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jokesmith Productions


Oaks Park High School 45-65 Oaks Lane Newbury Park Ilford IG2 7PQ

Dear Mr Wilkes I am writing to ask permission if JokeSmith Productions can make a short film of a comedy on the Monday 9th July 2012 at 3.30pm to 5.00pm. We would like to use the Sixth Form Common Room, outside area of the Sixth Form Common Room, English Block, Private Study and Teletubbie Land for the location of our short film. We are A2 media group called JokeSmith Productions. In our group there is Chloe Wakeling, Mariam Nawab and Raman Bahra. Our short film is about a boy called Joe who needs to go to the toilet but never can due to distractions and the constant zapping back to where he began. Our film is entitled Distraction, tying in the theme of the short film. In the end of the film he finally finds a way to go to the toilet then passes on his curse to someone else. We do hope this would be agreeable, as we would like very much to begin filming at Oaks Park High School. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely Chloe Wakeling JokeSmith Productions

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