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THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX 65088 BSc/MMath EXAMINATIONS 2011 MATHEMATICS: LINEAR ALGEBRA Saturday, 25th June 2011 2.00pm-3.30pm ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS. Time allowed: ONE and a HALF hours. Each question carries TWENTY marks, The numbers beside the questions indi- cate the approximate marks that can be gained from the corresponding parts of the questions. 1, Obtain a Gaussian array from the following set of equations and transform it to reduced row-echelon form to obtain a solution. Show the steps. 2x + By + 32 5 x- y- k= -4 Be toyz 0 [20] 2. (a) Define the inner product and norm for vectors in R”. 21 (b) State and prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for vectors in R". (10) (c) Use the result in (b) to show that the norm satisfies the triangle inequality: lu + olf < Hull + [lel (8) ‘Turn over/ GS5088_ MATHEMATICS: LINEAR ALGEBRA 3. (@) Write down the definition of the determinant function for an arbitrary x m matrix A using permutations, (5) (b) Find adjA, det A and hence A! 1-1 (@ when A [ aod I 3-41 Gi) and when A. 1 a 3 : (15) 4, IfT : V > Wisa linear mapping, show that (a) ker(7) is a subspace of V; [5] (b) im(7) is a subspace of W. (5) (©) For the linear transformation T given below find the dimensions of the kernel and the image, respectively. T : R’ + R given by T(x,y,z) = (x + 2y-Z,y + 2.x + y — 22). 10} 5. Consider the quadratic form Q0x) = 4a} + 4x9 + 4a + Daya + Qayry + Dany, (a) Reduce Q to diagonal form by the method of completing the squares. (51 (b) Write out the corresponding symmetric matrix A. (51 (©) Find the eigenvalues of A. (51 (@ Find an orthogonal matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that P‘AP = D. (51 @@hion A. —_Lideat argemea os) Sou Spat cy Bhat ee QS SB) S dy = -3| 4 Jost 3) oy ak Bh AS lg =| 3 _ - a 1 =\| 0 3 \ }o eB mapa 3 | ny 8 | —}-=}--3f 4 —_t-i =3f-4 a os 4) 12 6 4 a yo | als 64 2 ao _o.| 3 0 5 4) Oo. -\} -2 oOo t(}] 9. = 7 7 7 Ceam-ehilen _ L=}—of Q to —— _ S = = ot \—. O10 }-\__(Pedwcad termecialon} ee tla en eo yfQq _ - Scuba ye, nepeab page OD Xe Oyen) 42 Quer) are Za, Wee Pex i) Cauchy, Seduoare Pea ls lod gh Roa ogheanylhe tat 4 AF Gag) aig Qualvehic; 30 > Ke AQ —awtiyh “Te a rare oth sie att . —— = o1 lle is din bet ofact _Cayadeker 20° 10 ee Gay) = (3! “se —%s ae erates (oe dintertinn — Russe - : ———____— (Re etna ass) 9 4 orang) — a — aor kas) ab tS — anaes Uthat) = AHR aD" a5 Garp) 4 ae xd Ag ES Crear cs , / peak - lan ty Pose mee aA © deb (A-ae)_= fn an 4 \ = a : Cas) Web) -0 _ \ 4h _ ~ 2536. G) De. rend that % . Sere) bab Ege wach ———dt 5 a nate Shae, Dy Liebe} — —= —eeetig te orga 5 20e ), ae ce Gut) a oe — ~ bes as eons — acter. vechers gone —

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