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-Submitted by: Jenilyn Faye M.

Orpilla Bsn 2-4 TEACHING PLAN

-Submitted To: Prof. Myrna O. Balangue RN MAN Health Education Adviser

PATIENT/PARTICIPANT: VENUE: PURPOSE: To provide the patient with information about elevated blood pressure and its management. GOAL: The patient will be able to take the necessary measures to prevent or properly manage elevated blood pressure. Method of Time Allotted Content Outline Resources OBJECTIVES Instruction (in min) Following a 30 min teaching session, the family will be able to: 1. recall the definition and risk factor for having an elevated blood pressure; 2 . identify t h e causes of having elevated blood pressure; 3 . identify and describe the signs ands symptoms of elevated blood pressure; I. Definition of elevated blood pressure II. Causes of elevated blood pressure III. Risk Factor of elevated blood pressure a. Family History b. Age c. High salt intake d. Obesity e. excessive alcohol intake IV. Management of elevated blood pressure a. Diet b. exercise c. taking blood pressure through blood pressure meter V. Importance of follow-up check-up Discussion Lecture 5 3 7 Discussion - Hand-outs, pamphlets, portable computer and power-point presentation - manpower, money and materials -

Method of Evaluation

Question-and-answer Question-and-answer Question-and answer

4. explain the management of elevated blood and will be able to demonstrate how to take blood pressure through BP meter (sphygmomanometer); and 5. understand the importance of follow-up-check-up

- one-to-one instruction and demonstration


Observation and return demonstration



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