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Navidad, Thea Rosario C. PI 100

From Dapitan to Manila

* July 31, 1986 - Rizal and Party left Dapitan going northward on board Espana *August 1 - at early dawn, they anchored at Dumaguete -at around 1pm, they left Dumaguete heading to Cebu

*August 2 - arrived in Cebu - was fascinated by the entrance of Cebu which he considered as beautiful - left Cebu in the morning of August 3

*August 4 - landed at Iloilo -went shopping in the city and visited the Moro

Rizal Misses Ship Going to Spain *August 6 - Espana arrived in Manila Bay - unfortunately, Rizal was not able to catch the mail ship Isla de Luzon for Spain because it had departed the previous day at 5pm - near midnight that that day, he was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla

Outbreak of the Revolution

*August 19 -the Katipunan plot to overthrow the Spanish rule by means of revolution was discovered by Fr. Gil -struck terror to the Spanish officials producing hysteria of vindictive retaliation

Outbreak of the Revolution

*August 26 - cry of Balintawak was raised by Bonifacio and his valiant Katipuneros *August 30 - revolutionists led by Bonifacio and Jacinto attacked San Juan

- After the battle in San Juan, General Blanco

proclaimed a state of war in the first eight provinces for rising an arms against them

- Rizal learned about the eruption of the

revolution and was worried for two reasons:

*the violent revolution which he sincerely believed to be premature and would only cause much suffering *it would arouse Spanish vengeance against all Filipino patriots

Departure for Spain

*August 30 -Rizal received from Gov. Gen. Blanco two letters of introduction for the ministers of War and Colonies, with cover letter which absolved him from all blame for the raging revolution

September 2
-the day before his departure, he wrote to his mother -at 6pm, he was transferred to the steamer Isla de Panay which was sailing for Barcelona, Spain

September 3
The steamer left Manila bay Rizals last to Spain began

Rizal in Singapore
- arrived in the evening of September - the next day, he and other passengers went a shore for sightseeing and shopping of souvenirs - Rizal was urged to stay in Singapore and not continue his travel to save his life but he refused to because he had given his word of honor to Blanco and didnt like to break it.

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