'12 Summer Beerlympics

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Event: 1st Annual Summer Beerlympics/Pig Roast Date: June 30, 2012 Time: 12:00 1:00 p.m.

. Food/Team Selections 1:00 p.m. Tournament Start Entry Fee: $30 per player/$60 per team NO REFUNDS once tournament play has begun Must be paid prior to tournament start Teams: Divisions: Division A Team 1 Team 3 Team 5 Team 7 *Based on 8 teams Scoring: Game Outcome Points Win 2 Overtime Loss* 1 Loss 0 *Applies only to events that can result in overtime play A team will play 1 game against each team from the same division for each event Tie Breaker: o 1 game playoff o event will be randomly chosen o Rules as per event (see below) Playoffs: 1. Quarterfinals: a. Division A and B b. 2nd Place versus 3rd Place c. 1ST place receives bye d. Format i. One game playoff ii. Game is randomly chosen 2. Semifinals: Division B Team 2 Team 4 Team 6 Team 8 Teams will consist of 2 players (will be randomly chosen)

a. Division A and B b. 1ST place versus quarterfinal winner c. Format i. One game playoff ii. Game is randomly chosen 3. Championship: a. Division A winner versus Division B winner b. Format: i. Best of 3 series ii. 3 events will be randomly chosen The team to compete 1st in playoff game will be the highest seeded team. If both teams are #1 seeds, then a coin toss a by a person from an already eliminated team/person not participating will ensue. The team who losses the coin toss will compete 1st for the 2nd event. If a 3rd event is required, the team that won the original coin toss will again compete first. Rules as per event (see below) Events/Rules (Not actual order of events): 1. Beer Pong (Classic) a. 2 players b. 6 cup/2 beers c. Re-racks: i. 1 re-rack allowed ii. Any shape permitted except straight lines unless 4 cups are remaining on the table iii. No re-racks during an active turn d. These rules or variations of the game are not permitted: i. Island rule ii. Roll backs iii. Mercy shots iv. Distractions (of any kind) v. Blowing, fingering or any variation e. These rules or variations of the game are permitted: i. Bounce = 2 cups 1. Swatting allowed ii. Balls back = 2 successful shots on one turn iii. Any cups knocked over or off the table count as a cup, but no other cups will be removed or loss of turn incurred iv. Elbow rule (Any table less than 8 feet will have a line designated behind which all shots will be taken) f. A loss of turn will be incurred for the following violations: i. If a player shoots before either his/her beer is consumed or another player on the team has not consumed his/her beer ii. Contacting a players shot prior to the ball hitting a cup, the table (bounce shot) or any other item that would deem the ball out of play g. An automatic game over will result for the following:

i. If a player either drops his/her ball into one of his/her own cups that has already been made by the opposing team and has yet to be consumed or ii. If a player makes into an opposing players cup that has already been made and has yet to be consumed iii. If a team makes 2 successful shots with 2 cups remaining h. Rebuttals: i. Awarded to a team facing elimination. Note: only applicable if an automatic game over has not occurred (see rule g above). Each player is allowed to shoot till you miss. If all the remaining cups are made as a result of a rebuttal, overtime will occur i. Overtime: i. 3 cups/1 beer ii. The team that was first to end regulation is awarded the first shot iii. No re-racks iv. Rules as stated above j. Any unmade cups remaining on the table at the completion of a game must be consumed by the losing team before the next game can begin 2. Kan Jam a. 2 players per team, situated at opposite goals b. Distance between goals to be 50 (front to front) c. 1 player from home team throws disc first towards opposite goal and teammate (if needed) attempts to redirect disc towards goal. After both players from the home team have completed turns, the opposing team will throw. i. All shots must occur behind the front of the goal (release line) - Arm cannot extend beyond release line (to avoid any issues, throw the disc behind the goal) ii. Players cannot switch ends once game play has begun iii. No player substitutions iv. Players can move anywhere within the playing field to redirect the disc v. Players can redirect with one or both hands - Carrying/grabbing the disc is not allowed - No double hits (once the disc is redirected, it cannot be redirected or contacted a second time) d. Scoring i. Teams must reach exactly 21 points to win. ii. Once 21 is reached, the opposing team continues with the remaining 2 throws in an attempt to match 21 and send the game into overtime. (if the score differential is greater than can be achieved with two throws, a "slot shot must be made for overtime to occur iii. If any team exceeds 21 points, the amount of the throw that resulted in greater than 21 points is deducted from the current total (i.e. a team has 19 points and scores a "dunk" or 3 points, the score is then reduced to 16) e. Points: i. Disc in slot or open top = immediate game over (opposing team does not receive a last chance throw) ii. Disc is redirected throw top of goal/Dunk = 3 points

iii. Disc hits goal directly/without redirection = 2 points iv. Disc is redirected into any part of the goal = 1 point f. Overtime i. Consists of 1 round of play (each player will throw once) with the team that scored 21 first in regulation throwing 1st ii. Highest score after 1 round wins iii. If a tie should occur, another round of overtime is played until a winner is declared g. Miscellaneous i. If the disc becomes stuck at any point, and then falls in either through the slot or the open top, only 2 points will be awarded for a direct hit - If the disc is stuck on the top for 5 seconds or more, 2 points will be awarded for a direct hit if not redirected 1 point if redirected ii. If the disc is redirected in the goal and bounces out either through the slot or the open top (bounce-outs), only 1 point will be awarded for a redirection iii. If the disc enters through the slot, exits through the opening at the top or somehow back through the slot, this is not considered an instant win and only 2 points will be awarded iv. If the goal falls over on a slot shot, an instant win is awarded as long as half the disc stays in the goal or the disc exits through the bottom of the goal - If the disc exits through the top, only 2 points are awarded v. Any intentional interference results in immediate game over 3. Beer Frisbee a. 2 players per team, situated at same pole/ends of playing field b. Poles have empty can placed on top (targets) c. 1 player from home team throws disc first towards opposite pole in attempt to contact opposing teams pole and knock the can off or directly knock the can off with the Frisbee. d. All shots must occur behind the front of the base of the pole (release line) i. Arm cannot extend beyond release line (to avoid any issues, throw the Frisbee behind the base) ii. Players cannot switch ends once game play has begun and must throw the Frisbee from the side of the pole from which he/she began the game iii. No player substitutions e. Scoring: i. First team to reach or exceed 21 points wins ii. Once 21 is reached, the opposing team continues with the remaining 2 throws unless 21 cannot be achieved or exceeded in 2 throws iii. If both teams reach or exceed 21 points, overtime occurs f. Points i. Can hit (opposing team does not catch can OR frisbee) = 3 points ii. Can hit (opposing team does not catch can OR frisbee) = 3 points iii. Can hit (opposing team catches can OR frisbee) = 2 points

iv. Can hit (opposing teams catches BOTH can and frisbee) = 1 point v. Pole hit that knocks can off (opposing team does not catch can or Frisbee) = 2 points - If opposing team catches BOTH can and frisbee = 0 points vi. Pole hit that does not knock can off ( opposing team does not catch Frisbee) = 1 point vii. Pole hit that does not knock can off (opposing team catches frisbee) = 0 points viii. If the Frisbee is thrown and is within 2 steps left or right of the pole, it must be caught (if the Frisbee is deemed catchable and not caught or dropped, throwing team is awarded 1 point) g. Overtime i. Consists of 1 round of play (each player will throw once) with the team that scored 21 first in regulation throwing 1st ii. Highest score after 1 round wins iii. If a tie should occur, another round of overtime is played until a winner is declared h. Miscellaneous/Penalties i. If the Frisbee fails to reach the opposing teams side (must contact or fall partially behind the front of the base) a penalty shot is awarded from the spot of the Frisbee fell ii. Players cannot guard a can. Points will be awarded based on severity (i.e.if Frisbee contacted can directly, max points will be awarded/3 points or if Frisbee contacts pole, max points will be awarded/2 points) iii. Players cannot reach in front of base to catch Frisbee. Violations will result in opposing team being awarded 1 point. iv. Any intentional interference results in immediate game over 4. Corn Hole a. 2 player, opposite ends of playing field b. Corn hole boards to be placed with a minimum of 45 in between (board front to board front) c. 2 opposing players on same board will alternate throwing bags until each has thrown 4 bags i. A player may choose to throw from either the right or left side of the board in any given round, but must remain on the side from which the first throw was made for the duration of that round d. Next, the remaining two opposing players will throw. Order is determined by highest score in preceding round or if no score, then team that has highest score or threw first to start the game would go. e. Scoring: i. First team to reach or exceed 21 points wins (teams do not need to win by 2 points) ii. Once 21 is reached, the opposing team continues with the remaining4 tosses unless 21 cannot be achieved or exceeded in 4 throws iii. If both teams reach or exceed 21 points, overtime occurs f. Points:

i. Bag in-the-hole = 3 points ii. Bag on-the-board = 1 point - The bag must be completely on the board and with no part in contact with the ground iii. Cancellation scoring (i.e. 2 opposing teams end up with 2 bags each inthe-hole results in 0 points awarded) iv. A bag that contacts the ground prior to resting on-the-board or in-the-hole is out of play g. Overtime i. Consists of 1 round of play (each player will throw once) with the team that scored 21 first in regulation throwing 1st ii. Highest score after 1 round wins iii. If a tie should occur, another round of overtime is played until a winner is declared h. Miscellaneous i. Any intentional interference results in immediate game over 5. Miscellaneous a. In the event that 1 player from a team cannot continue for any reason, the top player from a designated substitute list will be permitted to play in place of that player. i. A player who cannot continue will be permitted to return only once (he/she will replace the person who had substituted into the game), but cannot do so while a game is underway and must wait for the beginning of the next game/event. b. All games must be played with a drink of choice in one hand with the exception of beer pong

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