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Recent news was on a pomp show saying that, there is a fresh snowfall in Shimla. However on the murky side we have news that there is very less snowfall in the Himadri region where snowfall should be up to 15 feet but this time it is less than 5 feet. The main reason for this is the global warming. Yes GLOBAL WARMING. Today, we discuss each and every superfluous with our friends, our neighbors and with our relatives. But dont you think that now there is a need to embark upon some critical issues. Dont you think that we should think besides our fragile system and our busy life? Its quite mortifying that despite of several warnings and predictions made by meteorologists and scientists we are not still pondering upon certain critical issues. Imagine in the near future, where water has occupied each nook and corner of the world and we got completely submerged in it. Then we will start living in submarines and probably the conversation would change like this: Your child come to you and will say Papa, please tight up my oxygen kit, I have to go to meet my friend OR like this Beta if you will come first in class, I will buy you a new oxygen cylinder .This might be seeming funny to you or might be a delusive notion but this is truth. This is the upcoming future of ours. The only way to surmount this problem is follow the

commensurate actions against this problem called GLOBAL WARMING. Now on the conclusive part I would like to narrate the things in a poetic manner. The title of this poem is THE NATURE & THE HUMAN. Ever since we have revere you And you have fructify our lives Today the rising temperature is alarming We usually called it global warming.

I accept that we were over ambitious But you always remained too auspicious Please make our lives now very charming I promise, we will pay heed to global warming

We will mend our attitude In future we will become more prudent Because natures response would be very storming So lets make an effort to end this global warming.

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