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Palestinians Nomination for Guinness Book of Records: Israel Demolishes Arab Vil lage 38 Times Jun 20 2012 Palestinian

villagers have addressed the Guinness Book of World Records to regis ter a ruinous "record". A Bedouin village in "Israel" has been demolished 38 tim es by Israeli authorities, who say people in the village do not have building pe rmits. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Palestinian villagers have addressed the Guinness Boo k of World Records to register a ruinous "record". A Bedouin village in "Israel" has been demolished 38 times by Israeli authorities, who say people in the vill age do not have building permits. Al-Araqeeb village with population of 500 residents in the Negev declared that s ome 40 homes have been destroyed over three dozen times by "Israel" Land Adminis tration. Residents of the al-Turi Arab Bedouin tribe said they are being pushed off their own land. "We have ownership documents that go back to the Ottoman era," the head of the C ommittee for the Defense of al-Araqeeb, Awad Abu Farih, stated to Anatolian news agency. The residents believe that the village's centuries-old cemetery could serve as s trong evidence of their historic rights. Despite the unceasing governmental acts of destruction, the villagers remain fir m and full of self-righteous belief, continuing to resist "Israeli" authorities. "Every time they demolish our houses, we rebuild them and we will keep doing tha t even if the demolitions reach 99. We will never leave our land," Abu Farih sai d. "Our village has become a living example of the flagrant violations committed by the Israeli authorities against its Arab population," Awad Abu Farih stated. Since they cannot expect assistance from anywhere else, the villagers are consid ering an official address to the Guinness Book of World Records to draw internat ional attention to their case.

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