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HERBAL MEDICINE CURES FOR, Acne, Cholesterol, Tiredness, Rashes, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Muscles, Rheumatism, Sprains and Cuts, Fly bites, Varicose Veins, Deep Infections, Pinched Nerves, Nervous Problems, Depressions, Spasms, Prostate Gland Infections, bladder Infections, Glucoma, Emphysema, Breathing Problems, Cold,Gas, Eczema, Ear Infections, Sinus Trouble, - Hardening of the Arteries, Bowel Problems, Ulcers, Canker Sores, Sore Mouths, Hemorrhoids, sore throats, tonsilitis, corns, warts, ringworm, boils, carbuncles, ingrown toenails, gout and dry skin. Cures Acne, cholesterol, feeling tired, rashes, menopause. 1/2 glass of cold water 1/4 tsp of salt 1 tbsp of flour Stir the water and salt first, then add the flour stirring well until there are no more lumps. . Drink it for 6 days, if you find that it has not cleared up the problem, then wait a week and repeat the process. Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis or asthma Take Porcupine quills and cut in two in the middle where the color changes. Take the white part and cut it into 3/4 inch long pieces. Take 2-ply thread and make a necklace. Make the necklace long enough to go under your.shirt collar. When you are washing wash around it. When you are cutting you will notice that these quills have a mucus inside. The mucus will go into your body and the quills will start to scratch. If it doesn't work make a new necklace. It may take as many as three to cure you TANSY Tansy blossoms look like a whole lot of centers of a daisy with no petals, and if you touch them with your hand, they smell very much like Absorbine Junior. Years ago, all Absorbine Junior bottles listed Tansy as one of the ingredients. You cut it when it is in bloom, around haying time. Mr. Nash said the best time was then because the sap is in the stalks to support the blossoms, You just break it off where jt meets the ground, Jeave the roots so it will grow back again next year. Dry it like making hay out of grass and wrap it ina bundle. Hang ina dry place upside down. About this time of year, the stocks are 2 1/2 feet long and you just break them up and throw them in a dish to steep. Steep everything -- the stalk, the leaves, and the flowers. Use about five stalks with 1 1/2 quarts of water, in a glass pyrex dish. (Don't use stainless steel or aluminum) Use cold water. Put jt on the stove and when it comes to a boil,turn down the heat and cover. Let it simmer for 4 to 5 hours, Then strain it, put it inn airtight bottle, so it does not lose its strength. When you wish to use it, just warm it up, put it on or bath in it. ‘When doing so use a downward motion moving away from the heart. Food for sore muscles, rheumatism, sprains and cuts and fly bites. Taken orally 1oz it is good for strengthenin; bowel muscles. VARICOSE VEINS If you take tansy and do the same thing with 1 1/2 quarts of apple cider vinegar, steep it the same way, then strain it. It can be used for varicose veins. Warm it up a bit when ready to use, as itis more compatible with your body. Rub it on from the hips down to the ankles, and your varicose veins should go away. DEEP INFECTIONS, PINCHED NERVES, NERVOUS PROBLEM, DEPRESSIONS, SPASMS, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, LEUKEMIA, CANCER OF THE LIVER, HODGKINS DISEASE, VARIOUS CANCERS. Ground Hemlock and cedar is very goo for these problems. When using ground hemlock and cedar alone they are both poisonous, but when you put the two together and weigh them to equal parts, they are useable. Use about 1 foot or 1 1/2 feet of the ground hemlock bush and the same amount of cedar branches. Use the small, tender branches off the main branches. Don't use the woody core of these branches, just the green ends.

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