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PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


MEGOLDLAP 1. feladat 1. 2. 0. How much money did the gang want to steal? 1. Who did the gang want to steal the money from? 2. What general method did they want to follow? 3. Who took part in the offence? 4. What is the connection between London and the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation? 5. What data did they need to achieve their aim? 6. Where did they want to transfer the money from? 7. Who uncovered the plan? 8. What did they notice? 9. What did hackers forget to do? 10. What happened to the security supervisor? Elrt pontszm:. 2. feladat 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 229 million pounds

Elrt pontszm:. 3. feladat 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Elrt pontszm:

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


1. Olvassa el az albbi angol szveget, majd vlaszoljon sajt szavaival, angol nyelven a krdsekre! (Vlaszoljon rviden, legfeljebb nhny szban!) Krjk, vlaszait a megoldlapra rja! Elrhet pontszm: 10 pont Hackers tried to steal hundreds of millions from bank, court told An international gang plotted to steal 229 million from customers' accounts at a leading bank by hacking into computers, a court was told yesterday. A security supervisor smuggled two Belgian computer hackers into the London offices of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation by pretending that they were friends who had arrived for a game of cards. The hackers installed spy software that recorded employees' names and passwords at the bank's European headquarters in the heart of the City. They visited the offices several times to retrieve the security information before returning one weekend to transfer the money to accounts controlled by accomplices in Spain. When Sumitomo Banking staff arrived at work on Monday morning, they found that their computers had been tampered with, the jury was told. The scheme was foiled because the hackers failed to fill in a field used to make money transfers. When the security supervisor was challenged by a colleague about the visitors, he claimed that they were friends who had come over for a game of poker, the court was told. He was arrested on the day that the plot was discovered.

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor



Olvassa el az albbi szveget, majd illessze be a hinyz 10 mondatot, ill. mondatrszletet! Figyelem, 3 megadott mondat(rszlet) flsleges! Az els megoldst mintaknt megadtuk. Krjk, vlaszait a megoldlapra rja! Elrhet pontszm: 10 pont Australian Aboriginal Culture Australian Aboriginal culture is one of the world's longest surviving cultures, which dates back at least 50,000 years and there are many who think (11) _____ to 150,000 years! All of Australia's Aborigines were semi-nomadic (12) _____ , and each clan had its own territory. Those communities living (13) _____ were expert fishermen. The territories or 'traditional lands' were defined by geographic boundaries such as (14) ____ . All Australian Aborigines shared an understanding of, and relationship (15) _____. That relationship (16) _____ their spiritual life and shaped the Aboriginal culture. Land is fundamental (17) _____ Aboriginal people. The 'dreamtime' stories explain how (18) _____ by the journeys of the spirit ancestors. These creation stories describing the contact and features which the spiritual ancestors (19) _____ are integral to Aboriginal spirituality. 'Ancestor Spirits' came to Earth in (20) _____ and the land, the plants and animals were given their form as we know them today.

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


A. adapted to them B. along the coast or rivers C. human and other forms D. hunters and gatherers E. it could be closer F. left on the land G. longest surviving cultures H. rivers, lakes and mountains I. the land was created J. the past is still alive K. their power have gone L. to the well-being of all M. was the basis of N. with the land

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


3. Egsztse ki az albbi szveget rtelemszeren a megadott szavakkal! Egy sz csak egyszer hasznlhat fel. Figyelem, a megadott 25 szbl 5 sz felesleges! Az els behelyettestend szt mintaknt megadtuk. Krjk, vlaszait a megoldlapra rja! Elrhet pontszm: 20 Titanic memorial cruise to mark 100th anniversary

NEW YORK A trans-Atlantic cruise is being offered __in__ 2012 to mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The Titanic Memorial Cruise will depart, (21) __________ the original ship did, on 8 (22) __________, from Southampton, England, and arrive at (23) __________ spot in the North Atlantic where (24) __________ Titanic sank on April 15. A (25) __________ service will be held onboard the (26) __________ exactly 100 years after the Titanic (27) __________ the iceberg and sank. The cruise (28) __________ then head to Halifax, Nova Scotia, (29) __________ passengers can visit cemeteries where Titanic (30) __________ are buried. The final destination for (31) __________ cruise is New York, where it (32) __________ headed. The memorial cruise will also (33) __________ a stop in Cobh, Ireland, after (34) __________ Southampton, just as the original vessel (35) __________. The cruise will include food that (36) __________ the menus of the original voyage, (37) __________ live band offering music and dancing (38) __________ that period. Minneapolis-based Borton Overseas is (39) __________ reservations for U.S. travelers who wish (40) __________ join the trip. Details at 800-843-0602 or a April as cruise does did for from handling has hit in leave leaving make matches memorial similarly the the the to victims was where will

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


4. Alkosson sszefgg angol szveget (kb. 120-160 sz terjedelemben) az albbi magyar szveg alapjn! Ne sz szerinti fordtsra trekedjen, de figyeljen arra, hogy az alhzott informcik tartalmilag felttlenl szerepeljenek az n szvegben! Elrhet pontszm: 20 pont Ki is volt Darwin, s mi volt a Beagle szerepe? Charles Darwin 1809-ben szletett az angliai Shrewsburyben. Apja, Robert Waring Darwin kornak egyik legsikeresebb orvosa volt. desanyja korn meghalt Charles mindssze nyolcves volt ekkor , s ettl fogva nvrei neveltk. Ksbb Skcia fvrosban, Edinburgh-ban orvosnak tanult, de nem brta az opercik ltvnyt, majd apja kvnsgra Cambridge-ben teolgiai tanulmnyokat folytatott. Itt sszebartkozott J. S. Henslow-val, a botanikus pappal, akinek bartsga sorsdntnek bizonyul. Darwin az egyetemen 1831-ben vgzett; pp akkor indult Fld krli tra a Beagle nev hromrbocos. Henslow beajnlotta Darwint a kapitnynak. Darwin travalul Henslow-tl egy, A geolgia alapjai1 cm knyvet kapott, amelyet Charles Lyell rt. A Principles of Geology tanulmnyozsra jutott elg ideje Darwinnak, hiszen a haj 1831. december 27-n futott ki, s az eredetileg tervezett kt esztend helyett tja a csendesceni trsg s Dl-Amerika trsgeiben t vig tartott. Darwin mint kpzett s tapasztalt naturalista trt vissza Angliba. Mr a hajn is folyamatosan rt, munkit pedig utazsa alatt visszakldte Angliba. Akkoriban komoly eredmnyeknek tartottk megfigyelseit, s a tudomnyos lapok rendszeresen kzltk rsait. A hossz utazs alapveten megvltozatta az addig lha letet l Darwint. 1836. oktber 2n hazatrt, s immr 1839-ben tagja lett a Kirlyi Trsasgnak2, vagyis a brit akadminak. Egy ht mlva pedig felesgl vette els unokatestvrt, Emma Wedgwoodot., 2004. februr 17.
1 2

A geolgia alapjai: Principles of Geology Kirlyi Trsasg: Royal Society

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ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


4. feladat:

Tartalom: / 5 pont Szkincs: ....... / 5 pont Nyelvhelyessg: / 5 pont Szvegsszefggs: / 5 pont sszesen: / 20 pont

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


5. Alkosson sszefgg magyar szveget (kb. 120-160 sz terjedelemben) az albbi angol szveg alapjn! Ne sz szerinti fordtsra trekedjen, de figyeljen arra, hogy az alhzott informcik tartalmilag felttlenl szerepeljenek az n szvegben! Elrhet pontszm: 20 pont Josephine Garis Cochran, Inventor of the "Automatic Dishwasher" On an ordinary day in the 1880s, a woman from Illinois took a dirty bowl and plate and made history. Josephine Garis Cochran was the first person to build a practical dishwashing machine, succeeding where some had tried and failed. Josephine Garis married a wealthy merchant and politician named William Cochran. When she was 44, Josephine Cochran found that her fine china tableware was chipping. It'd been in the family since the 17th century, and the servants were being careless with it. So she took to washing her own dishes. And it was the chore of washing dishes by hand and trying to save her good china from breaking that caused her to proceed with an idea to invent a unique machine. She also wanted to relieve tired housewives of the drudgery of dish washing. She sat down with a cup in her hand, thinking. She measured the dishes first, then made wire compartments, each designed to fit plates, cups or saucers. The cleaning trick would be to rain down water on them. After her husbands death Josephine was left with a mere fifteen hundred dollars and much more than that in debts. At that moment, everything changed. Josephine Cochran became the developer and champion of a wholly new business. She started out in a shed behind her house. Four years later, she was advertising the Garis-Cochran Dish-Washing Machine Company in periodicals. Cochran showed the dishwasher at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, but only restaurants and hotels showed interest in it. After she died, the company changed hands and names until in 1940 it became the Kitchen Aid part of the Whirlpool Corporation, but it wasn't until many years after her death that the machine captured the attention of the average housewife. The machine didn't gain popularity for home use until the 1950s. and www.

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont 5. feladat:

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


Informcikzvetts: / 10 pont Nyelvi megformls: / 10 pont sszesen: / 20 pont

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


6. rjon levelet (kb. 160-200 sz terjedelemben) a megadott szempontok felhasznlsval! Trjen ki minden megadott szempontra s alkosson egysges, sszefgg szveget! gyeljen a levl formai kvetelmnyeinek betartsra! (A szszm csak a levltrzsre vonatkozik!) Kevin, angol bartja, arrl rt nnek, hogy kellemetlen meglepets rte egy vsrls alkalmval, amikor hibs rut vett. Mivel n is nemrg tapasztalt hasonl kellemetlensget, vlaszol bartja levelre. Elmondja, hogy mit szeretett volna vsrolni. Bemutatja, hogy az zletben milyen volt a knlat, s rszletesen bemutatja a kivlasztott darabot. Elpanaszolja, hogy nem tudott fizetni, mert nem volt kszpnze, s a bankkrtyjt nem tudtk elfogadni. Kifejti, hogy mi a vlemnye a krtyval s kszpnzzel trtn fizetsrl. rdekldik Kevin vsrlsi szoksairl.

Bartja neve s cme: Kevin Morris 7 Birch Street Exeter Az n neve s cme: Kovcs Gbor/Gabriella Veszprm Kris u. 11.

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont 6. feladat:

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


............ ............

Tartalom: / 5 pont Szkincs: ....... / 5 pont Nyelvhelyessg: / 5 pont Szvegsszefggs: / 5 pont sszesen: / 20 pont

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


7. rjon fogalmazst (kb. 160-200 sz terjedelemben) a megadott szempontok felhasznlsval! Trjen ki rviden minden megadott szempontra s alkosson egysges, sszefgg szveget!

n egy nemzetkzi szervezet ltal meghirdetett angol nyelv plyzati felhvsnak tesz eleget. A magyarok szrakozsi szoksaival kapcsolatban foglalja ssze az albbiakat! Hogyan vltoztak a szrakozsi lehetsgek az elmlt nhny vtizedben? Melyek a legkedveltebb ilyen tevkenysgek az n korosztlya krben? Milyen tnyezk befolysoljk leginkbb azt, hogy ki milyen szrakozsi formt vlaszt? Ezeknek milyen elnys tulajdonsgai vannak msokkal szemben? Milyen kockzatot rejthet egyik vagy msik npszer szrakozsi forma (pl. disco)?

PANNON Nyelvvizsgakzpont

ANGOL rsbeli feladatsor


7. feladat: ............ Tartalom: / 5 pont Szkincs: ....... / 5 pont Nyelvhelyessg: / 5 pont Szvegsszefggs: / 5 pont sszesen: / 20 pont

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