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quantum leap or quantum change, literally means change by a specifiable amount, but the phrase derives from physics where it is used for the smallest possible detectable energy change of a sub-atomic particle, and so should not be used to indicate a major change, especially since it has become a cliche Queens College, Oxford Queens College, Cambridge Queens University, Belfast quite question quotation avoid in the sense of quite good for the real meaning of leading question see entry under leading question words inside quotation marks must be the actual words used, with perhaps only ums and minor grammatical errors removed if a few words are omitted (only for brevity or to remove an irrelevance and even then only if shortening does not distort the sense) three stops () should be inserted to indicate ellipsis with space on either side; if a substantial amount has been excised close the quote and then reopen if words have to be inserted for an explanation, put them in square brackets (He [the prime minister] is a bungling fool said Mr Knowitall) translations should normally be in reported speech and in an idiomatic equivalent rather than with pedantic precision. A writer expresses himself in words that have been used before because they give his meaning better than he can give it himself, or because they are beautiful or witty, or because he expects them to touch a chord of association in his reader, or because he wishes to show that he is learned and well read. Quotations due to the last motive are invariably illadvised; the discerning reader detects it and is contemptuous, the undiscerning is perhaps impressed, but even then is at the same time repelled, pretentious quotation being the surest way to tedium. The words of H W Fowler A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 1926. This quotation is inserted for the first of those reasons. see also entry for punctuation quote Quran is the verb, quotation is the noun use Koran

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