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4. Brand Image Perspective: Image perspective lays stress on symbolism on imagery aspect of a brand.

Brand image building is the effort to differentiate the brand psychologically rather than physically. The brand image building must begin thorough understanding of consumers psychological self the thoughts and feelings. Pepsi is choice of the new generation because it is epitome of what youthfulness is all about.

5. Added Value Perspective: Brand is more than the sum of its component pants. It embodies for the purchaser on user additional attributes which, whilst they might be considered by some to be intangible are still very real. The brand in this case brings a host of assurances in the form of reliability, consistent quality, confidance and support.

6. Perceptual Appeal Perspective: This Perspective views a brand from the stand point of appeal it makes to the prospects. Brands like Aspirin and De Beers differ. Aspirins appeal is more rational wheres De Beers appeals to emotions. Thus a brand may be rational, sensory emotional or a combination there of depending upon the product category and target customers. It is proposed that there are three sorts of appeal; they are all inter related and each brand has a different blend of three an appeal to the senses, an appeal to the reason, and appeal to the emotions. Gillette focuses on the theme the best man can get an appeal emotional in nature while Dettol appeal to reason with its antiseptic properties to the shaving cream buyer.

7. Personality Perspective: Personality can be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment. Since 1980s, marketers employed the concept of personality in brand development. Brands are imbued with personalities. Consumers perceive personality traits in brands. The brands may be perceived as masculine, sophisticated, dependable, friendly. It is visualization of brand as a person.

Brand Port polio and Brand Hierarchy

The brand port polio is the set of all brands and brand lines a particular firm offers for sale in a particular category or market segment. Companies keep a port polio of brands for different customers segments and products line, corporate brands are combined with sub-brands at different levels and the constructive of these levels is called brand hierarchy.

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