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The following questionaire is judge the image of Amazon store that you have in the areas of merchansidse , prices

, customer services , inter promotion and general attributes.

Merchandise What items do you usually shop for Do you awlays find what you are looking for What is the quality of items you find at Amazon Prices Does Amazon offer lower prices on your favorie items What are the prices of similar items at ebay,Wallmart etc How many times in a month you shop at Amazon Customer Service Do you Find recommendation made automatically helpful Is the payment system friendly Is there enough information about the product avaialilbe to help you yes Yes Yes No no No No Same 1 Yes High 2 Books & Music yes High Electronics No Medium

Genral Attributes What is your customer experience after shopping at Amazon in compatison with other physcial and online stores Same Interface Attributes Are you able to find products easily Is the layout of the website friendy Do you find the image size of the product adequate? Communication Are you aware of the product categories that Amazon has Yes Yes yes No


No No Yes


nsidse , prices , customer services , interface ,

Apparels Sometimes Low


Sometimes Low more than 3 3 times

Sometimes Needs Imrovement Needs Imrovement


Sometimes Need Improvement Needs to be Bigger

Only Sometimes

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