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Zandbergen 3-10-2009

Formula sheet 1101 cd

Momentum of a body: p = M V Newtons second law: F= dP d ( MV ) constant mass dV = M = M a dt dt dt

Newtons 3rd law Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force F on the first body. F and F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction (Action equals reaction) Magnitude of gravity force on body with mass M1 attracted by body with mass M2 at distance r from the attraction centre Fg = G M1 M 2 r2

Torque (magnitude) The magnitude of torque depends on the force F applied, the length l of the lever arm connecting the axis to the point of force application; and the angle between the two: = r F sin( ) Length (S) of circular arc as a function of radius R and angle travelled.
s = R

Drag force D on spacecraft related to form factor CD, mass density of the atmosphere, velocity V and spacecraft cross-sectional area S perpendicular to the flow direction: D = CD 1 V2 S 2

Spacecraft body volume: MS/C S/C = VS/C

B.T.C. Zandbergen 3-10-2009 Specific impulse: I sp = Ve g0

Weight: W = M g0 Rocket equation: M V = Ve ln o M e Spacecraft mass: M o = M e + Mp Equations of motion (Velocity change V and distance travelled S in time t for constant acceleration a) V = a t S = 0.5 a t 2 + Vo t Sine rule a b c = = sin sin sin Cosine rule c 2 = a 2 + b2 2ab cos = Isp go ln( )

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