Enabling GC Logging For Weblogic in Sun JDK

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1) enabling GC logging for weblogic in sun JDK

#JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps Xloggc:/home/durgasoft/mygc-today.log" #JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps"

2) Please let me know, how to generate Heap dump and core dumps in Weblogic.
using the jmap command

Code: [Select] $JAVA_HOME/bin/jmap -heap:format=b <PID-OF-SERVER>

this will create a heap.bin file which is called heap dump. this can be analyzed by using tools like HAT ( Heap Analysis Tool) - This is an opensource tool. Just google for "Download HEAP ANALYSIS TOOL) - It comes as a plugin for eclipse.

3. Your question needs to be corrected a bit.

There is no tool to Tune the performance. If at all there is any such tool, everyone would be using it and performance tuning would not be that difficult. first you need to understand performance tuning is not a push-button technique. It usually involves two steps 1) analyze your current system for any problems 2) try to fine-tune one component at a time to achieve optimum performance. as i said before there are no tools for performance tuning. Tool are only available to "analyze the current system" here are some of the tools used for analyzing the existing. ThreadDump Analysis - Samurai ( opensource) Heap Dump Analysis - MAT, Memory Analyzer Tool ( Open Source) Core Dump Analysis - IBM has a tool for this. There are other tools for monitoring the systems. 4.

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