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Family Needs If Dan Is Disabled

Should you lose your ability to provide income through an accident or illness, how would you maintain
your lifestyle? Social Security benefits may provide a portion of needed income. How long would your
present assets provide the necessary funds?

Long-term disability is another life uncertainty that prevents the accumulation of wealth.
• Salary stops
• Living expenses continue (medical care often increases)
• Retirement contributions stop

Before age 65, it is 2.93 times more likely that Dan will suffer a long-term
disability than die!1

Consider the effects of a long-term disability. What if you were out of work for two years? Five
years? Until retirement?

Effects on Net Worth of Situation

Net Worth

Net Worth at % Reduction in

Situation Condition Considered Retirement2 Net Worth at
Not Disabled $5,321,674 —
Disabled for Next 2 Years $4,821,872 9.39%
Disabled for Next 5 Years $4,067,555 23.57%
Disabled Now until Retirement $1,756,345 67.00%

A disability before retirement may greatly reduce the amount of assets you will have available for
retirement. You should consider disability income insurance based on the amount of benefits for which
you qualify.

Protect your greatest asset—your ability to earn!

Based on a disability expected to last more than 2 years following a 60-day elimination period (see Assumptions).
Estimated value at end of year of desired retirement.

Presented by: J. Maxey Sanderson, CLU, ChFC, FLMI November 7, 2008

For Evaluation Purposes Only 6 of 14

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