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Characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.

Four major perspectives on Personality

Psychoanalytic - unconscious motivations Trait - specific dimensions of personality Humanistic - inner capacity for growth Social-Cognitive - influence of environment

Psychoanalytic Perspective
first comprehensive theory of personality
University of Vienna 1873 Voracious Reader Medical School Graduate

Specialized in Nervous Disorders Some patients disorders had no physical cause!

Personality refers to a persons unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions Personality is an interaction between biology and environment
Genetic studies suggest heritability of personality Other studies suggest learned components of personality

The First Trait Theory

Moody Anxious Rigid Sober Pessimistic Reserved Unsociable Quiet


Touchy Restless Aggressive Excitable Changeable Impulsive Optimistic Active melancholic choleric

Two Factor Trait Theory of Personality



phlegmatic sanguine Passive Sociable Careful Outgoing Thoughtful Talkative Peaceful Responsive Controlled Easygoing Reliable Lively Carefree Even-tempered Leadership Calm


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