Unit 1 Goffs Glossy)

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Goffs Glossy

Robert Fairburn

To collect my primary information, I asked individual members of staff around the school a few questions that were specifically designed to get the data I needed it went well and I ended up constructing a spreadsheet with my results on it.

I would have liked to interview more people to expand my research and get more data but it was hard to ask the staff as they had little time and the answers were too distorted. we only had an hour to find them so it made the work harder as we had to find them and then ask our questions, sometimes we couldnt ask them .

However I still interviewed five members of staff and I and my partner asked them two questions about two different issues, meaning I had a wider range of data to choose from. Afterwards I put the data I had got in an excel spreadsheet; I put my questions in the top row sideways and the answers underneath to show the data evenly.

My primary research showed, that behaviour was the main issue and 3 out of my 5 interview suggested it, they all think its an important issue and should be highlighted as an issue to inform students and parents about, and we also feel our readers would be intrigued. However behaviour is an important issue but it is not the most interesting to portray to the students as they probably get reminders of it anyway and something such as the new uniform would make a better issue to talk about to the readers.

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