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to from Ann is going to Hawaii for vacation. We walked from the hotel to the station.

A lot of English words come from Latin. into (in) out of I opened the door and walked into the room. We jumped off the bridge into the water. A man came out of the house and got into a car. Why are you looking out of the window? We usually say put something in ... (not into): I put the money in my pocket. Compare put... in and take ... out of: I put the new batteries in the radio. I took the old batteries out of the radio. on off Don't put your feet on the table. Please take your feet off the table. I'm going to hang some pictures on the wall. Be careful! Don't fall off your bicycle. inside or in outside She was sitting inside/in the cafe. There is a telephone box outside the bank. Note that we use in with cars, but on with public transport e.g. buses, trains. I usually go to work in my car. Did you come to school on the bus? We say get in(to)/out of a car, but get on(to)/off a bus, train, etc. She got into her car and started the engine. Two policemen got on the train at Oxford. Ex. 2. Complete each sentence using the most suitable preposition in the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. to from in into out of on onto off inside outside

1. Ken fell.......... the ladder when he was changing the light bulb. 2. Andrew normally goes to school .. the bus. 3. When I was ... my hotel room, I started to take my clothes suitcase. 4. There's a bus stop right .... our house. 5. Sally came ... the house, go.. her motorbike and rode away. 6. My car broke down this morning so I went to work. a taxi. 7. The cat jumped . the roof of the car and looked down at the dog. 8. Annie jumped ...the diving board ... the swimming pool. 9. Robert came ........................ the telephone box and got... his car. 10. There was an envelope lying .... the floor. 11. Are you going ... the party on Saturday night? 12.1 got a letter ... my sister yesterday.

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