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You saiD i love u and i saiD iloveu too buT d oNly diFference was "I DID'NT LIE" :"(

yOU nEver ConsIdered Love Above aLL eLse. . . NegLecteD mA tEars . . . N nOw dAt' Has maDe all tHe diffeRencE . . ..Frightning mE.. "will d tEars run out..?.." People are made to be Loved and Things r made to be Used. The confusion is in the World because People are being Used and Things r being Loved. :( Heartbreak is an odd kind of pain because you are not dying, you are not even si ck. You are perfectly fine yet inside where your heart used to be, you hurt so m uch that you can t breathe, you can t sleep and you can t stop the tears from falling. You may eat too much. You may not eat at all. Non- smokers light up. Non- drink ers find a bar. A broken heart is one of the world s greatest equalizer because it can turn even the sweetest angel to a freaking evil.

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