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The Whispers

By: Shah Jamal Hashmi The night of the whispers reveals the hidden desires of everything. The secrecy of secrets tonight encloses the entire universe in its womb to give birth in wonders. This night loses all forms of separation and the inner feeling of each creation transcends its constraints. This night, says the eternity to mortality, Whom have you sent to me today? I myself am your guest today my old friend comes the reply. The form asks the formless, what stops you from adopting my looks and letting yourself inspired. Formless replies the fear of being and your hollowness. Tell me the true purpose of your being inquires the Pride to humility. To create light in the shadows of light answers the humility. Speaks the greatness to modesty, You drown deep inside the sea of acceptance, what worthy you feel when I ride on your top? The feeling of joy that I am worthy of lifting you up modesty whispers. And why dont you believe my words when I speak of the mountains of Truth angrily asks the reasoning to acceptance. That beautiful music which I have touched with my fingers, I cannot tell you in words.


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