2 February 2010

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2010 Meeting In attendance: Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, Edd Liniger, Neighborhood Watch, Judy Herndon, Clubhouse, Scott Johns, Richard Petitt, and Beverly Petitt. Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, passed out the minutes from the January 11, 2010 meeting along with current balance sheet date February 1, 2010. Judy Herndon approved and Scott Johns seconded. Beverly Petitt and Scott Johns were in attendence. Beverly stated she would take over the Secretary position and Scott stated he would take over the Architectural position. After discussion, all present approved. At this time the Association is still looking for a President, Vice-President, and Pool Coordinator. Judy Herndon, Clubhouse Coordinator, asked about the rental cost for the clubhouse for half a day. Someone was interested in renting the clubhouse for Saturday afternoons. After dicussion the Saturday rental would need to be in the morning. The usual rental cost is $40.00 a day, but for half a day the cost would be $20.00. The snow removal was $500.00 and will be paid to Richard Jackon Towing Service. Scott Johns was aware of a person to do snow removal, so he was going to call him to check out the cost. Cheryl Liniger stated there are still several residents who have not paid their association dues yet. After discussion, it was approved that in the next Spring Chestereld Village Association Letter, which wil be distributed around the middle of March, NAMES AND ADDRESSES of residents who have not paid their dues will be listed. The Spring Garage Sale for the Village was discussed. The date was set for April 24th. Beverly Petitt and LaDonna Parker are interested in having a Village Association GET TO GATHER. After discussion the date was set for June 12th. Information will follow. Respetfully submitted by Beverly Petitt, Secretary

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