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Leadership Theory

Leadership Definitions by Eminent Scholars

So, Finaly what is leadership.?

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things Peter Drucker

Leadership is the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals.

Leadership Theories

Trait Leadership:Stogdill (1974) identified several general factors that differentiate leaders from non-leaders Capacity: problem-solving capabilities, making judgments and working hard Achievements: accomplishments such as academic record, knowledge and sports Responsibility: dependability, reliability, self-drive, perseverance, aggressiveness and self-confidence Participation and involvement: highly developed social interaction, popularity, swift adaptation to changing situations, and easier cooperation compared to non-leaders Socio-economic status: effective leaders usually belong to higher socio-economic classes.

Behavioral Leadership Studies Ohio State Studies Ohio State studies focused on task and social behavior of leaders Identified two dimensions of leader behavior Initiating Structure: role of leader in defining his/her role and roles of group members Consideration: leaders mutual trust and respect for group members ideas and feelings Participative Theories:Assumptions: Involvement in decision-making improves the understanding of the issues involved and the commitment of those who must carry out the decisions People are less competitive and more collaborative when they are working on joint goals Several people deciding together make better decisions than one person alone Contingency Theory:Assumptions: No one best way of leading Ability to lead contingent upon various situational factors: Leaders preferred style Capabilities and behaviors of followers Various other situational factors

Effect: Leaders who are successful in one situation may become unsuccessful if the factors around them change. Situational Leadership:Situational factors (motivation, capability of followers, relationship between followers and leader) determine the best action of leader Leader must be flexible to diagnosis leadership style appropriate for situation and be able to apply style No one best leadership style for all situations

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