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Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Minutes for Meeting of January 11, 2010

In attendance, Lora Turnage, retiring President, Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, Edd Liniger, Neighborhood Watch , Judy Herndon, Clubhouse, John Wittmer, Pool. Mary Myers, resident, was also in attendance. Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, passed out current balance sheet, dated January 8, 2010, as well as an accounts receivable report, dated same. She reports there are 23 invoices which remain unpaid. Outgoing Secretary, Brandon & Beka Gilmore provided copies of minutes for annual meeting, December 8, 2009 for distribution. Judy Herndon, Clubhouse Coordinator, turned in two rental checks for the clubhouse and reported no new rentals are scheduled for the remainder of January. No new architectural issues were presented.

Old Business Mary Myers, resident at 2341 West Westview reports the drainage problem from the Chesterfield Village Clubhouse parking lot was resolved by Bill Mace, builder. Mr. Mace excavated around the property which directs the drainage to the proper termination point. The problem has now been corrected for a period exceeding one year, and even in the excessive rainy season of 2009 there has been no problem with the drainage issue. Appreciation is extended to Mr. Mace for correcting this problem with no charge to the Homeowners Association. New Business The HOA board members present discussed trying to get folks in our community interested in becoming board members. Edd Liniger reported that he has obtained a committment from Scott Johns to take the position vacated by Tyler Smith as Architectural Committee person. Several names were mentioned as possibilities for board positions.

Currently we need a president, secretary, and pool coordinator. We are looking to our neighbors to fill these volunteer positions so that it will not be necessary to hire out the positions that are vital. The board recognizes that many residents in Chesterfield Village have held positions on the board in the past and we appreciate all the efforts they have given to our community to make it a beautiful and pleasant place to live. It may be time to step back up to the plate for a second time at bat. Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer

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