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kara b. mciver


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, May 2012 BA, Communication- Public Relations & Rhetorical Advocacy College of Liberal Arts Honors 3.6/4.0 GPA, Deans List & Semester Honors

Experience 04.12-Present Bohlsen Group Freelance Literary Publicist

Execute publicity campaigns for self-published books from initial client contact to media relations to nal results analysis

01.12-04.12 09.11-12.11

Find8 Digital Copywriting Intern

Learned copywriting techniques to optimize local search results for small businesses

Purdue University Honors College- National & International Scholarship Ofce Social Media Assistant

Wrote social media plan based on benchmarking of comparable universities and scholarship programs


Bohlsen Group Public Relations Intern

Wrote press releases and creative briefs, mostly serving on the Author Solutions account Created media lists using Vocus Compiled media outreach and blogger relations mailings


Care2 Blogger (

Researched and wrote cause blogs focusing on LGBT rights, womens right and corporate responsibility


Engineering Projects in Community Service Communication Intern

Increased spring semester enrollment by 16% through social media and word of mouth campaigns Managed online community of students Monitored online conversation and facilitated communication between leadership team and students


Public Relations Student Society of America President/VP of Opportunities

Wrote third most viewed blog post of 2011 for FORUM: Top 5 Things to Bring to Your Next Interview ( Launched Chapter Twitter in 2010 Served as eyes, ears and voice of Chapter within the larger PRSSA Community Communicated opportunities with students and stakeholders

Activities 08.10-04.12 Prociencies Adobe InDesign & Photoshop, Vocus, Gimp, Wordpress, HootSuite, MS Ofce, Windows OS, Mac OS Triathlon Club- Race Committee, Social Media Chair, 2011-12

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