VampyrianTempleUVUP Vampyrian Spirituality and Rituals

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Vampyrian Rituals and Spells:

*** Just a note: If a Mother/Father is not available the position can be substituted for an initiate or lower position

spiritual leader of the Vampyrian Spirituality. There are 3 ranks:

Vampyrian Spiritual Father/Mother A teacher and

1. Founding Father/Mother or Eldest Father/Mother The highest magistrate and/or spiritual leader. 2. Formal Father/Mother One who aids and performs rituals when the Eldest or Founding Father cannot. 3. Awakening Father/Mother Just joining and learning (potential).

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir



1.Salt to keep out negative energy and loss of energy Place in a circle around all participants of the ritual 2.Incense on the altar for aroma and offering your blessings to the gods and goddesses 3.Candles for the altar. Red represents blood or life force as well as fire, strength, Love, and motivation - Black represents the shadows, hidden knowledge, or knowledge wishing to be gained Silver represents psychic energy, psychic power, and the moon Blue is for health and abundance - Purple represents healing and Spiritual knowledge 4.A Ritual Blade to be used to help direct our Energies as well as cut away things we want to get rid of 5.A Chalice to Take in Blessings as well as Magickal needs and Wants in which we pass around and each take in the gifts

These things all depend on the Ritual we are performing whether we need them or not We must first consecrate the Temple through Tantric energy or the spilling of blood (small amount on the altar). We must have Temple scroll keepers or Life force givers to make sure there are no interruptions to the Spiritual energy during the ritual During the Ritual it is suggested that join hands during the beginning first to balance each others energy out. After this has happened we then begin the ritual Ritual closing: Remove the salt from the floor; snuff the candles, and the incense

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Initiation Ritual:

For Those Intending to Participate as a Potential:

To become a Potential a Member need only express interest in becoming a Member of the Inner TempleUVUP. However, in order to become an Inner Temple Member, one must enter in through the Initiation Ritual. There are many purposes for going through the Ritual, some of which are very practical, such as letting other Members of the existing Fatherhood know of your intentions to join. This can serve an Initiate well, as other Members of the Fatherhood help to guide you toward resources, as well as offering advice if it is needed. The Ritual also serves to affirm to the Temple and its Council that you have committed to the Order you chose and in what capacity you hope to serve the TempleUVUP. There are many different roles and duties one may choose to take on as a Member of any Order.

Once you have completed the Ritual of the Initiate, it will be one of your first tasks to begin undertaking an exploration of which Path(s) you will begin upon. The Temple certainly respects that there will be those who will serve in capacities not mentioned in the Orders, that Members of the Fatherhood may not agree with the chosen Paths of others, and that Members may be more comfortable specializing along their own Path. We humbly ask that you consider before joining into any Order, that we encourage you to be familiar with other Paths, and require that you be tolerant of the Paths of others. If this may be a struggle for you, you may want to reconsider joining the Fatherhood of the TempleUVUP. By taking the Ritual of the Initiate, you are agreeing to not only commit yourself to the TempleUVUP and the Order you choose, but to its Members as well. You are agreeing to perform all duties of the Order in keeping with the ideologies and standards as ascribed by the TempleUVUP Elders.

You are certainly free to your own Path's call, but if you intend to act as a Father/Mother of the TempleUVUP, there are some very basic things that we require of you. Tolerance, For instance; we are a Unitarian Temple, which means we are all inclusive, that we respect all Paths. It is certainly expected that anyone hailing under the title of Father/Mother of the Temple should work diligently toward obtaining a Tolerant attitude towards the Paths of others. It cannot be stressed enough that Tolerance is a key factor in achieving and maintaining a position within the Order of the Fatherhood at the TempleUVUP. It is assumed that by expressing enough interest to list yourself as a Potential, that you have felt a calling, and that there is something that you hope to accomplish through entering into the Order. Please feel free to share with the Temple Elders what those intentions are; perhaps there is something that can be done to assist in reaching your goals.

However, please do not join the Order only to abandon it once you have achieved the title. Titles are meaningless without deeds behind them, and if a Member of any Order is found abusing their title, the matter shall be taken before Council. It is expected that Members of the Order also take into account in their daily lives these simple commandments as set down by the Eldest Father and Founder of the TempleUVUP. While we will not encourage others to stray from their own Path, the majority if not all of these basic rules are well within the scope of most Paths as we are aware of them. They are listed within the Site, Books or just ask an Inner Temple/Council member. You will be expected to know the Creed, commandments, and Rules at the time you complete the Ritual of the Initiate. Take some time to read them over and decide if they are something that you can live by. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Father or Mother and we will go over them with you. Please do feel free to contact us should you have any questions at all,

and we will answer them to the best of our ability. ~ ~ ~

During the Ritual of the Initiate we will be asking each Potential to name their personal Path. If you do not have a name for your Path, or your Path encompasses several different aspects of various Paths, we would appreciate it if you respond with Eclectic. This allows us to recognize your individual Path, while keeping the Ritual within a manageable amount of time for each Potential. Once you have taken the Ritual of the Initiate, we shall be getting back in touch with you to discuss your Path/Order and various other things on a more individual basis. If you have anything you would like to discuss further about your own personal Path, we would be more than happy to hear it then.

It is our hopes that those Rituals will be ever expanding through the participation of the Members of the Order of the Fatherhood to the TempleUVUP. For
those of you who have expressed an interest as a Potential, we thank you, and Dark Blessings to you along

your chosen Path.

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir


Spiritual Mother: Tonight we welcome (initiates name) into our Inner Temple Spiritual Father: Would the initiate please step forward? (Initiate steps forward) Initiate: I am here and wish to become an inner member and join the inner Temple. Spiritual Mother: Why do you wish to join and do you have the time in your schedule to be a serious member? Initiate: Answers Spiritual Father: Do you (initiates name) promise to be a dedicated, loyal member and help with the needs of TempleUVUP? Initiate: I Do (or do not)

in the Temple?

Spiritual Mother: Do you promise to follow your elders

Initiate: I Do (or do not) Spiritual Father: Do you (initiates name) promise to follow our creed and Rules? Initiate: I Do (or do not) Spiritual Father: Have you read our Vampyrian bible or other books? Initiate: I have, I Will, or have not Spiritual Mother: What do you have to offer our Temple, what Order do you think you would best fill and do you think you can work under the elder of that order? Initiate: Answers Spiritual Father: Our Council has voted you in and you meet the requirements of an inner Temple Member. Do you promise to take any Temple problems or questions to the council and not any outside sources? Initiate: I Do (or do not)

Spiritual Mother: Do you promise to keep all the Temples information and our members information confidential and not talk about it to others who need not to know? Initiate: I Do (or do not) Spiritual Father: Do you promise to be open to our Temples beliefs and the various beliefs of our members and to not harass or give them a hard time because of their beliefs? Initiate: I Do (or do not) Spiritual Mother: As we are a growing Temple and have many financial needs to be meet is it in your budget to donate at least a small amount to the Temple? This will not affect our decision but we do need the support. Initiate: I Can (or Cannot) Spiritual Father and Mother: We now accept you into the inner Temple OR cannot accept you into the inner Temple Vampyrian Father J P Vanir



Spiritual Mother: Tonight we welcome (initiates name) into Spiritual Fatherhood/Motherhood. Spiritual Father: Would the initiate please step

(Initiate steps forward) Initiate: I stand here as a Spiritual Vampyr asking to

join your Spiritual Order as a Spiritual Father/Mother

posses the qualities we need as a Spiritual Father/Mother to have caught our attention

Spiritual Father: You are a very dedicated member and

Order but we still need to officially initiate you to mark you as a Spiritual Father/Mother

Spiritual Mother: The council has voted you into the

Spiritual Father: Take our Chalice and drink of the

knowledge to learn as a Spiritual Father/Mother

Initiate drink of the chalice. Spiritual Mother: Take of this blade and cut away your

prejudices as you allow your mind to open up to the knowledge gained allowing your self to evolve into a more Spiritual person and so you can help others in there Spiritual path

Initiate Takes the Blade and does as asked Spiritual Father: Do you promise to educate yourself in the Theology of your position and the various Spiritual paths? Initiate answers Spiritual Mother: Do you promise to take you position on as a dedicated individual and to help those who need your aid and knowledge? Initiate answers Spiritual Father: Do you promise to keep you mind open to all the various paths and beliefs of our Temple members? Initiate answers

Spiritual Mother: Do you promise to Aid your fellow Spiritual Father/Mothers in rituals as best you are able; including Ritual writing and performing when needed? Initiate answers Spiritual Father: Do you promise to Study the ways and beliefs of TempleUVUP and the Vampyrian Path to help others learn all about the Temple? Initiate answers Spiritual Father and Mother: We now welcome you into the Order or cannot accept you into the Order at this time!

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir


Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir:

(Recommend that this ceremony be performed at either sunset).

in agreement to stand between ______ and ______ we do this to represent the unity of both to commit the ultimate act of Unity. If within this moment you should find doubt in your heart, or if any present should know of any reason these two should not Bond Souls, I beg of you to say so now (pause). As they take of one another, ponder now the unity of there love and devotion. There cannot be one without the other. There is no beauty within the world without them both for this is blessed union (During this part, preparations should be being made by Husband and Wife for the "drawing" however that should occur or pouring the wine, etc. due to preference of the couple; though it is recommended that it is done on the wrists or in the palm of the hand by both partners as they join in there eternal blood bond).

Spiritual Father/Mother: This night, we join hands

WIFE (to husband):

Before you enter into this bonding of souls; to ______ be wise that you do not enter lightly. That which is bound by blood is not easily broken. Husband offers to future wife his blood (in chosen manner) and recites: Take of me and be mine I so long to be yours Stay with me through this journey Be the Beauty that never leaves me For I do so love you When offering is accepted Husband lights one RED candle before him

Husband (Speaking to Wife):

Before you enter into this bond of blood, of this marriage to husband, be wise that you do not enter lightly for that which is bound by blood is not easily broken. Wife offers to future husband her blood (in chosen manner) and recites the following: Take of me and be mine I so long to be yours Stay with me through this journey Be the Beauty that never leaves me For I do so love you (*Of course these can be altered if the couple has anything to add of their own or replaced although the candle bit is nice for symbolism) When offering is accepted wife lights the RED candle before there is nothing more sacred than these vows. You have spoken them now before: (______ fill in as applies to deity, family, friends all present)

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir


you up this night MY Dark Mother Lilith (Lilitu)

Spiritual Father: I, (Name), from my Vampyr Soul call

Priest and Brother to call you up this Night Blessed Lilitu (Lilith)

Spiritual Mother: I, (Name), also join in with my High

blessed Lilith (Lilitu)

Other Members: We, (Names), Join in to call upon our

(Song to Lilith) ALL SING:

Lilith, mother of darkness and sexuality (fertility) Open my mind to your thoughts and bring me closer to thee Lilitu, Dominating Goddess, Succubus, and Vampyr queen Make your self known to us Come to us this Night our Most Dark Blessed Vampyr Mother Hail To you Lilith (Lilith) we share with you our Taken energy that you may Bless us this Night and bring yourself closer to us all and make yourself known this Night (ALL HAIL)

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir


This is A Personal rite and is done by the one wishing to contact their inner Vampyr Soul and it is best if this is done during a new moon to summon Lilith or a full moon if you need awaken the nocturnal energy of the night as this may take a good amount of energy if you have not feed much in a while though you should spend time in a crowd to gain the energy needed:

Spiritual Father (Invocation of his Vampyr Soul): tonight I call out to my Vampyr Soul and reach into the depths of my inner self; the spirit that is the real me I call to the Vampyr Gods and Goddesses who first bore me and brought me to my first birth and ask them to make my past lives known to me. I ask also that my inner soul awakens and reveals itself to me (Take your blade or lancet and pierce your flesh lightly so that a small amount of blood flows into the chalice and drink it in either in liquid or by itself as you will you inner soul to awaken to you)

Spiritual Mother (Invocation of his Vampyr Soul): I open myself up to the Darkness inside, embrace the darkness of the night, and open myself up to the gods and spirits of the shadow realm (Breath in the energy of the night) Spiritual Father (Invocation of his Vampyr Soul): I embrace my spirit guides and Vampyr Gods/Goddesses. I also ask you to lead me in my Evolution of my Awakening that my Vampyr Soul becomes clearer to me every day of my existence in the body as well as the next and that my Loved one and Vampyr Family follows me into every Reincarnation of my Immortal Life

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

TempleUVUP Day of the Divine Ritual - JAN.


the Day of the Divine.

Spiritual Father: I welcome you here to the Ritual of


Spiritual Mother: This is a celebration of the Divine


Spiritual Father and Mother: Today I celebrate my

All Members: Today I celebrate my divinity! Spiritual Father: I peer into the still pool, and I admire

the reflection of my own eyes. I speak to myself, admiring the timber of my tone. I love myself, unashamed, and I am never alone. I am myself divine!

first serve the Self; even service to another can be selfish, for the purpose found in it serves the Self. I aspire always to meet my needs first, for I am myself divine!

Spiritual Mother: I cannot serve another if I cannot

All Members: I am myself divine! Spiritual Father: I pass this chalice and I place within

it, my knowledge of ________ to share (Gives Chalice to Spiritual Mother)

it, my knowledge of ________ to share (Gives Chalice to next Member)

Spiritual Mother: I pass this chalice and I place within

All Members: "pass the chalice" filling it with what they fill is the strongest knowledge that they are willing to share until it is "returned" to the Spiritual Father). Spiritual Father: I drink of the knowledge you have

shared of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine (Gives Chalice to Spiritual Mother)

shared of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine (Gives Chalice to next Member)

Spiritual Mother: I drink of the knowledge you have

of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine.)

All Members: I drink of the knowledge you have shared

the blade I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade. I pass this blade to the Spiritual Mother.

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade; in the reflection of

of the blade I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade. I pass this blade to _____ (Next Member).

Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade; in the reflection

"Blade" is passed to all Members until it is "returned" to the Spiritual Father). Spiritual Father: We are all divine and should

blade I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade. I pass this blade to _____ (Next Member -

All Members: I draw this blade; in the reflection of the

remember that! Hail the Divine!

Spiritual Mother: Hail the Divine! All Members: Hail the Divine!

Strength within yourself, and cherish your divinity. Thank you for sharing a moment of the celebration of your divinity with me!

Spiritual Father: Remember to love yourself, find

Spiritual Mother: Yes, thank you! Spiritual Father: Dark Blessings as the Ritual is Closed.

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Day of Re Awakening Ritual - APRIL 21st

celebrate and welcome the Season of new life, of the Re Awakening of the energies of the sleeping Earth. On a larger scale, it's the recognition and utilization of our own Re Awakenings Each passing day you Re Awaken to old knowledge; you open your eyes to new realizations. Hail to the Re Awakenings!

Spiritual Father: The Day of Re Awakening is to

sleeping mind as our spirits carry with us the experience of each lifetime and within us lays the key to many locked doors. During the Gatherings, it has become a tradition to burn a door. This symbolizes the casting away of that which separates; through this casting away we become united, not only with one another, but with that knowledge and wisdom that lies sleeping within us.

Spiritual Mother: Everything that is lies within the

with the force of my will into a key that will unlock many doors within my sleeping self. I pass this blade to our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade and transform it

with the force of my will into a key that will unlock many doors within my sleeping self. I pass this blade to _____ (next Member)

Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade and transform it

the force of my will into a key that will unlock many doors within my sleeping self. I pass this blade to _____. (Passes around the circle back to the Spiritual Father)

All Members: I draw this blade and transform it with

the rains of memories once closed to me

Spiritual Father: I lift this chalice and catch within it

the pouring rains of memory!

Spiritual Mother: I lift this chalice and catch within it

pouring rains of memory. I pass this Chalice to _____. (Passes the Chalice around the circle back to the Spiritual Father)

All Members: I lift this chalice and catch within it the

memory and experience of myself, of the Divine. I pass the chalice to our Spiritual Mother...

Spiritual Father: I take this chalice, and I drink of the

memory and experience of myself, of the Divine. I pass the chalice to ______ (next member)

Spiritual Mother: I take this chalice, and I drink of the

until it is returned to our Spiritual Father after repeating what has been stated above.

All Members: Drink of the chalice or pass respectively

and pay my respects to the blessings it places at my feet. Hail the Temple Earth, and it's Keepers! (Drinks of horn) Hail! I pass this horn to our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Father: I raise this horn to the Temple Earth,

and pay my respects to the many blessings that it provides within my life. Hail the Temple Earth, and it's Keepers! (Drinks of horn) Hail! I pass this horn to ______ (next member)

Spiritual Mother: I raise this horn to the Temple Earth,

the horn is returned to our Spiritual Father after repeating what has been stated above.

All Members: Raise the horn, or pass respectively until

and growing things, of new beginnings, of the rebirth of things that were sleeping. I challenge each and every one

Spiritual Father: Once again it is the Season of green

of you to pay homage to the Temple Earth in whatever way you can.

alongside the road, donate to a local charity that focuses on environmental impact, recycle if you weren't before. Plant a tree, write an article educating others on environmental issues (and I challenge you to do this without the politics that cause most to utterly ignore the good information that is available to them like that.)

Spiritual Mother: Pick up some trash out in the yard, or

of the Temple Earth! Hail the TempleUVUP and its Members! Hail the Divine! Hail!

All Members: Hail the Temple Earth, and the Keepers

Spiritual Father: Namaste! Spiritual Mother: Namaste! All Members: Namaste! Spiritual Father and Mother: Dark Blessings as the

Ritual Is now Closed.

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

and YOUR HIGHER POWERS By Vampyrian Father J P Vanir June 6th


Spiritual Father: Welcome to the feast of Lilith and your higher powers whoever they may be... Spiritual Mother: Namaste and welcome Other Members: Namaste Spiritual Father: I ask you now to call on your higher powers and give them the respect they deserve as your elders and higher spirits. If you dont have a higher power to call on you may salute yourself as we are all gods and goddesses in our own rite. I call on my mother Lilith though I am not one for worship so I also call on my spiritual self and ask for more strength as I continue on in my evolution of the higher self... Spiritual Mother: (call on higher powers) Other Members: (call on higher powers)

Spiritual Father: I now ask you to focus on your higher powers and on your higher self asking for guidance and strength taking in what you are given in your ever awakening path and spiritual Evolution. Raise the Blade up to them and then to yourself and raise the Chalice drinking of there gifts given to you this night Spiritual Mother: I now Raise the Blade up to them and then to yourself and raise the Chalice drinking of there gifts given to you this night Other Members: I now Raise the Blade up to them and then to yourself and raise the Chalice drinking of there gifts given to you this night Spiritual Father: Thank all those who have joined us

this night for coming, we were honored to have you here...


Spiritual Mother: Yes, thank you for coming, and Dark

Spiritual Father: The Ritual is now ended...

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

FOUNDER'S DAY RITUAL - AUG 12th and Birthday ritual day they occur

This is a personal ritual to aid each person in there ever evolving spiritual life:
Ritual for Father J P Chrstvampyr Vanir, Founder and Spiritual Father of TempleUVUPs birthday as well as all sacred birthdays as we are all Divine. I am DEVINE and must remember that! By my will I ask for knowledge and strength which is an ever need virtue in this life I ask my higher powers, those who look over me, as well as my Elders to help me accomplish these things As I grow Elder today never let me forget the things I have learned Thanks to all who are with me tonight and I bless you for your time and aid (Spirits, Gods or Friends)

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

October 18th

Layla's Day (Lilitu) By Vampyrian Father J P Vanir:

It was the Goddess Layla that led Vampyrian Father J P Vanir to Found the TempleUVUP

LILITH (Lilitu) and admire her dominating feminine attributes...

Spiritual Father: Tonight we celebrate my dark mother

Spiritual Mother: We also lift up our dominating feminine

attributes and allow them to aid us in our daily lives as need be...

dominating feminine attributes...

Other Members: Hail LILITH (Lilitu) and hail our

Lilith; As well as the dark and sexual nature of us all...

Spiritual Father: Tonight we feast on the nature of

ask her to open our eyes to our own abilities which she can aid us in if we only ask...

Spiritual Mother: We admire Lilith, her attributes, and

Other Members: Hail ourselves and Hail or other

spiritual natures...

Spiritual Father/Mother: Let us now join in the: INVOCATION OF LAYLA: Spiritual Father: I, (Name), from my Vampyr Soul call

you up this night MY Dark Mother Layla (Lilitu)

Father and Brother to call you up this Night Blessed Lilitu (Lilith)

Spiritual Mother: I, (Name), also join in with my High

of the Night

Other Members: We join in to call upon our blessed Lady

(Song to Layla) ALL SING:

Blessed Layla, mother of darkness and sexuality (fertility) Open my mind to your thoughts and bring me closer to thee Dominating Goddess, Succubus, and Vampyr queen Make your self known to us Come to us Goddess of Night our Most Dark Blessed Vampyr Mother

Hail To you Layla (Lilith) we share with you our Taken energy that you Bless us this Night and bring yourself closer to us all and make yourself known this Night (ALL HAIL)

feminine dominating attributes and learn from them as well as learn from Lilith and your chosen path....

Spiritual Father: I challenge you to explore your own

explore your given abilities and to exercise your energy manipulating gifts...

Spiritual Mother: I also challenge you to learn how to

from my higher powers and gain from them and to allow myself to evolve in my spiritual nature...

Other Members: I challenge myself to learn to take

I now take my blade and draw an inverted Pentagram to represent my Otherkin (Vampyr) nature and ask my spirit guides to protect me in my ever awakening path... ***You may choose to do this or pass depending on you own personal beliefs on the pentagram. Although the Pentagram is a nature symbol in the Pagan Spirituality; it represents mankind as well in other faiths

Spiritual Father: (Now do as I do and repeat after me)

As shown below the inverted Pentagram most likely represents Otherkin (Vampyres) such as us):

(c) Bessy Interior Pentagrams - located in the Bessy book English edition

Spiritual Mother: I ask you to then take of the Chalice

and Drink of the gifts and requests you have asked for

Other Members: AYE Let it be so Spiritual Father: Thank all those who have joined us this

night for coming, we were honored to have you here...

Spiritual Father/Mother: Dark Blessings as the Ritual has now Closed... Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

HARVEST END RITUAL - OCT 31st By: Vampyrian Father J P Vanir To honor our Ancestors and to celebrate the bounty of the Harvest and our food sources. We have sown that which we planted during the Reawakening of Spring, that which we tended. Now we can take pride in the fruits of our labor and those who have feed us (including our life energy providers).

Life givers as well as the plants and animals that gave our human side its sustenance.

Spiritual Father: Tonight we join together and honor our

ALL Vampyres: AYE! We thank you for your gifts of

life and sustenance!

it will remain healthy; if you ever feel weak that you will alert your Vampyr so he or she will give you time to heal and give you space so it will not result in sympathetic Vampyrism.

Spiritual Mother: We also bless our soul and body that

ALL Vampyres: AYE!

Vampyr presents Life Force Giver and the LFGs present in the Ritual. I then take the Blade and bless each LFG Present

Spiritual Father: I will now light a (red) candle for each

(Lights all candles) ALL Present: (join hands) Let the energy flow Spiritual Mother: We now bless our harvest and the

future harvests of the next season

ALL Vampyres: AYE! Spiritual Father: We also want to thank our higher Gods

and Goddesses for our blessed harvest and Our Dark Mother for the Blessed energy we received.

ALL Vampyres: AYE! Spiritual Mother: I will now light a (large Black) candle

to honor our higher powers for there aid in the harvest and another (large Red) candle to honor our dark mother for her aid in our energy intake. We know Take up the chalice to drink of her gifts

ALL Present: (join hands) AYE; Let the energy flow Spiritual Father: My Spiritual Mother and I wish to

thank you for your participation in the Harvest end Ritual


Spiritual Mother: AYE; Thank you all and Dark

Spiritual Father: Dark Blessings Ritual is closed

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir


A day to celebrate the lives of the blood that has gone before us! To Celebrate and admire our Elders who have passed on to the next life. ***MANY Candles are a must for this Ritual to honor our recently past ancestors as well

our ancestors

Spiritual Father: Tonight we are gathered here to honor

recently passed on from our lives into there next journey and hope to meet them one day in the future

Spiritual Mother: We wish to remember those who have

ALL Present: AYE - Let it be so Spiritual Father: Let us now name those who have

passed on recently to honor there memory and how they have touched our lives.

All who wish to honor those who have passed on may do so now and light a candle for each person

spirit and the requests of these left behind in there memory as well as cut away there sorrows

Spiritual Father: I lift up the Blade to honor there

drink in the gifts of our loved ones

Spiritual Mother: I pass the chalice around as we each

Each member who has lost someone drinks of the chalice; hoping to reclaim a gift or new memory of there loved one Spiritual Father: The Ritual is now over and Dark

Blessing to you all

behind to join with us to enjoy cakes and ale

Spiritual Mother: Thank you for coming Please Stay

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir and Lady Aromaura


welcome you here tonight.

Spiritual Father: First of all, we would both like to


Spiritual Mother: Yes, welcome, and thank you for

Spiritual Father: It is a very special night; it is a celebration of the _____ year the TempleUVUP has been
in existence. I can hardly believe it has been that long, and I am proud to see what has become of my Temple. Thank you all for your parts in that.

We have tried to be as inclusive as we possibly could with this Ritual, and would LOVE feedback on how well we managed it. Last but not least, once the Ritual has begun, until its end. we would respectively ask that all Members refrain from any other activity during the Ritual and in the Ritual space. From the moment Founding Father J P Vanir states that we are beginning, until the time that he says we have ended. Please respect that this is being treated as a sacred space.

*We will take a few minutes here in case there are any questions or new comers and then well get started.*

Spiritual Father: We shall begin (Raises Blade).

Welcome and Hail! Tonight is a blessed night, and we welcome all those who would join us in this celebration of the TempleUVUPs Anniversary! To begin this Ritual, we shall pass the blade, and in so doing, hail what Deities we honor, what we as individuals find Divine, ourselves inclusive. I shall begin Hail! (Shares what he would say about his Goddess here) I pass this blade to Our Spiritual Mother All Members: Hail!

Spiritual Mother: I pass this blade to ______ (Who

ever is next)

All Members: Hail!

*continues around the room until the blade is returned

to our Spiritual Father with Hails for all members as they are passing the blade Spiritual Mother: We pass the blade to honor that which

must be divided so that it can be shared.

my Ancestors, I remember those who were wise before me, and are wiser than me still. I know that I can come to them for Guidance, and I rest assured that they have Wisdom for me. I fill this chalice with Hails to them, for one day I know I shall drink of this too. I Hail ______ (name ancestors he wishes to Hail or he can just say

Spiritual Father: I take up this Chalice, and I remember


I pass this chalice to our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Mother: I Hail ______ (Hails Ancestors)

I pass this chalice to ______ (Next Member) *All Members continue passing the Chalice and saying their Hails to the Ancestors until all have had a turn and the chalice is returned to our Spiritual Father

Spiritual Father: Now we shall fill the Chalice, so that

next we may drink of it. We fill this Chalice with our Hopes and Dreams, our Goals and our Desires. That which we wish to manifest we put into it.

I place within the Chalice ______ (what he wishes to place in it) I pass the Chalice to Our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Mother: I place within the Chalice ______ (what I want to place into it)
I pass the Chalice to ______ (Next Member) *All Members continue to pass the Chalice in such fashion until it is full and returned to our Spiritual Father.*

Spiritual Father: Heartily I drink from this Chalice, with

many hopes that you all achieve that which you desire! As we pass it, remember that tonight is a celebration, a celebration of Achievement and Foundation. Share with us, if you will, a moment that has been to you a great achievement. I shall begin. (Shares a moment that he

finds to be a great personal achievement. hopefully something about the Temple crops up) I now pass this
Chalice to our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Mother: (Shares something that she finds to

be a great personal achievement)

I pass this horn to ______ (Next Member) *All Members pass the Chalice until it is empty and returned to our Spiritual Father.*

attendance tonight, and your participation in this Temple. Before we end this Ritual, I would like to have a minute of silence in the Ritual Space to reflect upon our Mother Earth, and our duty toward the Realm that we live in

Spiritual Father: I cannot thank you enough for your

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Ritual of the Longest Night - DEC. 21st:

Spiritual Father: Welcome to the Ritual of the Longest


Spiritual Mother: Yes, welcome, thank you for coming! Father: This is a Ritual to celebrate the longest night of

the year, an especially sacred time, when much lingers on the brink of death, existing in the places in between. Many celebrate the returning of the Sun, but we also celebrate its absence, for there is much that is beautiful about the Night. We are gathered in a time to connect with Ones own Darkness, to examine the journey. More than all else, to step outside the bounds of what we already know, and into the realms of the unknown.

Spiritual Father and Mother: We shall begin. Spiritual Father: I call to thee Mother Layla, Hecate,

and Father Set; I call to thee to join me in Ritual this, the longest Night. Dark Layla, come, celebrate this Darkness with me, come revel in the deep black. Layla, Mother, Goddess, Vampyr Queen! To you I do sacrifice this Light (blows out candle) Hail Layla, Hecate, and Father Set!

Spiritual Mother: I call to thee Kali Ma, Kali Durga, kala,

time, Mother, destroyer, bloodthirsty dancer! I call to thee and cry to thee Ama! Before me, you change shape, at once Lilith, at your feet are owls, and in your eyes are the Spirits of the Wind, and you are Mother still. Unto the Mother of Darkness I do sacrifice this flame (blows out candle)

Hail Kali, Hail Layla, Hail! (Each Member offers the light to their Deity/Divine by blowing out their candle, until all are standing in Darkness.)

Spiritual Father: Darkness is often thought of as a time

for dreams, for those of us who dwell in the dark, life can often seem a Dream. It is true, the Night is not reserved for Fantasy, but when the light has left, in the secret dark of our selves, there is Desire born.

Spiritual Mother: I would ask that each of you reveal to

yourself, a piece of your Darkness, something born of your Desire. Speak it to yourself, or write it down where you can face it for what it is. Dont share it here; this is for you and the Dark alone to know. (We will observe two

minutes of silence in the chat for the completion of this activity.)

see it in the Darkness, I could be grasping the hilt or the blade. (Raises athame) I am spared, it is true to me. But had it not been, how easily a lesson learned, than to go grasping for things in the Dark. I do not deny Darkness, and it is true to me, but it can cut me quick, and I do not grasp it lightly. I have great respect for that which is Dark, and here on this, the longest Night of the year, I celebrate its power. I pass this blade to our Spiritual Mother. Hail the Darkness! (All Members: Hail!)

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade, and with no eyes to

from the Light, but the Darkness is a part of us, just as integral, and equally as sacred. As we seek to achieve Balance, we must meter out as well a time for the Dark. This is that time! I pass this blade to ______ (Next Member) Hail!

Spiritual Mother: We are not monsters, we do not hide

(All Members pass the blade until it is returned to our Spiritual Father.)

Chalice if you will, for there are dark blessings on your lips, and I would have them! (Drinks of chalice) Ina Etuti Absu! Dwell in Darkness! I pass this chalice to Our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Father: Dark Mother, drink with me of this

for from it the blood of my Ancestors is born, and I would have their Wisdom tonight. (Drinks of chalice) Ina Etuti Absu! Dwell in Darkness! I pass this chalice to ______

Spiritual Mother: Darkness, drink with me of this cup,

(Chalice is passed to all Members until it is empty and returned to Spiritual Father) Spiritual Father: Thank all those who have joined us this

night for coming; we were honored to have you here


Spiritual Mother: Yes, thank you for coming, and Dark

Spiritual Father: The Ritual is ended

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

TempleUVUP Day of Renewal Ritual:

Tonight we seek to honor anew those oaths, pacts and promises that we have made to ourselves and others. We strive to replenish our efforts towards setting and achieving those goals that best serve ourselves and those we choose to include within our efforts. May the Divine be with us through this Ritual of Renewal. Mother Lilith, Father Set, and Hecate stand with me this night!

Spiritual Father: Welcome to the Ritual of Renewal.

with me this night as I seek Renewal!

Spiritual Mother: Ma Kali, Durga, Father Shiva, stand

(All Members call to that which they consider Divine, or pass as they will.)

my intent to achieve my goals, to honor my oaths, and any pacts that I have made. (List any goals that you want to share that you intend to renew your purpose to achieve.) I pass this chalice to Our Spiritual Mother.

Spiritual Father: I hold this chalice, and I place within it

my intent to achieve my goals, to honor my oaths, and any pacts that I have made. (List any goals that you want to

Spiritual Mother: I hold this chalice, and I place within it

share that you intend to renew your purpose to achieve.) I pass this chalice to ______ (Next Member)

(All Members I hold this chalice, and I place within it my intent to achieve my goals, to honor my oaths, and any pacts that I have made. List any goals that you want to The chalice is Passed until All Members have had it and it is returned to our Spiritual Father.)

share that you intend to renew your purpose to achieve.

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade and with it I cut

away at the obstacles, self imposed and otherwise, that have inhibited me thus far from: achieving the goals I have set, held me back from the promises/oaths I have made, or caused me to break pacts that I have made. I will not be ruled by my weaknesses! I pass this blade to our Spiritual Mother.

away at the obstacles, self imposed and otherwise, that have inhibited me thus far from: achieving the goals I have set, held me back from the promises/oaths I have made, caused me to break pacts that I have made. I will not be ruled by my weaknesses! I pass this blade to ______ (Next Member)

Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade, and with it, I cut

to pass, until it is returned to our Spiritual Father.

All Members: I take the blade excepting those who wish

is promised to you by you, visit that which you have promised others, and truly weigh that which you can keep and that which you cannot.

Spiritual Father: In this Day of Renewal, visit that which


Spiritual Father: Dark Blessings as The Ritual is now

Spiritual Mother: Thank you for coming and Dark


Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

TempleUVUP Dark Moon Ritual:


1. All Hails are followed with a Hail from All Members

participating. 2. As the blade is passed to you please respond with the oath as made by 3. Our Spiritual Father/mother until the blade is returned to the Elder Father. 4. As the chalice is passed please do the same. If you do not wish to participate feel free to pass and it shall most certainly be respected. 5. Once the Ritual has begun, the Ritual space is considered sacred space, and we would ask that it be treated as such until such time as the Ritual is completed. 6. We are Intolerant of Intolerance here at the Temple. We would ask All Members to be respectful of one another. Thank you for your participation!

Moon, we are glad to have you!

Spiritual Father: Welcome to the Ritual of the Dark


Spiritual Mother: It is a blessing to have you with us

Moon. Many things are revealed in the Darkness, and as we are Seekers, this is our time. Tonight we seek to remember the spring, both within the mundane world, and within our Spiritual Selves. Soon enough, the time for Renewal will be upon us. Tonight we seek to prepare for that Renewal.

Spiritual Father: Layla, Dark Mother, tonight is the Dark

alone. And while we love and respect our physical vehicle, we also recognize that we are ever Awakening, and it is now the time to reconnect with our spiritual bodies, with our spiritual Self.

Spiritual Mother: We are more than our physical selves

intent to better know the facets of my spiritual Self that have lain sleeping and dormant. I pass the chalice to our Spiritual Mother.

Spiritual Father: I take this chalice and I fill it with my

intent to better know the facets of my spiritual self that have lain sleeping and dormant. I pass the chalice to ______ (Next Member) *All Members I take this chalice and I fill it with my intent to better know the facets of my spiritual self that have lain sleeping and dormant. I pass the chalice to ______ (Next Member until it is returned to Our Spiritual Father...

Spiritual Mother: I take this chalice and I fill it with my

Spiritual Father: I drink of this chalice, and I take into

myself, the clarity to Awaken. I now pass the chalice to our Spiritual Mother

myself, the clarity to Awaken. I pass the chalice to ______ (Next Member)

Spiritual Mother: I drink of this chalice, and I take into

*All Members following suit, or passing, as the chalice is passed to them until it is returned to our Spiritual Father

that which sleeps within me. I shall not fear that which is but a part of me, and I shall not deny myself. Hail!

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade, and I with it, I stir

Spiritual Mother: Hail!

*All Members Hail!

that which sleeps within me. I shall not fear that which is but a part of me, and I shall not deny myself. Hail! Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade and I with it I stir that which sleeps within me. I shall not fear that which is but a part of me, and I shall not deny myself. Hail! *All Members I draw this blade and I with it I stir that which sleeps within me. I shall not fear that which is but a part of me, and I shall not deny myself. Hail! (Passing around the circle until the blade is returned to our Spiritual Father.

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade and I with it I stir

Spiritual Father: Hail the Divine! Spiritual Mother: Hail!

*All Members Hail!

Spiritual Father: Thank you for being with us here for

this months Ritual of the Dark Moon!

Blessings as The Ritual is now Closed

Spiritual Mother: Thank you! Spiritual Father: Dark

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

TempleUVUP Dark Moon Ritual 2:

Spiritual Father: Welcome to the Rite of the Dark Moon,

we are glad to have you!

Spiritual Mother: Yes welcome! Spiritual Father: Tonight we explore the strengthening

of the spiritual Self through better understanding of the relationship between the physical and the spiritual. I would like each of you to take a moment to center yourself. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. Allow yourself to feel the oxygen being carried to your lungs. Really pay attention to the process.

the air travel throughout your body. Your body is not a dead instrument. You have the capability to communicate with your physical state, to direct some of its functions, and to recognize its needs as they come about.

Spiritual Mother: With practice, you can actually feel

Spiritual Father: We shall begin.

Many things are revealed in the Darkness and as we are Seekers this is our time. Tonight we seek to awaken to our physical selves, to indulge in physical things, to be more aware of our bodys needs, wants and desires. Join with us Mother; guide us to that which we seek! Hail! (All Members follow with Hail!)

Spiritual Mother: Dark Mother tonight is the Dark Moon.

of this flesh it is you who gave us our bodies. Your sacred act bore us into this world and through it you have created the vehicles with which our spirits reside. Join us, share with us your wisdom's, and guide us in this Ritual! Hail! (All Members follow with Hail!)

Spiritual Mother: Ancestors be with us tonight; makers

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade, and with it, I cut

away any and all neglect I have had in regards to my physical vehicle. I pass this blade to our Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade, and with it, I cut

away any and all neglect I have had in regards to my physical vehicle. I pass this blade to ______ (Next Member)

(All Members pass the blade, repeating the oath not to

neglect their physical vehicles until the blade is returned to our Spiritual Father) Spiritual Father: I drink of this chalice, and so doing, I

take into myself the power to change the way that I treat my physical vehicle. (Drinks of the chalice) I pass the chalice to our Spiritual Mother

take into myself the power to change the way that I treat my physical vehicle. (Drinks of the chalice) I pass the chalice to ______ (Next Member) (All Members pass the chalice, taking in the power to

Spiritual Mother: I drink of this chalice, and so doing, I

change the way they treat their physical vehicle, until the chalice is returned to our Spiritual Father) Spiritual Father: We are each of us Divine, in body and

spirit. I hope that you leave the Ritual tonight with renewed purpose towards your awareness of your physical vehicle.

Spiritual Mother: Hail! (All Members answer with Hail!)

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

TempleUVUP Full Moon Ritual:

will be to the Earth. There is much more to it than that however as it is also a healing moon reflecting healing energies back to us that we may freely partake in. If you can tonight after the Ritual, step outside and bask in it a moment. If you are house bound, stand in a window and let that energy work its way to you.

Spiritual Father: Tonight is the closest that the Moon

anxiety and stress that has been with you today, send it from you, and draw into yourself the ambient energies about you. Continue this a moment until you feel as though you have centered a bit. Dont rush yourself; we shall wait three minutes to give everyone some time for this.

Spiritual Mother: Take a moment to ground out all the

Spiritual Father and Mother: We shall begin. Spiritual Father: Hail all that which is Divine! I ask that

you be here with us tonight as we partake of the healing energies of the Moon; as we seek to heal from injuries both current, past, physical and spiritual may your blessings be upon this Ritual and our participants. Hail!

Spiritual Mother: Hail!

(All Members participating respond with Hail.)

Spiritual Father: I draw this blade heating it with the

fires that burn in my heart and with it I cauterize the wounds of the past. I seek to be free of those wounds and as dearly as I hold the lessons learned from receiving them I shall feel their pain no longer! I pass this blade to my fellow Spiritual Mother.

the fires that burn in my heart and with it, I cauterize the wounds of the past. I seek to be free of those wounds, and as dearly as I hold the lessons learned from receiving them, I shall feel their pain no longer! I pass this blade to ______ (Next Member) (The blade is passed to each Member, who speaks the same words as did the Father/Mother until it is returned to the Spiritual Father.)

Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade, and I heat it with

fills with the healing energies of the Moon I take a moment to be thankful for that which sustains me. I drink of this chalice and take within myself the power to heal from injuries both physical and spiritual (Drinks of chalice). I pass this chalice to Our Spiritual Mother.

Spiritual Father: I hold this chalice to the sky and as it

myself the power to heal from injuries both physical and spiritual (Drinks of the chalice). I pass this chalice to ______ (Next Member) (The chalice is passed to All Members participating, each

Spiritual Mother: I drink of this chalice and take within

speaking the same words as Potential, until it is empty and returned to our Spiritual Father) Spiritual Father: Now we may make our appeals to the

Divine about that which we would have healed within ourselves. I shall begin (Ask for Healing)

Spiritual Mother: Hail!

(All participating Members follow with Hail!)

Spiritual Mother: I would have healing for (that which you would have healing for) Hail! Spiritual Father: Hail!
(All Members follow with Hail!) Next Member continues with appeals for healing until all Members have had a turn.

us through this Rite. Blessings be upon you! Hail!

Spiritual Father: Our thanks to the Divine for being with

Spiritual Mother: Hail! (All Members follow with Hail.) Spiritual Father: The Ritual is ended. Dark Blessings and

Thank you for coming!

Spiritual Priestess: Yes, thank you for coming.

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Ritual for Affirmation of Strength:

*It is suggested previous to conducting this Ritual, to spend the day focusing on the body, and on how youre will effects your body. Are you feeding your body what

it needs? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you tending to any wounds/illnesses that you are suffering from?

Remember, there are millions of living organisms existing within you; some of them lend you Strength in ensuring your bodys proper function. Are you doing what need to do to ensure you are reaping the benefits of these "co-existences?" Are you being DIVINELY RESPONSIBLE? If you practice any form of physical grounding, such as Yoga, or Reiki, take the time to balance yourself out as much as possible before beginning this Ritual. Conducting this Ritual during illness, or when you are physically exhausted will most likely detract from its overall effect.

In this particular Ritual, I will only be addressing the Divinity of the Self *Of course, whatever Deity/Entity/Ideology that you

find personally fulfilling should be included within the Ritual when you perform it for yourself. (Modifying the Ritual in such a manner can only add to its benefit, as long as focus on the Self remains intact within the Ritual.) (I would like to suggest that if you are finding yourself squeamish about calling yourself Divine; take the time to explore that before beginning the Ritual. If you are not feeling good about who and what you are, the effect of the Ritual will not be as great.) This Ritual can be conducted alone, or in acceptance of those that you trust. I would not suggest performing this Ritual with persons you have only just met, or with anyone with whom you share any animosity. Focusing on the Self in such a fashion can be a highly personal thing, and selfconsciousness will most likely distract from the key moments of Focus.

Just before Gathering your tools together, sit down and meditate. *Stretch your whole body, feel the vitality in

the very Core of you stretch along with the muscles of your flesh. This Ritual is for Affirmation of Strength

within your WHOLE SELF. You've got to wake up every bit of you for a little "exercise"

(Don't get started until you get that vibratory feeling with every movement, use that momentum to begin). Gather something that represents the following to you: 1. Water 2. Fire 3. Earth 4. Air/Wind 5. Strength 6. Balance

Suggested Items (Can include any and/or all): 1. Bowl of Water/Chalice filled with Water/Location near/on the water 2. Candles/Fire/Symbol for Fire/Runes for Fire/Burning Incense/Herbs/Oils 3. Clay/Fresh Earth/Wood/Stone/Naturally Formed Gems and Crystals/Runes 4. Runes/Symbol/Wind chimes/Wind instrument/*It should be noted to the followers of Lilith that she is well known as a Wind Goddess, and therefore could be appropriately honored here* 5. What makes you think of the word Strong? It's a big strong bodybuilder? Well, then if you can convince one to stand in your first inclination may not be feasible obviously, but there are many types of strength and as many different things that can be representative of it to any one individual. (If you are performing this Ritual indoors and are trying to be relatively discrete, a drawing would suffice just as easily. Or even a symbol for strength, or even just the word.)

6. I would highly suggest scales. It is highly symbolic for most people, but if you have an image/symbol that you associate with Balance more readily, then by all means, use what is the most meaningful to you (Yin and Yang, Chalice and Blade Any or all combinations, as you see fit). Think about how these tools strengthen: Resolve, Awareness, and how they affect the Strength of your Focus. As you perform the Opening Phase of your Ritual for Affirmation of Strength, take the time to also focus on the ability you have to protect yourself from harm. Pay careful heed to the ways that you set about "protecting" the sacred space in which you intend to hold the Ritual. *I make no suggestions here as to how to do this. (Each method is highly personal to the individual I feel, and trying to encompass the true scope of what this can entail would only deter from the rest of the Rite. Use whatever is best for you.) Once you have set your protections, called your corners, or hailed your patron Gods/Goddesses (as you would), it is time to perform the Rite of Affirmation of Strength.

Center yourself and pull your Focus away from the distractions of the Mundane.

found Strength within the External, there is Strength within you as well, and it is time to face that Strength and claim it as your own.) Voice that out loud.

*Really examine the Symbolism of that which you have set before you. (Try to understand that just as you have

"I possess Strength, both within my physical body, and within the limitless bounds of myself."

Do you feel Strong after saying this?

My guess is that many of you who had/have trouble with the concept that you are yourself Divine are ALSO feeling a little odd with the notion that you are STRONG but now you must say something even more unsettling now you must reveal to yourself a very important TRUTH "I possess DIVINE STRENGTH. I am DIVINELY STRONG." Say it until you are practically (or better yet ARE) screaming at the top of your lungs.

Granted that it won't get the authorities called to your door but as loudly and confidentially as you can, affirm to yourself that you are both divine and Strong. *You may find yourself balking, this is rather like the reaction a lot of Self Help "tell yourself you love yourself in the mirror" exercises go, and in this case it is generally because you have yet to face the Weakness that you feel is stopping you from seeing yourself as an individual

capable of Divine Strength.

(If you feel as though you cannot retain youre Focus, and

you begin to react negatively while attempting to do this portion of the Ritual, it is perfectly acceptable to substitute verbally speaking the words with writing them down.) It is certainly more effective to speak them, but this Affirmation of Strength can be repeated as many times as you need to achieve the desired result (Perhaps you will feel more confident the next time you conduct the Ritual).

Once you have completed your affirmations, it is time to visit your individual Strengths and Weaknesses.

and it should be tucked away for the next Affirmation of Strength that you perform, to show yourself the progress you have made toward developing those Strengths, and warding against those Weaknesses) Knowing the ways in which we are weak is half the battle toward the prevention of falling victim to our own selfsabotage. Visit each of the tools that you chose to represent the Concepts listed above.

*In this case, it is best not only to speak these aloud, but to also write them down (Just a short description will do,

*As you do so, reflect upon ways that you can use those tools (and what they stand for) toward Strengthening yourself even further. Now it's time to do that all over body stretch again, let yourself revel in the space you are in, allow the physical to encompass you for as long as you are comfortable with it. *Celebrate that vibratory momentum, dance, sing, have


(Allow yourself physical release of some kind whether its pushups, a mile run, or just taking a nice stroll through the park get moving! Let yourself explore freely the Strength of your body, and never mind if you can't do what that Olympic Bodybuilder does, allow yourself to be proud of what you ARE able to do..) When you have wound down complete the closing down of the ritual. *Once again, I make no suggestion as to how this should be done, as each will have their own. (But I would hang on to that list of Strengths and Weaknesses until you perform the Ritual again.) Try to keep in mind throughout the rest of your "day" that you are indeed Strong, that you possess Divine Strength, and that you bare a Divine Responsibility to yourself to afford yourself those things that lead to the maintenance and further development of that Strength.

Rev. Samilyn and Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Vampyrian Justice Spell:

A Spell for a more instant punishment for someone who has done wrong; though it may not work if they have not done wrong and depending on the strength of your will power. This is an individual spell and the one performing it is considered the Spiritual Father or Mother. It is best if you have a personal object of your target though it may work regardless depending again on your will and intentions of the spell *** For best results one can use the Ritual set up but it is not necessary. *** However a Black Ritual Candle is necessary


I gather myself in this ritual space tonight to ask for justice where wrong was done against myself (or my Brother/Sister kin) (repeat) I take this object of ______ (personal of the wrong doer or object of focus) and cast my will upon it and imagine a proper punishment for the wrong doing you have done * Write the (detailed) punishment down and the persons name on this paper (is if it where done this very moment) *Place the paper under this black candle thinking of them as you do it to offer it up to the ritual realm so it will reach the intended target who committed this crime I again ask for justice where wrong was done against myself (or my Brother/Sister kin) (repeat) I ask for aid of our Gods and Goddesses to aid in Justice for wrong doing and thank you for your protection myself and your children AYE (or) let it be so

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Vampyrian Protection Spell:

This is an individual spell and the one performing it is considered the Spiritual Father or Mother. It is best if you have a personal object of your target though it may work regardless depending again on your will and intentions of the spell *** For best results one can use the Ritual set up but it is not necessary. *** However a Black Ritual Candle is necessary I gather myself in this ritual space tonight to ask for Protection from ______ against curses or any wrong doing from (name of individual) *Hold personal object while repeating your request *Write his or her name on a piece of paper

*Place the paper under this black candle (thinking of them) to offer it up to the ritual realm so it will reach the intended target and bind them from doing harm I ask for aid of our Gods and Goddesses to aid in protection from curses or wrong doing against your children and followers. We also thank you for your protection of your children AYE (or) let it be so

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Well basically as I have said before we are the born from the mating of Humans and the Vampyr Gods - Goddesses - spirits which come from the shadow realm but I also have come to the belief that often humans can be temporarily possessed by a Vampyr spirit in there sleep or it can exchange there human child with there Vampyr Child. Layla was none of the oldest human Vampyres although she was created by God as man was originally touched with the essence of gods Vampyric abilities which they lost over time and there eating of the tree so god took there Vampyrism and Immortality away. But Lilith also became a Goddess by having sex with other Gods and spirits and taking apart of them inside her self she evolved into a Goddess. So Humans also have the ability to become Vampyres IF they know how to take from the right sources as any human can Vampyrise another person. I believe they can spiritually evolve into a Vampyr or any God if they know how... A Vampyr can take from anything and even another Vampyr however most Vampyres shield from this. However Vampyres have a higher energy metabolism which is why we must feed often from humans so I dont recommend taking from your own kin. I will say anything you take enough from you will take some of there essence as Lilith did to achieve her Goddess status. I am not sure about a persons condition after Astral feeding though I suppose they might not feel like they got a full nights rest? However normal humans who have a regular energy metabolism get plenty of energy from various souses one of witch (the sun) actually drains us where Vampyres energy never lasts very long and we need to feed may times more than most living things and food may feed our human nature our Vampyr soul needs other sources to keep us healthy or our inner Vampyr may feed on our own human body. So although we are older than human kind or at least our Spirit is we are also the Evolution of humanity as they can become as we are. Vampyrism is Spiritual in every way

as our Vampyrism is our Spirituality and we feed on the energy which is a part of the Spirit... The gods who also receive worship don't even have to try to get it or leave there realm to get the energy they need it is given freely thanks to there worshippers. However we have to actively go out and get what we need to survive and many us are unable to get what we need if we don't live in an active enough community. IT'S NOT FAIR! So we must take some of there worship as they only need so much to survive. The gods and Goddesses are growing more powerful on this worship as we there children are starving. However some of our Mothers and Fathers do aid us some are selfish and do not so we must go to there (Christian) churches and take from them. I also believe Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits are Immortal however I also believe they can be destroyed by another devouring or taking in there whole essence or Spirit.

Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

Healing Ritual:
Please take a moment to first ground and expel any stresses of the day (wait two minutes) Energy from the North, South, East, and West hear my call Energy from the Earth, rise! Energy from the element of Fire, rise! Energy of the Winds, rise! Energy from the element of Water, rise! Energy of the Spirit, rise! Send healing from the Spiritual Realm to ______ Send healing from below Send healing energy to all those in need as healing energy flows Let it radiate through them and grow to a vibration Forcing the pain to cease and as the energy grows Let us all now raise our projective giving hands

Visualize healing pure energy flowing out of them Visualize it surrounding ______ and growing bright (Blue or white) as all our energy is around him Growing bright now surrounded with bright warm healing energy As the ritual comes to an end let us all light out (blue or white) candles and let them burn until they put themselves out Blessings to all who attended and healing blessing to those who need healing Lady Aromaura and Founding Father J P Vanir

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