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Department of Computer Science and Engineering Academic Year: 2012-2013 (ODD Semester) TUTORIAL PLAN Class : V Semester B.E. Computer Science and engineering A Name of Subject : Formal Languages and Automated Theory Name of Faculty member : P.Krishnamoorthy Tutorial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date Topic(s) to be covered Unit I 06/07/12 10/07/12 12/07/12 20/07/12 24/07/12 03/08/12 10/08/12 17/08/12 22/08/12 25/08/12 31/08/12 07/09/12 15/09/12 21/09/12 28/09/12 Mathematical preliminaries. Finite Automata with Epsilon transitions Equivalence of DFA and NFA Unit II Finite Automata and Regular Expressions Finite Automata and Regular Expressions Regular Grammars Unit III Pumping lemma for regular languages Equivalence and Minimization of Finite Automata Minimization of Finite Automata Unit IV Context Free languages Ambiguity in Grammars and languages Pushdown automata (PDA) Unit V CNF Context Free Grammars GNF Context Free Grammars Pumping lemma for CFLs

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