Project Initiation Kick Off Report: Interview #1

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CASE Implmentation Project

Project Initiation Kick Off Report

This document summarizes the proposed process for conducting the CASE Implementation Project Initiation stage during the period April 4, 1995 through May 3, 1995. It will be conducted by Dave Larsen and Cindy Johnson. The project initiation will be executed with the following workshops and interviews.

Interview #1
Steve Haze and INET Technical Services Manager, LBMS Representative Objectives Clarify INET responsibilities for this project Obtain Upgrades to draft project plan Determine how LBMS and INET can work together "technically" to install CASE

4/11/95 9:00 - 10:00 AM Building 1501

Interview #2
Worldwide Operations & Business Systems Management Objectives Clarify which project will volunteer as the Pilot Project Understand timeframes required for the Pilot Team (Stage 2) Identify Pilot Project Project Managers & participants

Dates -- 4/07/95 & 4/12/95

Objective & Scoping Review

Review Objective To confirm the objective and scope of the project in a way that Leverages prior work Clarifies what levels of CASE support will be rendered in each Stage So That the ISS department is able to agree on the manner in which CASE will be "rolled out". Review Deliverable Agreed-upon objective and scope for CASE implementation
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CASE Implmentation Project

Cindy Johnson, INET (Steve Haze or David Bernal), LBMS, Dave Larsen 4/14/95 4:00 - 5:00 PM Building 790

Planning Workshop(s)
Workshop Objective To construct a project plan which fulfills the agreed-upon objective and scope

Workshop Deliverable A project schedule with assigned resources for Stage 1 and estimates for Stage 2

Agenda Items Participants INET, Project Manager, LBMS, Pilot Project PM or manager

Dates & Locations 4/18/95 10:30 - 12:30 Sierra Room, Bldg 790, Stage 1 Detailed Plan 4/25/95, 10:00 - 12:00 Sacramento Room, Building 790, Stage 2 + Step Plan

Produce and Present Project Initiation Report (4/25/95 - 5/3/95)

Compile Project Initiation Report Distribute Draft Project Initiation Report to Project Board on 5/1/95.

Obtain Project Board approval 5/3/95.

/var/www/apps/conversion/current/tmp/scratch1790/101548198.doc 4/6/95

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