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Project Proposal
The following project proposal includes: Title of the Project Introduction and objectives of the Project Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Java/Internet (Web designing etc.)/AI/Multimedia etc. Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software requirement Specifications A complete structure of the Program: o Analysis (DFDs, ER Diagrams etc.) o Number of modules and their description o Data Structures (Tables etc.) for all the modules o Process Logic of each module(Input of the Project) o Types of report generation(Output of the Project) Security Scope of future application TITLE OF THE PROJECT Automation of working of a Departmental Store. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The project is developed to automate the working of a Departmental Store having wide range of products from toiletries to decorative pieces etc. All the products are to be distributed to the respective outlets (in the Departmental Store) depending on the inventory and the requirement raised from the particular department. The warehouse department keeps record of goods in stock.The gatekeeper does the gate entry of the vehicles carrying the products.Sale of any product will directly debit the quantity of goods from the amount of stock with the front shop inventory, along with the details of the counter selling it and the details of the goods being sold, the time of sale etc. The system will ask for authorization and only then anything will be sold or

exchanged. If a customer is paying by credit card then the details of the credit card are taken down. Generation of bill is done the very moment a customer pays. The Departmental Store requires the automation of the complete system, which includes:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Product Section Customer Section Supplier Section Warehouse Section Account Section (Only Form Design)

1.Product Section 1. Product Details 2. Requirement of the Product 2.Customer Section 1. Customer Details 2. Customer Order 3. Bill 3.Supplier Section 1. Supplier Details 2. Damaged Goods 3. Purchased Goods 4.Warehouse Section 1. 2. 3. 4. Gate Entry Details of the products in warehouse Requirement of the products in warehouse Gate Pass

5.Account Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Group Creation Ledger Creation Journal Voucher Details Debit/Credit Note

PROJECT CATEGORY The project category is RDBMS. The project will be made using Visual Basic 6.0 as the front end and Oracle8i as the back end. TOOL/PLATFORM, HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS
This software is a database application. The tools used for developing the projects are as follows:
Visual Basic 6.0 (Visual Basic) Oracle 8.0

Reasons for using these tools: Visual Basic:

Microsoft Visual Basic is the quickest and easiest way to create applications for Microsoft Windows Operating System. The VB programming system allows us to create attractive and useful applications. VB has a powerful help support for the programmers. The help files contain complete information and assistance for a topic. Thus programmers find it easy for the projects, on which they are working and can also refer to the examples given with the help. VB makes us more productive by providing appropriate tools for the different aspects of GUI development. The objects like text box, list box, picture box, labels can easily be drawn thus helps in easy interface designing. And after designing the interface we make this interface interact with the user by writing code that responds to events that occur in the interface.

ORACLE 8.0 Oracle 8.0 is a Relational database Management System product. It offers capabilities of both relational and object oriented database system. In general objects can be defined as reusable software codes which are location independent and perform a specific task on any application environment with little or no change to the codes. SQL is used to access the data within the Oracle. It contains a set of commands, which make it very easy to maintain the database. It has for sub parts DDL, DML, DCL, and TCL. DDL includes the commands, which allows us to create objects and to manipulate the structure of the objects. DML includes the commands to manipulate the information stored in a database. DCL includes the commands for controlling the data access and TCL includes the commands for controlling the transactions like commit and rollback. The database server or backend is used to manage the database tables optimally among multiple clients who concurrently request the server for the same data. It also enforces Data Integrity across all client application and controls database access and other security requirements.

Tool/Platform: Hardware Requirements: Software Requirements:

Windows 98/2000/xp/vista 16 MB RAM, 486 or Pentium 1, 500 MB Hard Disk Oracle, VB

A COMPLETE STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM There are five modules. These are: 1.Product Section Module 2.Customer Section Module 3.Supplier Section Module 4.Warehouse Section Module 5.Account Section Module (Only Form Design) The project opens with the main MDI form. All the sections form the part of the menu bar, which is further divided into sub-menus. The Product Section It consists of two forms: 1. Product Details 2. Requirement of the Product Product Details The Product ID will be auto generated. The user will enter all the product details such as Product Name, Unit of Measurement, Quantity on Hand, Reorder Level Quantity, Rate, Supplier ID. On entering the Supplier ID, the Supplier Name will automatically appear. All the product details will be added and stored in a table (database). The user can modify the details by clicking on the Modify Button. The user can also delete the details of a particular product by clicking the Delete Button. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database or modify existing records. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Requirement of the Product When the products will fall short, the requirement form will be generated. This form will enable the user to enter all the requirement details of a product. When the details will be entered, it will then automatically pass to the Warehouse. The Requirement ID will be auto-generated. The user will have to enter the Requirement Date. On entering the Product ID- the Product Name, Quantity on Hand, Reorder Level Quantity, Supplier ID and the Supplier Name will be automatically entered. The user will have

to enter the Quantity Required. . All the requirement details will be added and stored in a table (database). The Next Button will be used to enter multiple product requirements for one particular Requirement ID. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. The Customer Section It consists of three forms: 1. Customer Details 2. Customer Order 3. Bill/Cash Memo Customer Details It is necessary for the company to maintain complete details of the customer. The Customer ID will be auto generated, while the user will have to enter all the other details like Customer Name, Customer Address, City, State, Pin Code, Contact No 1, Contact No 2, Due Limit, Due Amount. The Due Limit and Due Amount will be automatically updated whenever a Customer will buy or pay the amount. The user can modify the customer details by clicking on the Modify Button. The user can also delete the details of a particular customer by clicking the Delete Button. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database or modify existing records. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Customer Order When a Customer wants an item, which is not currently in stock then the operator, will generate this form. Order No will be automatically generated and Order Date will be the current date but it can be modified. The operator will enter supply date. The user will enter the Customer ID. The Customer Name will be generated according to the Customer ID. The user will enter The Product ID. The Product Name, Unit, Rate will automatically appear. The user will enter Quantity. The Sub Total will be generated accordingly. The Next Button will enable the user to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form.

Bill/Cash Memo When a Customer will purchase any goods from the store then the Bill will be raised. The Bill will have two types of payment modes. The Bill No. will be auto-generated. The user will enter the Customer ID and accordingly the Customer Name will appear. Then the user will enter the product details. The Sub Total and the Total will be generated accordingly. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. On entering the Less amount, the Final will be generated. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. The Supplier Section It consists of three forms: 1. Supplier Details 2. Damaged Goods 3. Purchased Goods Supplier Details It is necessary for the company to maintain complete details of its Suppliers. The Supplier ID will be auto generated, while the user will have to enter all the other details like Supplier Name, Address, City, State, Pin Code, Contact No1, Contact No 2, Pending Amount. The user can modify the customer details by clicking on the Modify Button. The user can also delete the details of a particular customer by clicking the Delete Button. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database or modify existing records. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Damaged Goods Form When goods are old dated or damaged then they will have to be returned to the Supplier. The user will enter Damaged Goods Voucher No., Damaged Goods Voucher Date. The he will enter the details of the damaged product. On entering the Product ID, its Name, Supplier Id, Supplier Name , Unit and Rate will automatically appear. The user will have to enter the Quantity, Mfd. Date and Remarks. The Sub Total will

automatically appear on entering the Quantity. Similarly the Total will be generated. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Purchased Goods When the Supplier will send goods to the warehouse then the Purchased Goods Form will be raised. The Purchase No. will be auto-generated. The user will have to enter Purchase Date, Supplier ID. The Supplier Name will automatically appear on entering the Supplier ID. The user will enter all the details of the purchased products. The Product Name, Unit, Rate will automatically appear on entering the Product ID. The Sub Total and Total will be automatically generated on entering the Quantity. The Final amount will automatically appear on entering the Less Amount. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. The Warehouse Section It consists of four forms: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gate Entry Details of the products in warehouse Requirement of the products in warehouse Gate Pass

Gate Entry When the products will arrive at the warehouse stores gate, Gate Entry will be done. This form will enable the gatekeeper to enter the details regarding goods like Gate Entry No.(auto generated), Gate Entry Date (auto generated), Gate Entry Time, Bill No., Supplier ID, Vehicle No., Driver Name. The Supplier Name will automatically appear on entering the Supplier ID. The gatekeeper will also have to enter the product details like Product ID, Quantity as per Bill, Actual Quantity, Remarks. The Product Name and Unit will automatically appear on entering the Product ID. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The

Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Product of Warehouse Details It is necessary for the company to maintain the details of products in warehouse. The user will have to enter the Rack No., Product ID, Rate, Quantity on Hand, Reorder Level Quantity. The Product Name, Unit, Supplier Id, Supplier Name will automatically appear on entering the product ID. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form. Requirement of the product of warehouse When the products will fall short, the requirement form will be generated. The user will have to enter all the requirement details of the product. The Requirement ID will be auto-generated. The user will enter Requirement Date, Product ID, Rack No., Quantity on Hand, Reorder Level Quantity and the Quantity Required. The Product Name, Supplier ID, Supplier Name will automatically appear on entering the Product ID. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form.

Gate Pass When the material will be dispatched, it will be received at the gate along with a copy of MRS. The operator will have to prepare a Gate Pass before dispatching goods. The Gate Pass No. and Gate Pass Date will be auto generated. The user will have to enter the MRS No., Vehicle No., Driver Name. The Product Name, Unit will automatically appear on entering the Product ID. The user will have to enter the Quantity and Remarks. The Next Button will be used to enter details of multiple products. The Save Button will be used to add new records in the database. The Refresh Button will be used to clear all fields in the form. The Exit Button will take the user to the main MDI Form.





Product in Store

Payme nt

Supplied as per demand

Sold Goods

Purchased Goods

Damaged Goods

Updat e Store d Returne d Returne d



Sends Good s


Updat e

Sends Bill


0 Level DFD Select Product


Buys Product

Departmental Store

Bill Products
Supplies Goods Payment of Purchased goods



Level 1 DFD Product Details Customer Details Details


Buys Product Product in Store

Select Product

Places order
Orde r

Requirement Bill Bill Database Order Details

Updat e Account

Requirement of Product

Customer Order Account Database Pay


Supply Goods

Products Warehouse

Details Supplier Details Damaged Goods Product Details (WH)

Return Damaged Goods

Paymen t

Purchase Goods

Requirement Of Product


Details Damaged Goods

Purchased Goods


Level 2 DFD Product Details Customer Details Details


Buys Product Product in Store

Select Product

Places order
Orde r

Requirement Bill Bill Database Order Details

Updat e Account

Requirement of Product

Customer Order Account Database


Supplier Details Pay

Gate Entry Details

Supply Goods Gate Entry


Paymen t

Product Details (WH)

Purchase Goods

Gate Pass


Return Damaged Goods

Requirement Of



Details Details Purchased Gate Pass Damaged Goods Details Goods


DATABASE OF THE PROJECT Product Section Product Details Table FIELD NAME prod_id prod_name prod_unit qty_on_hand qty_reorder rate supp_id DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Varchar2(20) Varchar2(10) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) DESCRIPTION Product ID Product Name Unit of Measurement Quantity on Hand Reorder Level Quantity Rate Supplier ID DESCRIPTION Product ID Quantity on Hand Reorder Level Quantity Supplier ID Quantity Required Requirement ID Requirement Date

Requirement of the Product Table FIELD NAME DATA TYPE prod_id Varchar2(8) qty_on_hand Number(10,2) qty_reorder Number(10,2) supp_id qty_req req_id req_date Customer Section Customer Details Table FIELD NAME cus_id cus_name cus_add cus_city cus_state cus_pin cus_cont1 cus_cont2 cus_due_limit cus_due_amount DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Varchar2(25) Varchar2(30) Varchar2(25) Varchar2(25) Number(6) Number(15) Number(15) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) Date

DESCRIPTION Customer ID Customer Name Customer Address City State Pin Code Contact No.1 Contact No.2 Due Limit Due Amount


Customer Order Details Table1 FIELD NAME ord_no ord_date supp_date cus_id total_amount Table2 FIELD NAME ord_no ord_date prod_id prod_qty Bill/Cash Memo Table1 FIELD NAME bill_no bill_date cus_id payment_mode less total_amount Table2 FIELD NAME bill_no bill_date prod_id prod_qty Supplier Section Supplier Details Table FIELD NAME supp_id supp_name supp_add DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Varchar2(25) Varchar2(30) DESCRIPTION Supplier ID Supplier Name Supplier Address

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2)

DESCRIPTION Order No. Order Date Supply Date Customer ID Total Amount DESCRIPTION Order No. Order Date Product ID Quantity

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Varchar2(4) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2)

DESCRIPTION Bill No. Bill Date Customer ID Payment Mode Less Amount Total Amount DESCRIPTION Bill No. Bill Date Product ID Quantity

supp_city supp_state supp_pin supp_cont1 supp_cont2 supp_pending_amt Damaged Goods Table1 FIELD NAME damgoods_vh_no damgoods_vh_date total_amount Table2 FIELD NAME damgoods_vh_no damgoods_vh_date prod_id prod_qty supp_id mfd_date remarks Purchased Goods Table1 FIELD NAME pur_no pur_date supp_id Less total_amount Table2 FIELD NAME pur_no

Varchar2(25) Varchar2(25) Number(6) Number(15) Number(15) Number(10,2)

City State Pin Code Contact No.1 Contact No.2 Pending Amount

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Number(10,2) DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(30)

DESCRIPTION Dmg. Goods Voucher No. Dmg. Goods Voucher Date Total Amount DESCRIPTION Dmg. Goods Voucher No. Dmg. Goods Voucher Date Product ID Quantity Supplier ID Mfd. Date Remarks

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) DATA TYPE Varchar2(8)

DESCRIPTION Purchase No. Purchase Date Supplier ID Less Amount Total Amount DESCRIPTION Purchase No.

pur_date prod_id prod_qty Warehouse Section Gate Entry Table1 FIELD NAME ge_no ge_date ge_time bill_no veh_no drv_name supp_id Table2 FIELD NAME ge_no ge_date prod_id qty_bill act_qty remarks

Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2)

Purchase Date Product ID Quantity

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Date Varchar2(8) Varchar2(20) Varchar2(20) Varchar2(8) DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Varchar2(30)

DESCRIPTION Gate Entry No. Gate Entry Date Gate Entry Time Bill No. Vehicle No. Driver Name Supplier ID DESCRIPTION Gate Entry No. Gate Entry Date Product ID Quantity on Bill Actual Quantity Remarks

Product Details (Warehouse) Table FIELD NAME prod_id rack_no qty_on_hand qty_reorder rate supp_id DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Varchar2(10) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) DESCRIPTION Product ID Rack No. Quantity on Hand Reorder Level Quantity Rate Supplier ID


Requirement of the Product (Warehouse) FIELD NAME prod_id rack_no qty_on_hand qty_reorder supp_id qty_req req_id req_date Gate Pass Table1 FIELD NAME gp_no gp_date mrs_no veh_no drv_name Table2 FIELD NAME gp_no gp_date prod_id qty DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(10) Varchar2(20) Varchar2(20) DESCRIPTION Gate Pass No. Gate Pass Date Goods Dispatch No. Vehicle No. Driver Name DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Varchar2(10) Number(10,2) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) Number(10,2) Varchar2(8) Date DESCRIPTION Product ID Rack No. Quantity on Hand Reorder Level Quantity Supplier ID Quantity Required Requirement ID Requirement Date

DATA TYPE Varchar2(8) Date Varchar2(8) Number(10,2)

DESCRIPTION Gate Pass No. Gate Pass Date Product ID Quantity

TYPES OF REPORT GENERATION A number of reports will be generated like: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Product Details Report Product Requirement Report Product Requirement Report (Warehouse) Customer Details Report Customer Order Report Supplier Details Report


7. Damaged Goods Report 8. Purchased Goods Report 9. Product Details Report (Warehouse) 10.(10) Sales Report 11.(11) Dispatched Goods Report More relevant reports will be generated as the project progresses. VALIDATION CHECKS 1. 2. 3. 4. The user will be prompted to enter complete details in any form. The user cannot modify any auto-generated number or data. The user cannot enter alphabetic data in a numeric data field. The user will have to enter date in the correct format.

Is there any client for this project?

No. there is no client for this project. This Software is my individual effort and work in Stand Alone environment with all the functionalities.

Any Computer based system project that manages valuable information about various transactions need to be protected against improper individuals or hackers that can perform illegal penetration into the system. The various security measures need to be implemented in a project system. In order to protect sensitive content and provide secure mode of data transmission, strong security measures must be implemented through the system. Hackers who attempt to penetrate systems for sport; disgruntled employees who attempt to penetrate for revenge; dishonest individuals who attempt to penetrate gain can be avoided by providing proper Security Measures. The following security measures are considered in this project. 1) User Level Authentication 2) Restricted Menu access


SCOPE OF FUTURE APPLICATION The following application can be used to automate the working of any kind of store, factory, warehouse and industry with slight modifications. The application will enable to monitor the working and also proper management of any similar kind of system.


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