Dog Licensing

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City of Derby
Town/City Clerk 1 Elizabeth Street Derby, Connecticut 06418 (203)736-1463

Remember June is Dog Licensing Month. All dogs six (6) months or older must be registered in the town of Derby. Please be sure if you are re-registering your dog(s) that (1) your Rabies Certificate is up to date and (2) if your dog(s) has not been registered before, that proof that your dog(s) has been Neutered or Sprayed be brought in or a copy of the paperwork sent in for verification. YOUR DOG(S) CAN NOT BE REGISTERED IF THE RABIES HAS EXPIRED.

ARTICLE III Nuisances [Adopted 5-14-1987; amended 5-11-1995]

56-9. Dogs roaming at large; penalties for offenses. No owner or keeper of any dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, shall allow such dog to roam at large upon the land of another and not under control by leash or similar restraint of the owner or keeper or agent of such owner or keeper, provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or prohibit the legal use of hunting dogs during the open hunting or training season. The unauthorized presence of any dog on the land of any person other than the owner or keeper of such dogs or any portion of a public highway, street or sidewalk or any other city property when not under control, by leash or similar restraint, of the owner or keeper shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of the provisions of this section. Any person who violates this section shall pay a fine of $25 for the first offense, $50 for the second offense, and for any subsequent offense, the same shall be a misdemeanor in violation of C.G.S., 22-364, Dogs roaming at large, and a court appearance would be required. 56-10. Discharge of excreta; penalties for offenses. A. It shall be unlawful for any owner, keeper or walker of any dog or cat or rider of any horse to permit his or her animal to discharge its excreta upon any public or private property, other than the property of the owner of the animal, within the city if such owner, keeper, rider or walker does not immediately thereafter remove and clean up such animal's excreta from the public or private property. B. Any owner, keeper, walker or rider violating this section shall be fined $50 for each particular incident.

Section 56-10 B Amended by the Board of Aldermen on August 30, 2007.

B. Any owner, keeper, walker or rider violating this section shall be fined $200.00 for each particular incident.

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