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Morbidity (from Latin morbidus, meaning "sick, unhealthy") is a diseased state, disability, or poor health due to any cause. The term may be used to refer to the existence of any form of disease, or to the degree that the health condition affects the patient. Among severely ill patients, the level of morbidity is often measured by ICU scoring systems. Comorbidity is the simultaneous presence of two medical conditions, such as a person with schizophrenia and substance abuse. In epidemiology and actuarial science, the term morbidity rate can refer to either the incidence rate, or the prevalence of a disease or medical condition. This measure of sickness is contrasted with the mortality rate of a condition, which is the proportion of people dying during a given time interval.

cholesterol, etc. depend on individual's physical condition. This nutrion chart table can be used as a nutrition guide for daily nutritional intake for men and women. You can find your daily need/requirement or intake of calories, fat, protein, carbohydrate, sodium, cholesterol and fiber Nutrition Nutrition need for Men over 24 Year 2900 Nutrition need for Women 25-50 Year 2200 Nutrition need for Women over 50 Year 1900 maximu m 63g maximu m 21g maximu m 300mg maximu m 50g maximu m 283g 20 - 30g 2400mg maximu m



Saturated Fat

2. Mortality
Mortality is the condition of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality. It may also refer to:



96g maximu m 32g maximu m 300mg maximu m 63g

73g maximu m 24g maximu m 300mg maximu m 50g

Mortality rate, a measure of the number of deaths in a given population Case mortality rate, a measure of the number of deaths among a set of diagnosed hospital illness or injury cases Mortality displacement Mortality drag Mortality (band), a thrash metal band from Sydney, Australia Mortality (computability theory), a property of a Turing machine if it halts when run on any starting configuration

Carbohydrate s Fiber Sodium

446g 20 - 30g 2400mg maximu m

335g 20 - 30g 2400mg maximu m

Deficiency disease
A disease, such as rickets or scurvy, which is caused by a dietary deficiency of specific nutrients, especially a vitamin or mineral. The disease may stem from insufficient intake, digestion, absorption, or utilization of a nutrient. 1. (Medicine / Pathology) Med any condition, such as pellagra, beriberi, or scurvy, produced by a lack of vitamins or other essential substances Compare avitaminosis 2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) Botany any disease caused by lack of essential minerals.

3. Nutrition Needs
The NUTRITION CHART for foods gives daily nutritional intake requirements of key nutriion like calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Please use the nutrition need or requirement chart or daily dietary need values as a rough guide only. The actual values of calories, fat,

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