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Noun Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example -acy state or privacy quality -al act or refusal process of

-ance, -ence

state or maintenan quality of ce, eminence


place or state of being

freedom, kingdom

-er, -or one who -ism -ist -ity,

trainer, protector doctrine, communis m belief one who chemist quality of veracity

-ty -ment condition of argument

-ness -ship

state of being position

heavines s fellowshi

-sion, -tion

held state of being

p concessio n, transition

Verb Suffixes

-ate -en -ify, -fy

eradicat e become enlighte n make or terrify become


-ize, -ise



Adjective Suffixes -able, capable of edible, presenta -ible being


pertaining regional to reminiscen picturesq ue esque t of


-ful notable for fanciful -ic, pertaining musical, -ical to mythic -ious, characteriz nutritiou -ous ed by s,

portento us -ish having the fiendish quality of -ive having the creative nature of

-less without endless -y characteriz sleazy ed by

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