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EP4 Homework1 Negation, Conjunction and Disjunction

1. Look at the following statements (p,q,r,s). For each question below, write a sentence and tell me the truth value. Question a b c d e f g h i j k l pq pr sq r s ~p q ~ ( p q) pq pr sq r s ~p q ~ ( p q) Sentence

p:2+3=5 q:2x3=6 Truth value T T r:5+3=9 s:2x4=9

EP4 Homework1 Negation, Conjunction and Disjunction

1. Look at the following statements (p,q,r,s). For each question below, write a sentence and tell me the truth value. Question a b c d e f g h i j k l pq pr sq r s ~p q ~ ( p q) pq pr sq r s ~p q ~ ( p q) Sentence

p:2+3=5 q:2x3=6 Truth value T T r:5+3=9 s:2x4=9







2) Complete these tables : p T F p q ~p ~ q ~p q ~p ~ (~ p) p ~p p ~p

2) Complete these tables : p T F p q ~p ~ q ~p q ~p ~ (~ p) p ~p p ~p

3) Write the negation of these statements : a) The book has 500 pages b) Six is less than eight c) 3 x 5 = 15 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

3) Write the negation of these statements : a) The book has 500 pages b) Six is less than eight c) 3 x 5 = 15 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

4) If y : This subject is easy & z : Lazy students do not study, write each of these in symbolic form : a b c d This subject is easy and lazy students do not study Lazy students do not study or this subject is not easy It is not the case that both this subject is easy and lazy students do not study This subject is not easy y z

4) If y : This subject is easy & z : Lazy students do not study, write each of these in symbolic form : a b c d This subject is easy and lazy students do not study Lazy students do not study or this subject is not easy It is not the case that both this subject is easy and lazy students do not study This subject is not easy y z

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