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CPHQ Resource List

Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) examination questions are written from a wide variety of publications and resources in the field.

Some suggested preparation for the examination might include, but should not be limited to, the following resources:

Q-Solutions: Essential Resources for the Healthcare Quality Professional, 2nd edition, Luc R. Pelletier and Christy L. Beaudin, editors. (2008). The CPHQ Self Assessment Exam. This self assessment can help identify areas of strength and improvement for the CPHQ examination. CPHQ Review Course CD-ROM. This preparation product contains five sections that follow the exam matrix, including practice questions. (2009). The Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource and Study Guide, Janet Brown. Facilitation at a Glance: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation, 2nd edition, Ingrid Bens. (2008). Measuring Quality Improvement in Healthcare: A Guide to Statistical Process Control Applications, Raymond G. Carey. (2001). Preventing Medication Errors, Institute of Medicine. (2007). The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook, Peter Pande, Robert Neuman, & Roland Cavanagh. (2002). Understanding Patient Safety, Robert Wachte. (2008). Improving Healthcare Using Toyota Lean Production Methods. Robert Chalice. (2007). The Quality Toolbox, Nancy Tague. (2005).

Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, Michael George, David Rowlans, Mark Price, & John Maxey. (2005). The Memory Jogger 2, 2nd edition. Michael Brassard, (2010). A Dash Through the Data! Using Data for Improvement, an educational DVD on the basics of using data for QI, Sandra K. Murray. (2009). Quality Chasm Series: Patient SafetyAchieving a New Standard for Care, Institute of Medicine. (2004). The Team Handbook, 3rd edition, Peter Scholtes, Brian Joiner, & Barbara Streibel. (2004). The Lean Enterprises Memory Jogger, Richard L. Macinnes. (2003).

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