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Assignment No: 2 Date:/ /2012

Academic Sub: MDAD Class: ME(EXTC) Sem: II Year : 2011-2012

Q1.What are the requirements of the impedance matching network? Explain the different matching techniques for microwave networks. Q2. Design a reactive L section that matches 600 ohm load to 50 ohm transmission line. Determine the component values if the matching is desired at 400MHz. Q3.Uniform lossless line of 100 ohm characteristic impedance is connected to a load of 50+j100 ohm. A single stub of 100 ohm characteristic impedance is connected in parallel at a distance of d from the load. Find the shortest values of d and stub length l for the match. Q4. Using the SFG derive an expression for Transducer power gain, available power gain and operating power gain. Q5. The s parameters of a properly biased transistor are found at 2 GHz as follows, s11=0.894-60.6 s21=3.122123.6 s12=0.0262.4 s11=0.781-27.6

Check the stability of the transistors. Plot the stability circles if the transistor is conditionally stable. Q6. Explain using suitable diagrams two methods of designing broadband amplifier.

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