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Harrison Chen Period 5 10/6/10 Bill: Lower taxes on small businesses (businesses that profits do not exceed 1 million

dollars per year) by 3.75% I vote that we should lower the taxes on smaller businesses because small businesses do not make as much profit as do big businesses. A business that has a profit that does not exceed one million dollars is considered to be a small business. The small businesses do not make a huge profit and therefore needs a cut in tax to even out the plains with the big businesses. Lowering taxes on small business wont only benefit the owners, but it will create more job opportunities for the people. In my district, District 8 of California, we have a 3.9% unemployment rate. That may seem like a small number, but those 3.9% of the populations is a lot of people. Lowering the taxes of the small business can provide job opportunities for the unemployed. A lower tax on small business also allows the business to focus on expanding and improving their businesses rather then just meeting the minimum requirements to run the business. Lowering tax of small business is a benefit and will make it fair when facing big businesses that they had the same tax before.

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