SWOT - Strengths/ Weakness /opportunities/ Threats

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SWOT - Strengths/ Weakness /Opportunities/ Threats Strengths Weakness Low cost Production very little The timescale to get

get all the Props, and little costume to paperwork done is very limited. acquire. Some people in our group will Props and added costumes are struggle to meet these deadlines. easy to get. Some people may find the Location is easily accessible computer tasks challenging for the The idea of the film will make the completion of some tasks which short film a good film. can also waste time. Our film stays true to the comedy Some people are less organized genre with the elements of the film then others in the group. such people laugh at the At times not everyone will pull misfortune of other- we found this their weight in the group to get the out from our comedy research. work done- this can delay getting We will be able to get all the work submitted, filming done in the allocated time scale. We have an organized group In the group there are different mixture of skills some are good at photo shop, editing, camera work blogger or paper work. Getting the cast was easy to get as we all know some people who could play the parts. All actors are good actors Good camera equipment and good computers to work on make the work faster and easier to complete. Good communication skills Opportunities Threats We have access to macs which As we are not the only group that are very good computers that will is filming, other people may need make the work easier and faster to to use the equipment when we complete. need to use it, this could delay our We have access to good filming filming dates and the completion equipment that make the film high of the film quality Some work may not be submitted We have access to an editing in on time due. suite that will make the film flow The editing suite and macs could and run smooth and look all be taken when we want them professional when completed. which could also delay getting We have a teacher that can help work completed. us and give us advice on whenever we need help or anyways to improve the production.

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