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Marketing Plan

MM_MB 204_Preeti Virdi

What is marketing plan?

A marketing plan is the blueprint or the map you intend to follow in order to achieve your goals.
o If you are planning for existing programs, the plan will incorporate the strengths of your current effort with needed changes and improvements. o If the plan is for a brand new product or service, it will pull all the elements together for an effective start on marketing.

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Why Marketing Plan?

To find out :
Where you are currently
Where your organization going How to get there

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Components of Marketing Plan

Mission Statement Executive Summary Marketing Strategies Identify Resources

Internal Analysis
External Analysis Objectives

Implementation Plan
Marketing Budget Evaluation Methods
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Mission Statement
A clear, concise description of:
o The organizational identity
o What business is the organization really in

o Results the organization wants to accomplish

Quality, Consistency, Cleanliness, Service. ~ McDonalds

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Executive Summary
An overview Readable and concise Summary of main objectives of the plan

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Internal Analysis
Background Current status Future directions Current resources Strengths and weaknesses USP

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External Analysis
Economy Demographics Trends Target market Opportunities and Threats Estimate probability
o Severe, not severe o Very likely, very unlikely
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Marketing Strategies
Customers/target markets Programs and services Packaging Pricing Promotion

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Implementation Plan
Steps Responsibility Deadlines Budget
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Marketing Budget
Advertising/media Direct mail Databases Printing/production Mailing

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Evaluating Marketing Plan

Success measures
o Completion of action dates o Accomplishment of goals and strategies o Results
New/repeat customers Win rate on sales Average size of contracts Revenue Return on investment (ROI)
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Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment. ~ Maxwell Maltz

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