18c Evaluation Questions Redone and Improved.

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Unit 18c Evaluation Questions

Robert Fairburn

Task 4 How does your finished product compare to your original design? I think my product has evolved considerably from my original design as the original concept has changed, but the block design stays mostly true to the point. In honesty I would say my advert has turned out greater than I expected it too be and this I probably because of my improved photoshop skills.

Task 5 How Has technology (computer, digital camera, printer) helped you turn your design into a real product?

Well the computer let me use photoshop and that Is where my concept really took hold and started developing as a shoe itself. Using a digital camera allowed me to take what was a normal branded shoe and upload it to my computer and modify it to strip it of the brand and change the colours and textures (in places) I also created a logo to be implemented and skewed onto the design and I made my background by using a lens flare and strobes onto a black background. Task 6 Do you feel that your product is suitable for your target audience? Yes I do as It feels everyway as fun loving and classy as I expected it to turn out, yet it also appears exciting and mysterious (two bonuses I didnt expect to occur) and this in particular has made the shoe advert a success.

Task 7 Describe Two Challenges you have overcame? I have overcome the challenge of basic photoshop skills and became more experimentive when I am trying processes I have not attempted before. I have also overcome issues with my camera as the lens was dusty and I consequently had to replace it when taking the photo. Task 8 Describe the technical skills you have gained? I have become more advanced in terms of photoshop skills and my use of blogger and scribd (two co-existing tools for uploading ).I have been able to use the custom shape tool, the magic wand tool, the colour replacement tool and the texture Tools.

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