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1 S w 5 I m 2 k N @ 0 P a 1 E n 5 e o 4 1 t 1 5 r 0 2 o p 0 0

Rebuilt Rescue Center

Introduction Because of the damages in the last month (landslides, thunderstorms and inundations), we need urgently material for the reconstruction of animal houses and enclosures to guarantee the security of our animals and staff. What We Need All type of material, fences, cement, wood, metal etc....also it must be transported to the center - about 400km from the capital. The Impact The animals in the center a freed, if its possible, after a necessary treatment ore precedure. If there are exotic species, we must create a secure and "naturla" habitat that impides the contact con the environment and its damage. The abandoned pets are living in a free zone, integrated within the natural environment, but protected against attacks from outside and protecting the jungle zone. - Pets, especially dogs and cats, are a high risk for free living animals, because they are hunting and mostly there are no natural predators.

Other Ways You Can Help We understand that not everyone can donate, but there are many other ways to help us: Use your social networks and contacts to announce the campain. Speak with your friends and familiars about it. Organize an event for funding within your community or with your coworkers. If you nedd more information or have some great idea - contact us directly. Go to campaign: Rebuilt Rescue Center

Now also on facebook and twitter follow us! Donations: Pay Pal or or BCR Golfito Costa Rica 15201541000212104 Swift Code: BCRICRSJ Thanks, your help helps us to help!

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