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A Framework For Understanding Organizational Behavior

National Culture: high - low context, mono- poly chronic time; PDI, IDV, MASC, UAI, LTO; GLOBE Organization Environment, technology, mission, strategy, structure, processes, culture Common goal, coordination of effort, division of labor, hierarchy Mechanistic organic Centralized - decentralized

Individuals/Diversity Demographics Knowledge, Skills Aptitudes Other characteristics

Personality, Needs Values, Beliefs Attitudes

Perceptions & Attributions (errors) Groups Purpose & goals Roles Norms Structure Task/Teamwork Development Leadership Problem Solving Cohesion, synergy
Group think, social loafing

Managerial Processes Communication (speaking and


Organizational Effectiveness Key Result Areas Productivity/Performance Triple Bottom Line Satisfaction/Attitudes Member Attendance & Retention Learning & Growth Physical & Mental Well-being

Motivation (needs, equity, expectancy,

goal setting)

Performance management
(job design, evaluation, rewards)

Decision-making Power, influence, & politics Conflict mgmt & negotiation Leadership

Ethics Ethics Ethics Ethics Ethics Ethics Ethics Ethics EthicsEthicsEthicsEthics

Adapted from Tosi, H. L., Rizzo, J.R. & Carroll, S.T. (1994). Managing organizational behavior (3rd Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell

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