Què Haig de Saber Per Recuperar El Trimestre - Grammar (3er Trimestre) - Unit 4

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PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. Quan fem servir el Present Continuous en angls?
Quan parlem daccions que estem portant a terme en aquest moment.

John is studying English now. El John est estudiant angls ara.

2. Quina s la seva estructura gramatical?

AFIRMATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

1 2 3

SINGULAR I am working You are working He /She/It is working

PLURAL We are working You are working They are working

De manera que lestructura bsica s: SUBJECTE + VERB TO BE + VERB-ing Has de recordar que el verb to be es pot contraure amb el pronom subjecte:

1 2 3

SINGULAR Im working Youre working He /She/It s working

PLURAL Were working Youre working Theyre working

Exercise: Present Continuous - affirmative What's Mike doing? Exercise: Present Progressive, Exercises on form - form02 :: Form02 Exercise: http://www.really-learn-english.com/present-progressive-exercises.html#01

NEGATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

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SINGULAR I am not working You are not working He /She/It is not working

PLURAL We are not working You are not working They are not working


Igual que a lafirmativa, la negativa tamb t una forma ms curta:

1 2 3

SINGULAR Im not working You arent working He /She/It isnt working

PLURAL We arent working You arent working They arent working

Exercise: Present Progressive - negations - long forms - English Exercise: Present Progressive, Exercises on form - form03 :: Form03 Exercise: THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS: AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE

INTERROGATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

1 2 3

SINGULAR Am I working? Are you working? Is he /she/it working?

PLURAL Are we working? Are you working? Are they working?

Recorda que al fer la pregunta s el verb to be el que es posa en al davant de tot. Mira el segent exemple: You are playing football. Are you playing football? Exercise: Present Progressive, Exercises on form - form04 :: Form04 Exercise: Present Progressive Questions - Online Exercise SHORT ANSWERS Podem respondre a les preguntes fetes amb Present Continuous amb respostes curtes. Has de tenir en compte quin s el subjecte de la pregunta per fer la resposta, per exemple: Are they playing basketball? o o Yes, they are. No, they arent. Si la resposta s afirmativa el verb to be ser afirmatiu Si la resposta s negativa el verb to be ser negatiu

Exercise: Exercise 4

3. Com afegim la terminaci ing al verb?

Aquestes sn les normes que has de tenir en compte al afegir la terminaci ing al verb: 1. En general noms hem dafegir ing al final del verb: work read listen working reading listening


2. Si el verb acaba en ie canviarem aquestes vocals per -y: die lie dying lying

3. Si la terminaci del verb s vocal + consonant + e, la vocal e desapareixer al posar la terminaci ing: write come writing coming

4. Si el verb acaba en consonant + vocal (accentuada) + consonant, aquesta ltima consonant es repetir: stop chat run stopping chatting running

Has de tenir en compte que si Iltima sllaba del verb no est accentuada, aquesta norma no aplicar: open opening

Exercise: Present Progressive, Exercise on Exceptions in Spelling - exceptions02 ::


Exercise: -ING Form Spelling | EFLnet

4. Quines sn les expressions temporals que utilitzem?

La freqncia de lacci tamb pot informar-se mitjanant expressions temporals com les segents: now, at the moment, today, nowadays, currently, right now, this week
Aquestes expressions es poden posar al comenament o al final de la frase: Im eating a cake now. At the moment, Im eating a cake.

5. Quan utilitzem el Simple Present i quan el Present Continuous?

Per poder saber quan hem de fer servir un o laltre en un exercici, sempre ens donar la pista una expressi temporal dintre de la frase. Les ms comunes per cada temps verbal sn les segents: SIMPLE PRESENT Always , never, sometimes, usually, often, every day, on Monday, at eight oclock, every day, in the morning, at night PRESENT CONTINUOUS At the moment, now, right now, nowadays...

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