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Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola http://oracle.anilpassi.

com This article from Vijay Dhapola details the steps to invoke Discoverer Report from Oracle Applications eBusiness Suite. First Create Report in Discoverer. Login to Discoverer Administration Edition. Enter the Existing Business Area or Create any new Business Area as required..

Open the Business Area

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Create a Custom Folder Insert FolderCustom

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Write the SQL for discoverer Report and Name the Custom Folder Then Validate the SQL

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Now Apply Security to the Custom Folder ToolSecurity

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

In Tab Business AreaUser Tab Select Your Business Area then Select the User/Responsibilities to whom you want to give access to this Report Select User/Responsibilities from Available User/Responsibilities Use to transfer to Selected User/Responsibilities.

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Also you can make a Business Area accessible to any User or Responsibility Go to UserBusiness Area Tab Select User/Responsibility in Drop Down list of User/Resp The Checkbox Users and Resps are use to Show User or Responsibility or Both In the dropdown list for User/Resp Now Select the Business Area from Available Business Area and Use to transfer to Selected Business Area for your selected User Once done Press Apply then Ok

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Once Security is given You must provide the Privileges to your User or Responsibility ToolPrivileges Select your User Under Privileges tab Provide the Privileges you want to give to your User Once done Press Apply then OK.

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Now Login Discoverers Desktop Edition Click on Create a New Workbook then Select the type of Workbook .

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click Next Select the Business Area from Available Drop Down

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Then Select Your Folder Created previously in Admin Edition And Use to transfer to Selected

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click Next As Required you can Use the Checkbox Show Page Items and Hide Duplicate Rows

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click Next

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Here You can place some Condition to your Fetched Records Click New and Enter Description Enter Item from Drop Down List , Enter your Condition and the Values

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click OK and Next Then You can Sort your data Click Add and Select the Column You can also Add multiple Columns

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click Next Here You can Perform some Calculation by Click on New

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Click Finish Once finish it will run the query and display the results

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Although my query entered in Admin Edition results 3 Records but bcoz of applying the condition Transaction_type_code=ADDITION it show only One record.

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Once this is done.. Now its Time to make the report available in Application Login to Application DeveloperFunction

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Enter Function , User Function Name, Description(Optional) in Description Tab

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

In Properties Tab Select Type SSWA plsql function Maintenance Mode Support None Context Dependence - Responsibility

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

In Form Tab Paramters - Enter the Workbook name created previously workbook=TEST_WORKBOOK1 incase you want to give some parameters then you can use workbook=TEST_WORKBOOK1&Parameters=age~26*salary~1000* syntax workbook=<workbook_name>&parameters=<Parameter_name1>~<value1>*<Parameter _name2>~<value2>*<Parameter_name3>~<value3>*

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

In Web HTML Tab Enter HTML Call - OracleOasis.RunDiscoverer

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Add the Function in Any existing or new Menu..

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Navigate to Responsibility which contain this Menu.

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

Please Note Discoverer Report is not invoke when youve direct login into Application Server through http://<url>:<port number>/dev60cgi/f60cgi You need to access through web server Otherwise it will give Error

Author : Mr Vijay Dhapola

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