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5. Do you know what the main environmental problems related transportation of energy are? ( transport by road, by cable, etc ...) to the As already mentioned, the transportation of energy sources occurs via trucks, trains, ships, pipelines. Later, the electricity produced is transported by cables. The main problem, which arises from transporting by truck or train is the possibility of accidents, and consequently the spilling of the subtances, which is especially dangerous in the case of nuclear energy. Nevertheless, there are very strict regulations for the transportation of these substances, regulations that try to minimize the risk of accidents and the potential consequences. Transportation by ships (oil tankers) includes the risk of spills at sea, in this case the breakage of deposits would cause oil spills. The pipelines are also associated with the risk of leaks or even ruptures, especially dangerous when they occur in the ocean, due to the difficulty of accesing them and repairing them. Finally the transport of electricity through cables produces a negative visual impact on the landscape and a negative impact on wildlife, because cables are very dangerous for birds. Furthermore, high voltage cables generate an electromagnetic field which is dangerous to our health.

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