Bomb Calorimeter

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Themodynamics Lab (0904345) full Lab Report

Faculty of Engineering and Technology The University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan

Bomb Calorimeter

January 2008 Abstract .In this experiment the calorific values of diesel was found by using the bomb calorimeter The experiment done by exploding the fuel by a wire in a calorimeter filled by known amount of .water then the water temperature was recorded

The value is calculated by the energy balance between water and burned fuel and found as 49016.4 .[[KJ/Kg

II Table of contents Introduction 1 Objectives 1

Theory 1 Procedure 1 Experimental setup 2 Data observed 3 Sample calculation 4 Results and discussion 4 Conclusions 5 Sources of errors 5 References 5

III List of symbols

: mf : mw : mc : T2 T1 : cp : C.V

. [ Mass of the fuel burned [ g . [ Mass of water in calorimeter [ Kg .[ Mass of water equivalent of the calorimeter [ Kg .[ Temperature rise [ oC .[ Specific heat of water [ J / Kg C .[Calorific value of the diesel [KJ/Kg

List of figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 experiment setup 2 a sketch of the bomb calorimeter cross section Water Temperature versus Time 4 3

List of tables Table 1 change of temperature with time 4

IV Introduction The heating value or calorific value of a substance, usually a fuel or food, is the amount of heat released during the combustion of a specified amount of it. The calorific value is a characteristic for

each substance. It is measured in units of energy per unit of the substance, usually mass, such as: kcal/kg, kJ/kg, J/mol, Btu/m. Heating value is commonly determined by use of a bomb calorimeter. The bomb calorimeter is the most common device for measuring the heat of combustion or calorific value of a material. With this apparatus a test specimen of specified mass is burned under standardized conditions. The heat of combustion determined under these conditions is calculated on the basis of the observed temperature rise while taking account of heat loss. The combustion process is initiated inside an atmosphere of oxygen in a constant volume container, the bomb, which is a vessel built to withstand high pressures. It is immersed in a stirred water bath, and the whole device is the calorimeter vessel. The calorimeter vessel is also immersed in an outer water bath. The water temperature in the calorimeter vessel and that of the outer bath are both monitored Objectives .To determine the calorific value of a given fuel Theory The calorific value of a fuel is the amount of energy liberated by burning completely unit quantity of fuel. A small amount is burned under high pressure oxygen. The calorific value calculated by .measured the energy liberated

Heat liberated = Heat gained by water and calorimeter (mf *CV = (mw + mc) (T2-T1)*(cp
where .mf : mass of the fuel .mw : mass of water in calorimeter mc : mass of water equivalent of the calorimeter which should be determined using a fuel of know .calorific value .T2-T1: temperature rise .Cp: specific heat of water Procedure .A small quantity of fuel (about 1 gram) is weighted .1 .The ignition wire is fixed and the bomb is closed .2 .The bomb is charged with oxygen to a pressure of about 30 bars .3 .The bomb is inserted in the calorimeter and about 2 Kg of water is poured .4 .The Beckman thermometer is inserted and the stirrer is started .5 .Temperature of water is recorded every 10 seconds .6

1 Experimental setup .Figure shows the experiment setup: bomb calorimeter and Beckman thermometer

Figure 1

experiment setup

The Beckmann thermometer was invented by Ernest Otto Beckmann (1853-1923), also noted for the Beckmann transformation in organic chemistry, as a result of his work with oximes. His interest in the physical properties of these molecules lead him to invent a number of ingenious apparatus for measuring colligate properties based on the theoretical work of Francois Marie Raoult (1830-1901). He began publishing this work around 1888. Beckmann developed the differential thermometer bearing his name, which could accurately measure temperatures to about 0.001 C, in order to measure the very small temperature changes found in boiling point and freezing point determinations .of molecular weight An adiabatic bomb calorimeter has the metal bomb inside of a metal bucket containing water. That metal bucket sits loosely inside an insulated jacket. There is a stirrer that sticks into the water in the bucket and is driven by a motor outside of the calorimeter. A thermometer also sticks into the water in the bucket and is the device that will be used to determine the change in temperature during the reaction. Two electrical leads connect to the top of the bomb from outside and they will deliver the .current that initiates the reaction The metal bomb provides a constant-volume system in which the combustion will reaction take place. The sample pellet is placed in the ignition cup and the fuse wire is carefully arranged to touch the pellet but not the cup. The bomb is sealed by screwing the cap on and then filled with a high pressure of pure oxygen. The electrical connections are made at the top and the bomb is placed into the water .bucket. Figure 2 shows a sketch of the bomb calorimeter cross section

Figure 2 a sketch of the bomb calorimeter cross section Data observed Table 1 : change of temperature with time 3 Pressure in =30 bar Mass of water = 2 Kg Mass of fuel = 1 g :Sample calculation Heat liberated from fuel = Heat gained by water and calorimeter ( mf * C.V = ( mw + mc ) ( T2 T1 ) (cp (C.V = ( 2 + 0.856 ) ( 32.5 28.4) (4186 * 10-3 * 1 [ C.V = 49016385.6 [ J / Kg Time [s] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Temperature Time Temperature [oC] [s] [oC] 28.4 250 32.5 28.5 260 32.5 28.7 270 32.5 29.1 280 32.5 29.6 290 32.6 29.9 300 32.6 30.7 310 32.6 31.0 320 32.6 31.4 330 32.6 31.5 340 32.6 31.6 350 32.6 31.8 360 32.6 31.9 370 32.6 32.0 380 32.6 32.1 390 32.6 32.2 400 32.5 32.2 410 32.5 32.3 420 32.5 32.3 430 32.5 32.4 440 32.5 32.4 450 32.5 32.4 460 32.5 32.4 470 32.5 32.5 480 32.5 32.5

Results and discussion The change of temperature with the time can be .shown in figure 2

33 32.5 32 31.5 31 30.5 30 29.5 29 28.5 28 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time [ s ]

Figure 3

Temperature [ C ]

Water Temperature versus Time

Figure 2 shows that the temperature of water increased very fast in the first 80 seconds, this may happen according to the sudden change in temperature between the bomb and calorimeter. Eighteen second represents an infection point so the increase in water temperature becomes slowly and it goes .to finish the transient change in water temperature until it becomes constant at 200 seconds The heat transferred to water is stored in the water and calorimeter and increase the temperature so .[in the sample calculation the value of calorific value of the diesel is found as 49016.4 [KJ/Kg 4 Conclusions The calorific value of the diesel in this experiment is 49016.4 [KJ/Kg] which effected by many .sources of errors. This value can be compared with others values for fuels to select best option .The experiment show that water ( in liquid phase ) stored energy by increasing its temperature Sources of errors Human errors .1 .In weighting the fuel and water and in reading the thermometer Equipments errors .2 Heat lose from calorimeter (not perfect insulation), worked add by the stirrer and uncertainty .in the pressure gauge and thermometer These errors can be decreased by using more precise equipments and more careful in the .work References Thermodynamics Lab manual: by the Mechanical Engineering Department in the University of .Jordan

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