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Chapter 1

Introduction to Computer


What is a Computer Characteristics of Computer History of Computer Generations of Computer Classification of Computers Computer System Input-Process-Output Concept Components of Computer Hardware Application of Computers

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer

What is a Computer

Computer is an electronic device that accepts data as input, processes the input data by performing mathematical and logical operations on it, and gives the desired output. Two categories
Digital Computer
Analog Computer

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Characteristics of Computer

Speed Accuracy Diligence Storage capability Versatility

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

History of Computer

Calculating machines ABACUS Napiers Bone Slide Rule Pascals Adding and Subtraction Machine Leibnizs Multiplication and Dividing Machine Punch card system Babbages Analytical Engine Holleriths punched card tabulating machine

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Generations of Computer

Evolution of computer to the current state Five generations Categorized on the basis of
Technology used by them (hardware and software) Computing characteristics (speed - number of instructions executed per second) Physical appearance Their applications

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Generations of Computer

1940-56 Vacuum Tubes

1956-63 Transistors

1964-71 Integrated Circuits

1971-Present Microprocess ors

Present and Next Artificial Intelligence

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

First Generation: 1940-56

Vacuum tubes, magnetic drums, punched cards, paper tapes and printouts Machine language Computation time in milliseconds Enormous in size For scientific applications Examples
UNIVersal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator (ENIAC) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC)
Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Punched Card

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

First Generation: 1940-56

Time magazine ran the cover story "The Brain Builders" on Tom Watson, Jr., and IBM on March 28, 1955. IBM had just installed a model 702 Electronic Data Processing Machine in its Monsanto HQ in St. Louis, called "the giant brain." It had 2,500 tubes, did 7,200 logical operations per sec., with punch card and magnetic tape storage. It was the result of IBM slogan "Think" and Tom Watson, Jr., who took over presidency of IBM in 1952, and who led the battle to automate American business. IBM had orders for 14 model 702s at a monthly rental of $20,000, and had delivered 19 of the earlier model 701. The AEC had 3 model 701 machines, the Weather Bureau had one model 701. IBM had just delivered the NORC computer to the Navy, and had 109 orders for the new 704 and 705 models that will cost IBM $1 million each to build.
Source: Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer

Second Generation: 1956-1963

Transistors, magnetic core technology , magnetic tapes and magnetic disks, concept of a stored program Assembly language Computation time in microseconds. Reduced size compared to first generation computers Cost of commercial production was very high Examples
PDP-8 IBM 1401 CDC 1604

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Third Generation: 1964-1971

Integrated Circuit (IC) chips, keyboard, Monitor Operating system, High-level languages Computation time in nanoseconds Quite small compared to second generation computers Accessible to mass audience Produced commercially Examples
IBM 370 PDP 11


Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Fourth Generation: 1971-Present

LSI, VLSI, Microprocessor, PC, Semiconductor Memory, Linking of computers, Mouse and Handheld Devices GUI, OS like MS-DOS and MSWindows High-Level Programming Languages Computation time in picoseconds Smaller than computers of previous generation Widely available for commercial purposes PC for home user Examples
Intel 4004 chip was the first Microprocessor IBM, Apples Macintosh

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Fifth Generation: Present & Next

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Expert Systems (ES), Natural Language Processing, Speech recognition, Voice recognition, Robotics etc.

Capable of learning and self organization SLSI, large memory Parallel processing

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Classification of Computers

Categories based on
Size Type

Microcomputers Minicomputers Mainframe computers Supercomputer

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer



Small, low-cost, single-user digital computer. Include

Desktop computer or PC: Stand-alone machine, not very expensive, for single user.
Manufacturers: Apple, Microsoft, HP, Dell, Lenovo,

Notebook or laptop: Portable , small size, costlier than desktop Netbook: Smaller notebooks, low weight, low cost, for web-based applications. Tablet computer: Input via stylus or pen, Portable Handheld computer or PDA: Held on top of palm, small in size, uses pen or stylus, limited memory, less powerful. Smart phones: Cellular phones (function both as phone and small PC), to access e-mail, download music, play games etc.
Manufacturers: Blackberry, Apple, HTC, Nokia, LG, Motorola
Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer



Multi-user systems. High processing speed High storage capacity than the microcomputers. Support 4 to 200 users simultaneously. Examples
PDP 11 IBM (8000 series)

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Mainframe computers

Multi-user, multi-programming , high-performance computers. Very high speed, large storage capacity Used in centralized databases. Access via dumb terminal, an intelligent terminal, or PC. Dumb terminal: No own data storage & processing. Has I/O device only. Intelligent terminal: Has the I/O device, can do processing, but, cannot store data of its own. Use processing power and storage facility of mainframes Examples CDC 6600 IBM ES000 series.
Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer 17

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel


Fastest and the most expensive machines. High processing speed Speed in FLOPS (FLoating point Operations Per Second). Used for highly calculation-intensive tasks - weather forecasting, climate research, molecular research, biological research, nuclear research Examples
IBM Roadrunner, IBM Blue gene Intel ASCI red. PARAM in India

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Computer System

Four parts
Hardware: Mechanical parts of computer, e.g. Keyboard, monitor, hard disk drive etc. Software: Set of instructions (Program) and documentation. Instructs the computer about the task to be performed. Data - Isolated values or raw facts.
Provided as input to computer for processing

Users -People who write computer programs or interact with computer.

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Input-Process-Output Concept

The concept of generating output information from the input data

Access Input data from various input devices

Processes Input Data Performs action on data using Instruction or Program

Generates result after processing of Data

Storage: Stores input data, instructions and output; permanently on disk

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer 20

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Components of Computer Hardware

Memory Unit

Registers Input Unit Control Unit Arithmetic and Logic Unit Output Unit

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Components -Computer Hardware

Three main components I/O Unit - user interacts with computer via I/O unit
Input unit accepts data from the user (Devices - keyboard, trackball, mouse) Output unit provides processed data to user (Devices - monitor and printer)

CPU - Controls, coordinates , supervises operations of computer.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - performs arithmetic and logic operations on input data. Control Unit (CU) - controls overall operations of computer Registers - temporary storage of data, instructions, addresses, intermediate results

Memory Unit Stores data, instructions etc.

Main memory or Primary memory - Stores data, instructions, intermediate results ,output, temporarily Secondary memory Stores data, programs, output permanently
Magnetic disks, optical disks and magnetic tapes

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


Application of Computers

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


A Pictorial view of History of Computers

Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


1950 It shows the Harvard Mark III depicted as a naval officer with one eye, a cap and two arms with hands, one holding a piece of paper tape and the other pressing a key on a teletype. The Mark II is shown with dials, buttons and keys.
Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel


Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer




Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer




Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer




Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer




Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


What are the other milestones you can recall?


Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


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Computer Fundamentals by Dr. Anita Goel

Chapter-1: Introduction to Computer


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