MCQ-Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering

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Water supply and wastewater engineering

(Multiple choice questions to test your level of understanding)









Which of the following statements is correct? A) Minimum hourly flow is equal to B) Minimum daily flow is equal to average average hourly flow divided by daily flow divided by peak factor peak factor C) Maximum hourly flow is equal to D) None of these minimum hourly flow multiplied by peak factor Maximum, minimum and average hourly flow of sewage observed are 100 m3/hr, 250 m3/hr and 600 m3/hr respectively. Peak factor of the sewage flow is A) 2.5 B) 6.0 C) 2.4 D) 3.43 Return factor is A) Ratio of sewage generation to B) Ratio of design sewage flow to present water supply sewage flow C) Ratio of maximum hourly flow to D) None of these minimum hourly flow of sewage 56% of the land area of a city is residential and floor space index of the residential is 1.5. if per capita floor area requirement is 9m2, what is population density (per hectare population) of the city? A) 1111 B) 933 C) 622 D) 1667 Population of a city in 2011 was 4,50,000. If the population is growing at the rate of 0.2 per decade, forecast the population of the city in 2041? A. 7,20,000 B. 7,77,600 C. 8,15,113 D. 5,40,000 The term sewage refers to A) Domestic wastewater from within B) Industrial wastewater from within the the municipal area municipal area C) Storm water from within the D) All the above put together municipal area Partially separate sewerage system carries A) Domestic, commercial and B) Domestic, commercial, institutional and institutional wastewaters industrial wastewaters C) Sewage and storm water from the D) Sewage and the urban storm water premises of the residential excluding that from the residential buildings building premises Recommended design period for the sewers A) 10 years B) 30 years













C) 50 years D) 100 years Which of the following is a sewerage system? A. Conventional system B. Simplified system C. Small bore system D. All the above In the rational method of peak stormwater runoff estimation, time of concentration is needed for A. Knowing the rainfall intensity B. Finding out the runoff coefficient C. Knowing the rainfall depth D. All the above Centralized sewerage system is not provided when sewage flow generation is A) greater than 80 or 100 LPCD B) less than 80 or 100 LPCD C) greater than 150 LPCD D) less than 150 LPCD Which of the following statements is incorrect? A) Sewers serving small areas are B) Peak factor decreases with increasing designed on the basis of saturation contributing population population density C) Ground water infiltration flows are D) Sewers are designed for the present usually taken in the design on per peak flow manhole basis Stormwater run off reaching a storm sewer depends on A) Intensity and duration of the B) Characteristics of the catchment basin storm/rainfall event C) Imperviousness of the catchment D) All the above basin Which of these methods can be used for determining the stormwater flows? A) Hydrograph method B) Rational method C) Rainfall-runoff correlation studies D) All the above Storm sewers in India are designed for the following frequency of storms: A) 2 years or less than 2 years B) More than 2 years but less than 5 years C) More than 5 years but less than 10 D) 10 years or more than 10 years years Use of Moody diagram for friction factor requires the following information A) Reynolds number B) Pipe roughness C) Pipe diameter D) All the above Design of sewers involves use of the following formula A) Mannings formula B) Darcy-Weisbach formula C) Hazen-Williams formula D) Any of the above Sewers are usually designed to A) <0.8 full during design peak flow B) >0.2 full during present peak flow C) Flow at >0.6 m/sec. velocity during D) All the above the present peak flow Froud Number indicates whether the flow is A) Laminar or turbulent B) Sub-critical or super-critical C) Steady or unsteady D) Uniform or varying Interceptor tanks (septic tanks or aqua privies) are integral components in A) Conventional sewer system B) Small bore sewer system C) Simplified sewer system D) None of these











Spacing between the manholes is A) 30 m or less B) 30 m or more C) Usually 30 m or less, but can be as D) Can be any thing much as 300 m depending on the sewer diameter Which of the following statements is incorrect? A) Leak testing of sewers is done after B) Sewers are laid between one manhole sewer laying and refilling the and the other from outfall to upstream trench C) After excavating trench, bed is D) All the above statements are incorrect prepared prior to sewer laying Main problem with the plastic or PVC sewers is A) Corrosivity B) Heaviness C) High roughness D) High thermal expansion coefficient Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the leak testing of laid sewers? A) Leak testing of sewers is done from B) Leak testing is done through filling one manhole to the next manhole water upto 1.5 m in the upstream on the downstream side manhole C) Leak testing is done while keeping D) Leak testing is done through making the sewer completely filled with water sewer to partially full upto 0.8 diameters depth Self cleansing velocity for storm sewers is A) 0.5-0.7 m/sec. B) 0.7-1.0 m/sec. C) 1.0-1.5 m/sec. D) 1.5-3.0 m/sec. Regarding the Time of concewntration which of the following statements is correct? A) Time of concentration is the time B) Time of concentration is the time required for maximum runoff rate required for the storm water to run to develop at the outlet for a from the farthest point of the drainage drainage basin basin to its outlet C) A storm event with duration equal D) All the above statements are correct to the time of concentration is assumed to produce the maximum runoff rate at the outlet of a basin Regarding the runoff coefficient which of the following statements correct? A) Runoff coefficient remains constant B) For the pervious soils the runoff and independent of the duration of coefficient decreases with increasing the rainfall event duration of the rainfall event C) Runoff coefficient decreases with D) None of the statements are correct the increasing duration of the rainfall event Typical slopes employed in laying sewers A) 1 in 1000 to 10 in 1000 B) 1 in 1000 to 6 in 1000 C) 1 in 1000 to 12 in 1000 D) 0.5 in 1000 to 10 in 1000 Minimum sewer diameter employed in conventional sewerage system is A) 75 mm B) 100 mm C) 150 mm D) 200 mm Which of the following steps comes first in the laying of sewers


A) Leak testing of sewers C) Excavating the trench Indicate where manholes are usually provided? A) At the upstream end of all sewers

B) Locating manholes D) Pegging sewer central line B) At the location of change of slope or diameter D) At all the above locations












C) At the location of change of direction Regarding crown cover, which of the following statements is correct? A) Crown cover for simplified sewers B) Crown cover for conventional sewer is is more than that of conventional typically 0.9 m sewers C) Crown cover for conventional D) Crown cover for simplified sewer is sewer is typically 0.5 m typically o.9 m Hydraulic elements curve is used for finding out the hydraulic elements corresponding to the following known element? A) Q/Qfull (flow/full flow) B) d/D (flow depth/sewer diameter) C) V/Vfull (velocity/velocity full) D) A/Afull (flow cross section area/sewer cross sectional area) Tractive tension is used as the basis for finding the following A) Sewer diameter in the simplified B) Sewer diameter in the conventional system system C) Sewer slope in the simplified D) Sewer slope in the conventional system system Which of the following standards deals with manholes? A) IS 10500 B) IS 2470 C) IS 4111 D) None of these Which of the following sewer cleaning devices/equipment is hydraulically propelled devices? A) Flush bags B) Sewer balls C) Sewer scooters D) All the above Which of the following devices/equipment is used mainly for cleaning the manholes? A) Rodding machine B) Velocity cleaner C) Gully emptier D) Sewer scooter Which of the following devices/equipment is used mainly for cleaning the sewers A) Flush bag B) Dredger C) Pneumatic plug D) All the above To stop flow through sewers for maintenance or for leak testing the following device can be used A) Manila rope and cloth ball B) Pneumatic plug C) Flush bag D) Wooden ball/sewer pill Which of the following is a chemical asphyxiant? A) Carbon dioxide B) Carbon monoxide C) Methane D) Oxygen Indicate the role of flagman in the maintenance of sewerage system? A) Supervising the sewer men B) Helping the sewer maintenance gang C) Traffic control D) Cordoning the sewer maintenance zone Regarding gas masks which of the following statements is correct?












A) Masks supply fresh air from a close B) Masks are used only if the air is not source for breathing oxygen deficient C) Masks help with pure oxygen for D) None of these breathing Which of the following parameters is being taken care of by a conventional sewage treatment plant? A. BOD B. Nutrients C. Pathogens D. All the above Which of the following treatment units require maximum land area? A. Anaerobic pond B. Facultative pond C. Maturation pond D. Oxidation pond What happens to the BOD of clarified sewage in an activated sludge process unit? A. BOD is removed through oxidation B. BOD is precipitated and removed into CO2 and H2O C. BOD is transformed into biological D. None of these flocs and removed In a sewage treatment plant which of the following treatment unit usually comes first? A. Equalization tank B. Grit chamber C. Primary clarifier D. Screen A secondary clarifier differs from the primary clarifier in A. Sludge thickening B. Clarification C. Both clarification and sludge D. Neither clarification nor thickening thickening Imhoff cone is used for measuring A) Sludge volume index B) Total suspended solids C) Volatile suspended solids D) All the above For disinfection removal of pathogens, chlorine dose is applied on A) Clarified effluent from the primary B) Effluent from the equalization tank clarifier C) Effluent from the anaerobic pond D) Clarified effluent from the secondary clarifier For BOD removal but no nitrification, DO in the aeration tank of the ASP should be maintained at A) 0.0-0.5 mg/L B) 0.5-2.0 mg/L C) 2.0-4.0 mg/L D) >4.0 mg/L Which of the following types of aerators are the most efficient? A) Diffused aerators B) Floating mechanical surface aerators C) Horizontal mechanical aerators D) Both diffused and mechanical combined aerators Typical sludge volume index (SVI) for activated sludge process is A) < 50 mL/g B) 50-150 mL/g C) 150-300 mL/g D) >300 mL/g Typical mixed liquor suspended solid concentration in the aeration tank of an activated sludge process is A) <1000 mg/L B) 1000-2000 mg/L C) 2000-3000 mg/L D) >3000 mg/L















Which of the following is an example for the attached growth biological treatment process? A) Aerated lagoon B) Oxidation pond C) Membrane bioreactor D) None of these Which of the following is an example for the suspended growth biological treatment process? A) Moving bed bioreactor (MBBR) B) Rotating biological contactor (RBC) C) Membrane bioreactor (MBR) D) None of these Which of the following is example for the preliminary treatment of wastewater? A) Screens B) Grit chambers C) Oil separators D) All the above Village ponds in rural human settlements take care of the following wastewaters A) Sewage of the village B) Storm water of the village C) Sewage and storm water of the D) Grey water and storm water of the village village Ecosanitation advocates the following A) Use of dry toilets B) Composting of fecal matter C) Segregation of urine and use as D) All the above fertilizer Which of the following is considered most appropriate for sewage treatment in rural areas? A) Oxidation ponds B) Stabilization pond system C) Activated sludge process D) Rotating biological contactor system Which of the following is quite for known in the sanitation area? A) Center for science and B) Sulabh international environment (CSE) C) Khadhi and village industries D) Panchayati Raj Institution corporation (KVIC) Hardy-Cross method is used for A) Analysis of sewerage system B) Analysis of rural water supply system C) Analysis of urban water supply D) Analysis of water treatment plants network For pathogen removal in the rural water supply system the following is preffered A) Chlorination B) Reverse osmosis (RO system) C) Slow sand filtration D) Rapid gravity filtration Problem of high total dissolved solids/salts in the rural drinking water is can be taken care of by A) Solar water stills B) Ion exchange process C) Coagulation flocculation settling D) All the above Ground water source for the rural water supply usually suffers from A) High pathogen levels B) high TDS levels C) high sulfide levels D) high TSS levels Pump performance curves usually include the following A) pump head-capacity curve B) pump efficiency curve C) pump power consumption curve D) all the above Ground water usually requires the following prior to use as drinking water A) coagulation-flocculation B) chlorination C) filtration D) clarification IS 10500 deals with













A) River water quality standards B) Ground water quality standards C) Drinking water quality standards D) None of these In India availability of the following quantity of safe drinking water is considered as existence of access to improved water supply A) >40 LPCD B) >135 LPCD C) >150 LPCD D) >210 LPCD Which of the following is used for the metering of household water supplies? A) Pitot tubes B) Pizo meters C) Flumes D) Current meters A conventional sewage treatment plant removes mainly the following from the sewage A) TSS B) Nutrients C) Pathogens D) TDS Main purpose served by manholes of a sewerage system is A) Ventilation of the sewer B) Allowing alignment or joining of sewers C) Providing access to sewers for D) Allowing change of direction of sewers maintenance In case of water supply monitoring of water for the following parameter is considered as the most important? A) BOD B) DO C) COD D) MPN MPN test establishes A) Whether water has pathogens or B) Whether water came in contact with not fecal matter or not C) Whether water is polluted with D) Whether water has microorganisms or biodegradable organic matter or not not Biological water quality can be improved by A) Chlorination B) Slow sand filtration C) Membrane filtration D) All the above Treatment of water in the following can lead to the maximum coliform count reduction A) Rapid gravity filters B) Pressure sand filters C) Slow sand filters D) Multistage multigrade filters Hand pumps are A) Centrifugal pumps B) Positive displacement diaphragm pumps C) Positive displacement reciprocating D) Positive displacement rotary pumps pumps A hand pump needing too many strokes to begin water pumping may be due to A) Pump loosing priming B) The broken pump rod C) Plugged suction pipe of the pump D) The leaking of valves Which of the following can lead to no delivery of water though the pump handle is moving easily? A) Loss of priming B) Worn out plunger leathers C) Damaged pump cylinder D) Loose handle and other working parts The type of valves used in the hand pump are A) Flow control valves B) Non-return valves













C) Safety valves D) Pressure control valves A soak pit is usually associated with the hand pump system for A) For keeping the premises of the B) For avoiding spilling and spatter of pump dry water in the premises C) For ensuring priming of the hand D) For taking care of the wastewater pump generated at the pump Which of the following is not true with low cost toilets A) Use minimal or no water for B) Segregates urine from fecal matter flushing C) Include no or least of mechanical or D) Mostly not connected to centralized moving parts that require repair sewerage system and maintenance Which of the following is true with dry toilet? A) Segregates urine from fecal matter B) Uses no anal cleaning water C) Uses no toilet flush water D) All the above Arborloo where a tree is planted on the top of the excreta pit is usually associated with A) Pour flush toilet B) Cistern flush toilet C) Urine diverting flush toilet D) None of these The term Water Closet refers to A) A toilet/latrine B) A sink/wash basin C) A bathtub/shower D) None of these Urine diverting toilets are meant to A) To minimize water consumption in B) To segregate the fecal matter from toilets urine so as it can be easily composted C) To handle and dispose of urine D) All the above separate from fecal matter as fertilizer Anal cleaning water is segregated in A) Urine diverting toilets B) 3-hole separating dry toilets C) Urine diverting flush toilets D) None of these Which of the following toilets do not use a squat pan A) Pour flush toilet B) Cistern flush toilet C) Dry toilet D) All the above Most common material of a flush toilet is A) Plastic B) Vitrified clay C) Stainless steel D) Porcelain Which of the following is water tight? A) Cess pool or cess pit B) Soak pit C) Arborloo pit D) None of these Which of the following refer to the segregated urine? A) Treated sewage B) Brown water C) Grey water D) Yellow water Which of the following is the least serious problem associated with a properly designed cesspit/cesspool? A) Contamination of groundwater B) Accumulation of toxic gases C) Bad odours and smells D) Need of frequent emptying













Profile from the top of a leach field trench is A) Soil-impervious membrane-clean B) Perforated pipe in the rock filled trench rock-perforated pipe-rock C) Perforated pipe in a sand filled D) Sand and/or soil-Geotextile fabric-Clean trench rock layer with perforated pipe Which of the following can be the most effective way of refraining people from urinating in public? A) Ready access to hygienic urinals B) Ban on urination in public C) Community toilets D) Education and demonstration Which part of a flush toilet prevents odour and flies problem? A) Cover over the toilet seat B) Cistern C) Water seal D) All the above Strong acid (>24% acetic acid) or caustic (1 in 2 parts water) is used in cistern flush toilets for A) Remove blockages B) Remove calcium and magnesium based mineral precipitates C) Scrub cleaning to prevent build up D) All the above of organics and/or stains Septic tank performs the following function A) Aerobic treatment of sewage for B) Anaerobic treatment for pathogen BOD removal removal C) Sewage clarification and sludge D) All the above stabilization Typical detention time of a septic tank is A. >24 hours B. 24-48 hours C. 48-72 hours D. <96 hours Septic tank is a A) Sewage collection device B) Sewage primary treatment device C) Sewage secondary treatment D) Sewage disposal device device A fixture unit is equal to A) 1.5 L/sec. peak flow of sewage B) 1.5 L/min. flow of sewage C) 9 L/sec. peak flow of sewage D) 9 L/min. flow of sewage For septic tanks according to IS code which of the following is correct? A) Septic tank surface area provided is B) Per capita septic tank volume for sludge 0.92 m2/fixture unit digestion is 0.033 m3 C) Minimum width of septic tank D) None of the above are correct allowed is 1200 mm Purpose served by a soak pit is A) Sewage treatment B) Sewage storage C) Sub-surface sewage disposal D) All the above Septic tank soak pit systems are A. On-site sewage treatment and B. Used when per capita sewage disposal systems generation rate is >80L/day C. Suitable for densely populated D. Aerobic treatment and ground water urban areas recharge systems Regarding soak pit which of the following is not correct?













B) Soak pit receives raw sewage for treatment and disposal D) Soak pit is 1.5 to 4 m deep pit provided at least 1.5 m above the groundwater table Which of the following guidelines should be followed while locating a soak pit? A) Soak pit should be kept away from B) Soak pit should be located at a safe high traffic area distance from a drinking water source C) Soak pit should be located in D) All the above sufficiently permeable soil not prone to flooding A leaching field or drainage field is a good alternative to A) A septic tank B) Stabilization pond C) A soak pit D) None of these Which of the following statements is correct in case of a sanitary trap? A) Trap is a vessel that allows passage B) Trap is a vessel that allows passage of of air but not of water water but not of air C) Trap is a vessel that accumulates D) Trap is a screen meant to remove both floating and settlable matter suspended matter from the water A good trap satisfies the following? A) Self-cleansing B) Having sufficient depth of seal C) Reasonable resistance to siphonage D) All the above Cleaning screw provided on a trap is meant for A) Cleaning the trap B) Prevent evaporation of seal water C) Preventing siphonage D) All the above A bell trap is intended for use with A) Lavatory B) Sink C) Bath tub D) All the above Antil trap is a substitute for A) Bell trap B) Bag trap C) S trap D) None of these Which of the following is a mechanical trap? A) Smeartons eclipse trap B) Hadleys antisiphonic trap C) Bower trap D) Hellyers anti-D trap Which of the following is a round pipe trap (or Dubois trap)? A) S trap B) Bag trap C) Q trap D) All the above Traps are used either in the waste pipe or as integral part of the following sanitary fittings A) Sinks B) Lavatories C) Urinals D) In almost every sanitary fittings Why traps need ventilation? A) To prevent breaking of water seal B) To prevent breaking of water seal from from momentum drag of water evaporation of water C) To prevent breaking of water seal D) All the above from the siphoning out of water Gally trap is used at

A) Soak pit is gravel/broken brick filled porous walled chamber C) Soak pit receives settled/clarified effluent for disposal






A) The last manhole of the public B) Outside the building to prevent sewer sewer to prevent sewer gases entry gases entry into the building from the into the building sewer building sewer C) Under the water closet to prevent D) None of these entry of odours, insects, etc. into the building Which of the following is a solids free sewer? A) Small bore sewers B) Simplified sewers C) Conventional sewers D) None of these Flies and mosquitoes problem is the least in A) Waste stabilization ponds B) Vegetated ponds C) Subsurface flow constructed D) Free water surface constructed wetland wetlands Land farming is practiced for A) Brown/black water treatment B) Grey water treatment C) Yellow water treatment D) Sludge disposal Anaerobic baffled reactor is closely related to the following A) Activated sludge process B) Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor C) Waste stabilization ponds D) Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) Which of the following is the prescribed standard for coliform to reuse of treated effluent for unrestricted irrigation? A) <1,000/100 mL B) <4,000/100 mL C) <5,000/100 mL D) <1,00,000/100 mL

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