Dead Mens Path

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Dead Mens Path. This is about a man named Michael.

He was a very hardworking man that lived in a small village in Nigeria who became the Headmaster of a school at 19. He was married and he had a very strong passion for modern methods which led him to trying to impose in a sense what you can call a European culture. This man was chosen ahead of several older candidates to be the headmaster of a school. He thought older men should not be allowed to be teachers and instead be traders. At the time of his reign they were a lot of traditionalist and also a lot of rituals going on in his village. There was a believe around the village that whatever their ancestors did, they had to carry it on but not for this man. He had a strong believe that things needed to change and be modern. He also did not believe that rituals and traditions were important and helpful. So he started to tackle this from the foundation and picked a good place to start, the kids from his school. He knew he would be able to influence their minds quicker and make them adapt to his ideas of modernity.

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