your familiar spirit with attention when he/she answers your questions correctly. After a while your familiar spirit should be able to get 1-2 lottery numbers correct each week. If youre familiar spirit is not able to do the job then ask him/her to go ask another spirit to teach him/her how to do the job. Continue to keep working with your familiar spirit and

be patient as this could take up to a year to fully train him or her.


VI. Banishing Your Familiar Spirit

Summary for Banishing Your Familiar Spirit 1. Do the Banishing Your Familiar Spirit Ritual


1. Do the Banishing Your Familiar Spirit Ritual The best way to banish your familiar spirit is to get all of his/her stuff and say three times: (name) I thank you for all your help and I now banish you and send you back to the astral plane that you came from. Please leave quickly and harm nobody in the process. Amen.


VII. Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Book of Shadows


Other books by Kuriakos

All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz


Magickal Evocation Rituals

All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz This book is a modern day Grimoire! This book, unlike most Medieval Magick books or Grimoires which are very hard to understand, take an hour or longer to complete the rituals, and often hide the real way to summon spirits to benefit your life, this book is simple to the point Magick with the most powerful Spirits from Ancient Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic and Nordic cultures plus a chapter on Angelic Magick. These rituals are also designed to conjure the spirits to visible appearance! This book will help you accomplish your goals of attaining money, health, psychic abilities, love and information and much more in as little as 10 minutes per day. All you need is a candle, incense and a rope circle to get started. Unlike spells that rely upon a belief system, these simple evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as you are summoning these Ancient Spirits to do your bidding!


The Necronomicon Ritual Book

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Beware of the forbidden path unless one dare walk beyond the Gatesby Kuriakos
This Necronomicon Ritual Book is the most powerful simple to the point Magick you will ever do! This book takes the Necronomicon and cuts it down to the bone with step by step simple evocation rituals to summon The Elders (good) and the Ancient Gods (evil) as well as a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. The spirits in this book are NOT in the Necronomicon Spellbook by Simon. These are the most powerful spirits of good and evil from the original Necronomicon. You have been warned so please proceed with caution


The Goetia Ritual Book

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After thousands of years and endless difficult Grimoire Magick books on the subject, this book, The Goetia Ritual Book, finally reveals the true secrets of the Goetia! This Goetia Ritual book is the most powerful and yet simple Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope and incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Goetia Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these 72 Spirits of Solomon to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a list of all the Goetia spirits with an easy to understand description for each spirit so you can easily summon them for money, health, love, psychic abilities and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Goetia spirits will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these spirits so please do

not be alarmed as this is a sign that your request is being answered! However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings, ideas and thoughts and follow all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Goetia spirits. Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these Goetia spirits are doing your bidding for you!


Angel Magick
All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

This Angel Magick book is the most powerful and yet simple Angel Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope and incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Angel Magick Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these Angels to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a list of specifically chosen Angels for your every request of money, health, love and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Angels will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these Angels so please do not be alarmed as these are good spirits. However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings, ideas and thoughts and follow

all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Angels! Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these Angels are doing your bidding for you! After thousands of years and endless hidden Grimoire magick books the secrets are finally revealedKuriakos


Astrology Magick
All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

The Astrology Magick in this book is the most powerful Magick you can do and the simplest way to do it possible! First decide on what your request is and then find it in the list of symbol meanings. Trace over each symbol and say the name of the spirit for that symbol. Then chant all the spirits names together as you visualize your goal being accomplished. Its that simple! Based on my experience, these spirits many times show up so you may see or feel or hear them but dont be alarmed as they are all good spirits designed to assist you in your request. Within the next day or two you will get your request answered so pay attention to hunches and signs in your life and follow ideas that you get. No belief system is required as you are calling upon these incredibly powerful spirits to do your bidding!


Aztec and Mayan Magick

All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

This Aztec and Mayan Magick book is the most powerful and yet simple Aztec and Mayan Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope, incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Aztec and Mayan Magick Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these Aztec and Mayan spirits to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a complete list of all the Aztec and Mayan spirits specifically chosen for your every request of money, health, love, information and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Aztec and Mayan spirits will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these spirits so please do not be alarmed as you do your ritual. However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings, ideas and thoughts and follow all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Aztec and Mayan spirits! Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these spirits are doing your bidding for you!


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All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

This Egyptian Magick book is the most powerful and yet simple Egyptian Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope, incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Egyptian Magick Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these Egyptian spirits to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a complete list of all the Egyptian spirits specifically chosen for your every request of money, health, love, information and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Egyptian spirits will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these spirits so please do not be alarmed as you do your ritual. However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings, ideas and thoughts and follow all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Egyptian spirits! Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these spirits are doing your bidding for you!


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All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

The Rune Magick in this book is the most powerful Magick you can do and the simplest way to do it possible! Every Rune symbol is on its own page with the meaning and spirits name as well. This allows you to use the Rune system as High Magick and have the spirits do your bidding for your request of money, health, love and many other things. This Rune Magick requires no belief system like spells do as these spirits are doing the bidding for you! First, decide on what your request is and then find it in the list of rune meanings. Trace over each rune symbol and say the name of the spirit for that rune. Then chant all the spirits names together as you visualize your goal being accomplished. Its that simple! There is even a Book of Shadows at the end of the book where you can record your rituals as well as results. Based on my experience, these spirits many times show up so you may see , feel or hear them but dont be alarmed as they are all good spirits designed to assist you in your request.

Within the next day or two you will get your request answered so pay attention to hunches and signs in your life and follow ideas that come to you in your mind.


Tarot Magick
All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

The Tarot Magick in this book is the most powerful Magick you can do and the simplest way to do it possible! Every Tarot card is on its own page with the meaning and spirits name as well. This allows you to use the Tarot system as High Magick and have the spirits do your bidding for your request of money, health, love and many other things. This Tarot Magick requires no belief system like spells do as these spirits are doing the bidding for you! First, decide on what your request is and then find it in the list of Tarot meanings. Stare at each Tarot card and say the name of the spirit for that card. Then chant all the spirits names together as you visualize your goal being accomplished. Its that simple! There is even a Book of Shadows at the end of the book where you can record your rituals as well as results. Based on my experience, these spirits many times show up so you may see , feel or hear them but dont be alarmed as they are all good spirits designed to assist you in your request. Within the

next day or two you will get your request answered so pay attention to hunches and signs in your life and follow ideas that come to you in your mind.


The Schemhamephorash Angels

All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

After thousands of years and endless hard to understand Grimoire Magick books on the subject, this book, The Schemhamephorash Angels, finally reveals the true secrets of the Schemhamephorash! This Schemhamephorash Angels book is the most powerful and yet simple Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope and incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Schemhamephorash Angel Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these 72 Angels of the Schemhamephorash to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a list of all the Schemhamephorash Angels with an easy to understand description for each Angel so you can easily summon them for money, health, love, psychic abilities and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Schemhamephorash Angels will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these spirits so please do not be alarmed as this is a sign that your request is being answered! However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings

and thoughts and follow all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Schemhamephorash Angels. Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these Schemhamephorash Angels are doing your bidding for you!


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All books can be purchased at Kuriakos.biz

This Voodoo Magick book is the most powerful and yet simple Voodoo Magick you will ever do! You only need a candle, bell, rope, incense and 10 minutes to do each ritual. In chapter 1, The Voodoo Magick Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to easily summon these Voodoo spirits to visible appearance! And in chapter 2 there is a list of specifically chosen Voodoo spirits for your every request of money, health, love and many more things as well. Chapter 3 is a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and results. From my personal experience many of these Voodoo spirits will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel, hear or sense these spirits so please do not be alarmed as you do your ritual. However, for your protection, please always stay inside the circle until the ritual is completed. After the ritual pay attention in the next few days to feelings, ideas and thoughts and follow all of these ideas etc. as these are the answers to your request from the Voodoo spirits! Unlike spells which require a belief system, these evocation rituals dont require you to believe in them at all as these spirits are doing your bidding for you!



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