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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001



Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Questions 46 Questions Limits No Time Limit Unlimited Attempts Points 46 pts possible Due Date Jun 18 at 11am Availability Always available

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Score for this attempt: 30 out of 46 Submitted Jun 14 at 7:58am This attempt took about 12 hours. Question 1: 1 pts In 2008, the highest complaint related to Internet use was: Copyright violations. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points Fraud. 100% of points Terrorism. 0% of points E-mail abuse. 0% of points 1/1 Question 2: 1 pts A serious problem for forensic investigators in finding cybercriminals is: The forensic investigator is trying to catch a criminal whose technological skills may be more advanced than those of the investigator. 0% of points These criminals are located outside the country where the crime is committed. 0% of points The victim may not want to pursue the criminal. 0% of points All of the above are correct. 100% of points 1/1 Question 3: 1 pts Hacking a website requires initial access. In what order would the following steps be taken to gain access to a website?

1. Compile the exploit. 2. Download the exploit. 3. Run a web bug against the web site. 4. Stealth scan. 5. Go to a hacker site. 5, 2, 1, 4, and 3. 0% of points 4, 5, 2, 1, and 3. 100% of points 3, 4, 5, 2, and 1. 0% of points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 0% of points 0/1 Question 4: 1 pts Wardialing is a technique that is used:

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

None of the above. 0% of points To locate modem tones. 100% of points By telemarketers to automatically call phone numbers. 0% of points To find other hackers on the Internet. 0% of points To create a brute force attack. 0% of points 1/1 Question 5: 1 pts A zone transfer allows the hacker to get a list of: None of the above. 0% of points The IP addresses of the topic company officials at the targeted website. 0% of points Other hackers who have exploited a website. 0% of points A list of trusted websites. 100% of points 0/1 Question 6: 1 pts A hacker scanning a web server is likely to be identified by the target's website: None of the above. 0% of points Through the target's web server's logs. 100% of points By the local phone company's forensic investigators. 0% of points With help from the ISP's logs. 0% of points Because of the FBI's Carnivore scanning program. 0% of points 1/1 Question 7: 1 pts The main reason for IP spoofing is: To acquire confidential information about an individual. 0% of points To allow the attacker's web server to pretend to be a trusted website. 0% of points To scan a website. 0% of points Both b and d. 100% of points To fake an e-mail address. 0% of points 0/1 Question 8: 1 pts The backdoor on a network or PC: Is hidden software used to enter an already compromised website by the hacker at a later date. 100% of points Is an actual physical entry point into the back of a web server. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points Is a hidden modem on a network. 0% of points 1/1 Question 9: 1 pts

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

If an attacker calls the e-mail help desk posing as a company executive on a business trips who has lost her password, and consequently talks the help desk receptionist into giving out a password, such actions are known as: None of the above. 0% of points Help desk exploits. 0% of points Social engineering. 100% of points IP spoofing. 0% of points Mail bombing. 0% of points 1/1 Question 10: 1 pts In order for the stealing of data to be a criminal act, it may be necessary to prove that the: All of the above. 0% of points Criminal was over 21. 0% of points Data was important to the company. 0% of points Data had been analyzed, and it was valued information. 100% of points Criminal intentionally stole the data. 0% of points 0/1 Question 11: 1 pts Which of the following activities is most likely to be a cybercrime? Having a virtual presence in my web server. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points Assessing the mail port on my web server. 100% of points Using a bot to check a website for price information. 0% of points Stealing my electronic impulse. 0% of points 0/1 Question 12: 1 pts A form of steganography is: Chaffing. 100% of points Scanning. 0% of points Social engineering. 0% of points Spoofing. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points 1/1 Question 13: 1 pts One problem with enacting legislation against cybercrimes is: These laws prevent the advancement of e-commerce. 0% of points The technology quickly makes the laws outdated. 100% of points Many of the laws are a violation of the U.S. Constitution's right regarding self incrimination. 0% of points The laws violate the rights of innocent third parties.

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

0% of points All of the above. 0% of points 0/1 Question 14: 1 pts According to the report, Cybercrime ... and Punishment? Archaic Laws Threaten Global Information, which of the following countries does not need to update its cybercrime laws? Mexico. 0% of points Great Britain. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points Germany. 0% of points Peru. 100% of points 0/1 Question 15: 1 pts A "protected computer" under federal legislation is generally recognized as: None of the above. 0% of points A PC used in interstate commerce. 0% of points Any U.S. government computer. 0% of points A criminal's computer. 0% of points Any PC of interest to the federal government. 100% of points 0/1 Question 16: 1 pts How is the value of a loss from a cybercrime defined under federal statutes (Section 814)? All of the above are defined as losses under Section 814. 100% of points Value of lost revenue. 0% of points Cost of restoring the system. 0% of points Losses from responding to the attack. 0% of points 1/1 Question 17: 1 pts When an attacker breaks into your PC then: It is the victim's fault. 0% of points It is definitely a crime. 0% of points The best defense is to shut off your PC. 0% of points None of the above. 0% of points It may be a crime. 100% of points 1/1 Question 18: 1 pts A cover file in a steganographic message: None of the above. 0% of points Is the folder that covers up the secret message and removing the folder reveals the secret message.

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

0% of points Carries the dispersed portions of the secret message that is being sent. 100% of points Is used to carry the secret message key. 0% of points Is used to carry a decoy message so as to mislead investigators trying to find the secret message. 0% of points 0/1 Question 19: 1 pts Under the Council of Europe Convention's recommendations, a corporation has a recognizable liability if: An employee destroys data on a partner-company's computer. 0% of points The corporation's computers are used in a denial of service attack. 0% of points An employee commits a criminal act due to a lack of supervision. 100% of points All of the above. 0% of points The corporation is negligent in maintaining its website. 0% of points 0/1 Question 20: 1 pts Which of the following terms (or suffix derivative) is not one of the three D's found in state cybercrime legislation? Destroying. 0% of points Damaging. 0% of points Deleting. 0% of points Debilitating. 100% of points None of the above. 0% of points 1/1 Question 21: 1 pts Wardriving is primarily used to gain access to: LANs. 0% of points Biometric systems. 0% of points Hard drives. 0% of points Wireless networks. 100% of points 1/1 Question 22: 1 pts Hackers use port scans primarily to: Identify potential targets. 100% of points To steal credit card numbers. 0% of points To ensure that no one is trying to identify their physical location. 0% of points To send spam. 0% of points 1/1 Question 23: 1 pts In committing financial frauds, cybercriminals use Trojans primarily to: Gain unauthorized access to a PC. 100% of points

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

Port scans. 0% of points IP spoofing. 0% of points Send mail bombs. 0% of points 1/1 Question 24: 1 pts When a cybercriminal uses hundreds of linked zombie computers to carry out a fraud, the linked computers are called: Botnet. 100% of points Bot herd. 0% of points Zombienet. 0% of points A zombie line. 0% of points 1/1 Question 25: 1 pts Title 18 USC 1030: Deals with "protected computers." 100% of points Provides more extensive protections for computer users than the Council of Europe's Model Law. 0% of points Is a state law. 0% of points Has been superseded by the Patriot Act. ' 0% of points 0/1 Question 26: 1 pts

The most common illegal activity under the states codes of computer crimes is:
Unauthorized access. 100% of points Destroying a computer. 0% of points Computer tampering. 0% of points Port scanning. 0% of points 1/1 Question 27: 1 pts

The proposed Cybersecurity Act of 2009 allows for:

The licensing of cybersecurity professionals. 0% of points The President to shutdown the Internet. 0% of points Using cybersecurity as a factor in rating bonds. 0% of points All of the above. 100% of points 0/1 Question 28: 1 pts

Cybercrime statistics indicate that the largest number of frauds occur in which of the following business sectors?
Marketing sector. 0% of points Retail sector. 0% of points Manufacturing sector. 0% of points

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

Financial services sector. 100% of points 1/1 Question 29: 1 pts

An unsettling change in the way cyberattacks are being launched is:

They are being orchestrated by criminal gangs. 100% of points They are automated attacks. 0% of points They are being run by botherders. 0% of points They are being launched from hacking schools. 0% of points 0/1 Question 30: 1 pts

Phishing can be done with all of the following except:

A phone call. 0% of points A war driver. 100% of points A web bug. 0% of points An e-mail. 0% of points 1/1 Question 31: 1 pts

Of the following cyber attack methods used to gain unauthorized access to a computer network, which is the oldest approach:
Social engineering. 100% of points Port access. 0% of points Trusted server access. 0% of points War driving. 0% of points 1/1 Question 32: 1 pts

Nmap and AutoNOC are examples of:

Wardialers. 0% of points IP spoofers. 0% of points Port scanners. 100% of points Wardrivers. 0% of points 1/1 Question 33: 1 pts

To help hide your IP address as you surf the Internet, it would be helpful to use:
A whois site. 0% of points Network stumbler. 0% of points A proxy server. 100% of points A zone transfer. 0% of points 1/1 Question 34: 1 pts

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

Many cybercrime fraud statutes have their foundation based under a states:
Criminal statutes. 0% of points Fraud statutes. 0% of points Property crime statutes. 100% of points Computer crime statutes. 0% of points 0/1 Question 35: 1 pts

Warped graphics are used at many registration sites. These morphed letters must be filled in before it is possible to complete the registration information. Why are warped graphics used at these sites?
To keep bots from registering. 100% of points The federal government requires that certain sites use warped graphics in their registration process. 0% of points To make sure blind people cannot register at the site. 0% of points These are English language sites only, and the warped graphics help ensure that only English language readers use the site. 0% of points 1/1 Question 36: 1 pts

Cloud computing is a system:

Used to provide more secure wireless networks. 0% of points Of using disk drives within the same computer to use two different operating systems. 0% of points Used to protect computers from hackers by hiding the applications inside a cloud application. 0% of points

Where application programs are no longer located on the users PC, but rather inside the Internet cloud.
100% of points 1/1 Question 37: 1 pts

_________ is a process that can be used with an exploit to gain unauthorized access to a wireless system.
IP spoofing. 0% of points Wardriving. 100% of points Chaffing. 0% of points Wardialing. 0% of points 1/1 Question 38: 1 pts

_________can be used to ensnare unsuspecting Internet users and company managers into giving up resources and information to an online criminal.
Smurfing. 0% of points Social engineering. 100% of points Port scans. 0% of points Bots. 0% of points 1/1 Question 39: 1 pts

The most costly crimes against organizations are most likely from:
Financial frauds. 100% of points Denial of service attacks.

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

0% of points Virus infections. 0% of points Laptop theft. 0% of points 1/1 Question 40: 1 pts

Which of the following is not a technique specifically used to gain unauthorized access?
Wardriving. 0% of points Social Engineering. 0% of points Steganography. 100% of points Modem Attack. 0% of points 1/1 Question 41: 1 pts

A technique whereby data packets are used to hide files in their headers is called:
Chaffing. 100% of points Telnet. 0% of points Spoofing. 0% of points MACs. 0% of points 1/1 Question 42: 1 pts

What will cause the unintended bleeding of wireless signals?

Radio wave transmission. 0% of points Signal offshoots. 100% of points Open networks. 0% of points Wardriving. 0% of points 0/1 Question 43: 1 pts

Wardialing is a technique used to:

Fake IP addresses. 0% of points Get port access on a PC. 0% of points Locate IP addresses on a network. 0% of points Send handshaking tones to identify phone numbers tied to modems. 100% of points 1/1 Question 44: 1 pts

The purpose of chaffing is:

To falsify the identity, either of an individual or Internet Protocol (IP) address. 0% of points A technique to help make decisions based on information collected. 0% of points To determine which computer ports are active and which software is running on those ports. 0% of points A tool to route data to recipients over the Internet using hidden files in data headers. 100% of points

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Chapter 15: ACC-4800-001

1/1 Question 45: 1 pts

Net frauds that need little technological skills are:

Advance fee scams. 100% of points Zone transfer. 0% of points Nmap exploit. 0% of points Pharming. 0% of points 0/1 Question 46: 1 pts

If I am involved in receiving checks and then transfer a portion of the cash proceeds to an overseas account, I am called a:
Horse. 0% of points 611 member. 0% of points Money launder. 0% of points Mule. 100% of points 1/1

Quiz Score: 30 out of 46

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