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1. Different people choose different kinds of leisure time activity. Tell your partner

what your leisure time activity is. What do you enjoy most about it? How much time do you spend on it? 2. Making a close friendship is not easy, and keeping it going on for a long time is even more difficult. What should you do to make close friendship ever-last? Share your ideas with your partner. Some people say that boys and girls should not study in the same class because they have different characteristics and natures. Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not? Discuss with your partner. 4. Crime has increased in recent years. It happens in both city and countryside. What do you do to protect yourself against crime and to keep yourself safe? Discuss with your partner. 5. Which neighborhood are you living in? What do you like and dislike about it? If you could choose a place to live, where would it be? Discuss your choice with your partner.
3. 6. Reading is a hobby of many people. How much time do you spend reading

everyday? What do you often read? Do you believe in everything you read? Discuss with your partner. 7. Eating a certain kind of food can help people treat some kinds of illnesses, so choosing what to eat is very important. What do you often have for your meals? Do you think what you eat is good for your health? Discuss your ideas with your partner. 8. Starting a conversation with an opposite sex stranger sometimes is really difficult. If you fall into this situation, what will you do? Why will you do it? Talk to your friend about this and give some examples. 9. Different people choose their own ways to keep away from health problems. What do you often do to stay healthy? Does the way you choose cost a lot of money? Discuss these questions with your partner. 10. Some people live in a big family but they have a feeling of loneliness. However, some others live alone but they feel cozy. Which feeling do you have now? Why do you have it? Share your answer with your partner.
11. More and more foreign people have visited Viet Nam in recent years. Do you have

any explanation for this reality? If you are a tourist guide, what should you say to them about Vietnamese people? Why should you say so? Share your idea with your partner. 12. Protecting environment is not a concern for one individual, but it is a social duty as well. Describe one environment problem in your city or community. What should the government and you do to solve it? Share these solutions with your partner.

13. Nowadays there are many different means of transport to choose for a long distance

trip. How do you like to travel? Discuss the reasons why you choose this kind of transport with your partner. 14. People get married at different time in their life. What age do you think is the most suitable for a man/ a woman to get married? Exchange your idea with your partner. 15. Some students think that a good school teacher has good knowledge and good teaching methods. Do you share this idea with them? Talk to your partner about your thinking. 16. There are 2 types of jobs: an interesting but low-paid job and a boring but high-paid one. Which type would you choose? Share your choice with your partner. 17. More and more married couples go out to eat nowadays because they both are busy with their work. Do you think this is a good thing to do? Share your thinking with your partner. 18. Football has become one of the most popular sports all over the world. It is also considered as the King sport. Do you know why it is so? Are there any disadvantages of playing it? Discuss with your partner. 19. If you could change one important thing about your hometown or community, what would you change? When and how would you change it? Share your ideas with your partner. 20. Choosing a place to shop is sometimes time-consuming. It is not a thing that many men like to do. Do you like shopping? If so, where do you like to shop? Discuss your choice with your partner. WRITING LEVEL B
1) Agree or disagree with the following statement Borrowing money from a friend

can harm or damage the friendship. 2) Describe similarities and differences between traveling by bike and traveling by boat 3) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of teenagers using cell phones. 4) Write a proposal to the school managing board to build a swimming pool inside your school 5) Compare and contrast the two ways of learning English: learning in groups and learning alone.
6) Some people like to do only what they already know well while others try to do new

things and take risks. How about your choice. Discuss and tell why?. 7) Describe advantages and disadvantages of wearing helmets while traveling by motorbike. 8) Analyze some possible effects of teenagers playing online games.

9) Describe similarities and differences between writing an English essay and Vietnamese essay.
10) Agree or disagree with the statement Married people lead a happier life than those

who arent.
11) Agree or disagree with the statement there is nothing that young people can teach

older people. 12)Analyze some possible effects of drug addiction among young adults in Viet Nam.
13) Smoking in the public place is good or bad? why?

14) Describe advantages and disadvantages of having a foreign friend.

15) Answer the question should a gambling casino be built in your city?

16)Describe the proudest moment that you have ever experienced in your life. 17)Discuss the reasons why teenagers should not use cell-phones at school. 18)Describe some useful things you have learnt about writing in English since you started this writing course. 19)Discuss advantages and disadvantages of some young children spending a great amount of their time using the internet. 20)Answer a question Should parentless teenagers be given a place to live on their own? 21) Describe advantages and disadvantages of taking public transportation in the city.
22) Describe similarities and differences between a school teacher and a university

23) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in a boat-house.

24) Propose the city government leaders to upgrade the drainage system in your city.
25) Describe similarities and differences between text messaging and personal

26) Describe advantages and disadvantages of a take-home exam.

27)Answer the question, Should parents let teens make their own decision?
28) Describe similarities and differences between living on campus and living off

campus while students are studying at a university.

29) Describe advantages and disadvantages of the Internet for teenagers.

30)Agree or disagree with the following statement, High school graduates should take a year off before entering college?
31) Describe similarities and differences between online learning and classroom

32) Describe advantages and disadvantages of living in a foreign country.

33)Answer the question, Should video cameras be placed in schools to prevent violence among students?
34) Describe similarities and differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-

collar worker.
35) Describe advantages and disadvantages of living with a messy roommate.

36)Answer the question, Should uniforms be banned in Vietnamese grade schools? 37) Describe similarities and differences between a television newscaster and a school teacher. 38) Describe similarities and differences between cooperative learning and competitive learning. 39) Describe advantages and disadvantages of attending summer courses. 40) Describe advantages and disadvantages of attending an inner-city school. 41) Answer the question, Should college students be required to take physical education courses? 42)Answer the question, Should dangerous sports such as boxing, motor-racing, etc. be banned? 43) Describe similarities and differences between the place where you live and the place where you would like to live. 44) Describe disadvantages of taking a part-time job while studying. 45) Answer the question, Should English become the official second language in your country?

1/ Are women are better parents than men? 2/ Should children should be taught sex education in schools? 3/ Will the Internet will bring people of the world closer together? 4/ Who should take care of our old people? 5/ Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries?

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